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Posted (edited)

Yikes...according to CNN, we're in deep schittola.


Their headline right now: WE'RE AT THE EDGE OF CLIMATE CATASTROPHE!!!!!


Dogs and cats...living together.


But here's why it matters: If we humans warm the world more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), we greatly up the odds of climate catastrophes.

Think super droughts, rising seas, mass extinctions and acidifying oceans.

We don't want to cross that mark.

Edited by LABillzFan

Yikes...according to CNN, we're in deep schittola.


Their headline right now: WE'RE AT THE EDGE OF CLIMATE CATASTROPHE!!!!!


Dogs and cats...living together.


Scientists: "This wasn't caused by climate change."

Media: "This was caused by climate change! There's consensus."


And now I'm reading Barry took a 747 to Florida and back today exclusively to speak to two dozen kids about...


...wait for it....


...climate change.


It's like he's trying to pull the stupidity belt right off gatorman's waist.




President Obama and Bill Nye’s fuel-burning Earth Day expedition to the Everglades in Florida has been slightly hampered by rain. Oddly enough, what might have been one of the more ecologically-friendly parts of the trip has been canceled:


President Obama about to start his tour of Anhinga Trail in Everglades National Park. Fanboat tour was scrapped for weather.



So Basically the WH couldn’t predict the climate a day ahead, but thinks it can 30 years out.



Asked about today's carbon footprint, @Benenati44 says POTUS Executive Order cuts Goverment's greenhouse gas emissions by 40% over 10yrs from '08...........................



So it's like his trip never happened................................................AND you can keep your doctor!










And now I'm reading Barry took a 747 to Florida and back today exclusively to speak to two dozen kids about...


...wait for it....


...climate change.


It's like he's trying to pull the stupidity belt right off gatorman's waist.


Technically, a VC-25A. It's modified enough to not be considered a 747 (and I'd bet the mods give it an even bigger carbon footprint).


And I doubt the President has a choice in the matter. Pretty sure, but not positive, the Secret Service can tell him "You're taking Air Force One to Florida," and he has to suck it up and "suffer."





And I doubt the President has a choice in the matter. Pretty sure, but not positive, the Secret Service can tell him "You're taking Air Force One to Florida," and he has to suck it up and "suffer."






he could announce his executive Order from the Rose Garden.



instead of a three hour trip .













he could announce his executive Order from the Rose Garden.



instead of a three hour trip .










Mitt Romney has a horse!







he could announce his executive Order from the Rose Garden.



instead of a three hour trip .








Come on man, he needs some time away from Michelle!!!


Surprised he didn't get in a round of golf!



Technically, a VC-25A. It's modified enough to not be considered a 747 (and I'd bet the mods give it an even bigger carbon footprint).


It's like posting with Cliffy Claven sometimes.

Posted (edited)

Typical left wing nut job. These are the type of people who are now running things. Reminder that the founder or co founder of Earth Day, Ira Eihorn is a murderer. Whacked his girlie friend but still maintained his enviro integrity by composting her.



Edited by Dante

Typical left wing nut job. These are the type of people who are now running things. Reminder that the founder or co founder of Earth Day, Ira Eihorn is a murderer. Whacked his girlie friend but still maintained his enviro integrity by composting her.




"Ground up and in the compost?"

Posted (edited)

Still waiting for any evidence supporting the speculations that:


1. The 18 years of missing warming is hiding at the bottom of the ocean

2. Chinese pollution is both causing and preventing warming at the same time

3. Don Paul's anally extracted notion that we are undergoing a "cooling period", and the warming will come back as soon as the cooling stops. (How sudden, convenient, and childish, and again I ask: show your work)


thus saving the entire, "settled", AGW theory. It's been a year now, and still nothing.


Once again I emphasize that without one of the speculations being proven, the current AGW IS DEBUNKED. Period. You can't call an 18 year empirical deviation from expected results an error in the math. Being saved by speculations == we remove the "settled" tag permanently. None of this is settled. In fact it's time to go back to the hypothesis and start all over again.


But, if the left insists on wasting more time/$, I ask 2 things:

1. What is the timetable for when we might hear back on Speculations 1-3?

2. When are you going to admit that value that resides in the "CO2 sensitivity" variable in these equations...is set too high? Every single one of the models follows the same deviations...which literally means all of the models share the same errors. (Coincidence, I'm sure :rolleyes:)


Bottom Line: If and when the proper value for CO2 sensitivity is set, there's damn good chance this becomes no big deal. And that's when all hell breaks loose for the left. That's why they continue to refuse to adjust it, and rather, F around with the raw data to try and make it "fit".

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Current computer models are predicting a 3 to 4 month warming period in the northern hemisphere. However, models conducted in the southern hemisphere seem to contradict the data as they predict a 3 to 4 month cooling period to occur instead. Global Warming scientists baffled.

Posted (edited)

Current computer models are predicting a 3 to 4 month warming period in the northern hemisphere. However, models conducted in the southern hemisphere seem to contradict the data as they predict a 3 to 4 month cooling period to occur instead. Global Warming scientists baffled.

Yes, and the same models can't explain why the warming in the nothern hemisphere at this time of year is more mild, while the cooling in the southern hemisphere tends to be more harsh.


One thing that is certain, settled, and we don't have time to argue about? Of the 100% of total papers submitted on the subject, 97% of the papers selected by this one dude, because they support his view, show that man, and not the sun, or the angle of the earth's rotation, is to blame. That's called consensus.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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