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Only because I've barely practiced in the past 14 years. When I finally nailed Eric Johnson's "Manhattan," start to finish, there was just nowhere else to go...


Free Bird would be the next logical step.

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Only because I've barely practiced in the past 14 years. When I finally nailed Eric Johnson's "Manhattan," start to finish, there was just nowhere else to go...


That's probably because you were married at the time. A single guy with a guitar gets the chicks.






Only because I've barely practiced in the past 14 years. When I finally nailed Eric Johnson's "Manhattan," start to finish, there was just nowhere else to go...


Ha! playing other peoples' stuff is easy. :nana:



Playing Eric Johnson's stuff is never easy.


No, I suppose it isn't. Being a local boy, he's pretty big around here, but I've only ever heard of him playing in town once (at a G3 with Satriani, Vai, and Petrucci - it was a great show).


But I've done enough off-topic deviating....



No, I suppose it isn't. Being a local boy, he's pretty big around here, but I've only ever heard of him playing in town once (at a G3 with Satriani, Vai, and Petrucci - it was a great show).


But I've done enough off-topic deviating....

You deviate, you.

Is The Administration’s Position on Global Warming Scientific?


Across a broad range of issues, liberals ignore the relevant science. Perhaps global warming is foremost on this list. For an elegant, brief statement of why this is true, let’s turn to climate scientist Judith Curry. This is an excerpt from her observations on Obama’s “Clean Power Plan.”


Do you think Obama’s messaging about climate change is true to the science?


Well, the one thing you don’t hear President Obama mention is how much his proposed emissions reductions will reduce global warming. My recent Congressional testimony cited the following numbers for President Obama’s commitment to the UN: It has been estimated that the U.S. INDC of 28% emissions reduction by 2025 will prevent 0.03 degree C in warming by 2100. It has been estimated that the U.S. INDC of 80% emissions reduction by 2025 will prevent 0.11 degree C warming by 2100. And these estimates assume that climate model projections are correct; if the climate models are over sensitive to CO2, then amount of warming prevented will be even smaller.



The models are obviously over-sensitive to CO2, since they say we should already have experienced a considerable amount of warming that hasn’t come to pass.


The economic argument is rather dicey; economic impact models are far more uncertain even than climate models. The social cost of carbon estimates made by the White House require assumptions out to the year 2300 for drastic CO2 reductions to be cost effective.

The public health arguments are even weaker. CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with asthma. Extreme weather events are not increasing with increased CO2; extreme weather events are dominated by natural climate variability. Particularly in the U.S., extreme weather was substantially worse in the 1930’s and 1950’s.






So, in other words, the Democrats’ plan to cripple our economy in order to enrich Big Green is entirely unscientific.





Leading science publisher retracts dozens of papers for fake peer reviews

Springer Publishing, one of the world’s leading publishers of Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) books and journals, issued an announcement this week that 64 different professional articles, primarily in the medical field, had been retracted. It turns out that the vaunted peer review process, designed to ensure that multiple sets of experts evaluate the quality of the work before it hits the presses, had fallen apart. The peer reviews in some cases were found to be “highly suspicious” with bogus email addresses and questionable credentials.


more at the link




I'm glad that's settled......


Thermometers around the world have apparently settled on July being the hottest ever...


Around the world? The thermometers in the southern hemisphere are registering the warmest winter ever?


Thermometers around the world have apparently settled on July being the hottest ever...


Because temperatures are skewed by the "worst el Nino ever" (except for, y'know, the LAST worst one ever. And the one before that).


So does el Nino cause global warming? Or is global warming caused by el Nino?



Around the world? The thermometers in the southern hemisphere are registering the warmest winter ever?




Define 'ever.'




Because temperatures are skewed by the "worst el Nino ever" (except for, y'know, the LAST worst one ever. And the one before that).


So does el Nino cause global warming? Or is global warming caused by el Nino?

Are you married?


Is this Global Warming Hoax thread the place where educated people go when they must discreetly fart of belch?





Actually - its pretty much all of PPP



Better yet I love his answer to LA's simpler question.


It's the classic never answer coherently when a little onomatopoeia will suffice.



It's the classic never answer coherently when a little onomatopoeia will suffice.


You seriously don't understand the data that July was the hottest on "record" (fixed it LA) - what does this have to do with summer/winter hemispheres?


AFA defining "ever" - come on - everyone knows what we are talking about....ooooohhhhhh caught me in definition mistake.......damn - I guess all those thermometers are wrong!


DC - WTF - I am sure someone as complex as you can separate a local weather condition from how much heat the earth is holding...


Stick your heads back in the sand and carry on!

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