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Global warming err Climate change HOAX

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Um... It's 2015. 24 hour forecasts are pretty routine and near 100%.

Yes, in S California it's pretty easy to predict the weather. Chance of rain in January and February, June Gloom & the Santa Anna winds once or twice a year. That about does it. Did you ever notice the weather forecasters there on TV still wear leisure suits, while the Cal Worthington commercials had to be edited out?

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Yes, in S California it's pretty easy to predict the weather. Chance of rain in January and February, June Gloom & the Santa Anna winds once or twice a year. That about does it. Did you ever notice the weather forecasters there on TV still wear leisure suits, while the Cal Worthington commercials had to be edited out?


Fritz Coleman used to (maybe still does) the weather in SoCal. He also does stand up. We saw him and a comedy club and he said he was going to do the weather forecast and had us all repeat it with him.


"Early morning low clouds with partial afternoon clearing highs in the mid to upper 70's!!"


It always amazes me how long the weather forecasts are in places like Chicago and Buffalo compared to CA. Ours last 2 minutes there's goes on for about 20.

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Um... It's 2015. 24 hour forecasts are pretty routine and near 100%.


Tomorrow's forecast here says there's a 20% chance of snow flurries and highs "near 30". I'm not sure how you judge a "20% chance" and "near" as 100% accurate.

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Not here.

How often do they say it's going to rain here and it doesn't? Also, around here they always miss on the temperature. Especially during the summer. They always miss. If they say it's going to be 90 you can pretty much bet it's over 100

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How often do they say it's going to rain here and it doesn't? Also, around here they always miss on the temperature. Especially during the summer. They always miss. If they say it's going to be 90 you can pretty much bet it's over 100

No kidding. We'll see how close they come with the predicted "mega-storm" they're predicting for this weekend.

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How often do they say it's going to rain here and it doesn't? Also, around here they always miss on the temperature. Especially during the summer. They always miss. If they say it's going to be 90 you can pretty much bet it's over 100


I was watching the weather the other day regarding the storm coming in. One of the guys said we're tracking three models one of which is stormageddon. So of course that's the one they're going with because they just love to rile us up.

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Maher also shot down any comparisons between vaccine skepticism and global warming denialism. There’s pretty definitive science, he said, about the planet, whereas the human body is constantly changing and the medical industry “has had to retract a million things.”


What an ignorant !@#$ this guy is.

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So the human body is constantly changing but the planet is not and we have definitive science on the planet? Oooookay.


Sometimes I wish someone on his show would call him out on his BS but they all sit there nodding accordingly and the crowd claps like trained seals.


I'm sure though if he was to be made foolish on the show it would be edited out.

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I don't know why we need to launch this. Isn't this settled science?






Seriously...this is why I keep harping on the holes in the science of climatology. Because it's NOT "settled science," and we need missions like this - a satellite observatory capable, for the first time, of looking at the earth's atmosphere and climate as an integrated whole rather than an average of a sampling of point measurements - to actually move forward with the research.


Sadly, the mission's ten years' past due, because it's Al Gore's brainchild, and the inconvenient truth is that his one legitimately good idea wasn't taken seriously for a long time because he's such a partisan pimp. Yet another reason to keep politics out of science.

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To me the solution to anthropomorphic global warming/"climate change"- whatever that is, is simple.

Those who buy in to that philosophy can and should do everything within their power to limit or better - eliminate their use of fossil fuels and electricity. Gravity is good - so indoor plumbing is okay. But, cars, airplanes, stoves, refrigerators, TVs, radios, cell phones, video games, air conditioning, furnaces, fireplaces, electric blankets, hot water... they're all no good people! Stop using those evil things and help save the planet. Or at least save the climate from "changing". It didn't work for the Neanderthals, but hey - we're a lot smarter than those rabbit-eating cave dwellers.


So, if you're not willing to pull the plug - literally on electricity, and the internal combustion engine - and steam engines for that matter - then shut yer pie hole.

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so it was 63 degrees in the western carolina mountains today and the man made snow was melting pretty fast. it's a single data point but enough for me to conclude a ski condo there is probably not a great idea. i'm betting the entire ski industry is a bit spooked. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/08/opinion/sunday/the-end-of-snow.html?_r=0, http://www.coloradoindependent.com/150106/global-warming-takes-bite-out-of-colorado-ski-season

Edited by birdog1960
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so it was 63 degrees in the western carolina mountains today and the man made snow was melting pretty fast. it's a single data point but enough for me to conclude a ski condo there is probably not a great idea. i'm betting the entire ski industry is a bit spooked. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/08/opinion/sunday/the-end-of-snow.html?_r=0, http://www.coloradoindependent.com/150106/global-warming-takes-bite-out-of-colorado-ski-season



As all the Great Lakes freeze, Ontario is usually the last to go. Last winter w/all the cold it was no exception, I think it barely cracked 30%. Strange thing happening this winter. Lake Ontario seems to have more coverage this time of the year than last. This is just my observation looking @ the data from:



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