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you sir, are either a complete idiot, or just trying to get a rise....ill bite...


its a pretty historic amount of snow fall in a very short period of time, making it IMPOSSIBLE for plows to even attempt to keep up with the snowfall and keeping roads clear...add to that, the stranded vehicles blocking any attempt of plows to clear roads, and you make the situation even more impossible to keep up....and then add to the fact that you have 6 feet of snow in a large area that you need to physically REMOVE from the area, not just move it around...and you have a nearly impossible situation for a few days

I remember Buffalo back in the 70's when a huge snowstorm hit. Busses were stranded empty in the city streets for days

6 PM would cause an overlap with the already scheduled 8:30 PM MNF game. 5 PM would be a more likely time IMO.

Sure - I thought maybe the 2nd one could be moved slightly ahead to 9:15 to give people time to get the the Bills game from work.

We need to fly in Donald Trump on a helicopter. A few breaths of hot air from that wind bag should melt the snow pretty quickly.



The Jets and Bills Week 12 game at Ralph Wilson Stadium is still scheduled for 1 PM ET Sunday despite seven feet of snow expected in Buffalo.

Yes, that's SEVEN FEET. Buffalo has already gotten upwards of four feet of white powder, and another 1.5 to 3 feet are expected overnight Wednesday. The Bills aren't able to practice Wednesday, as the coaches and players can't all make it to the facility. The Ralph Wilson Stadium crew has removed over 220,000 tons of snow from the playing surface. We'd think the NFL will need to decide the game's status by Thursday afternoon.



Shoot, I have a final exam on Monday at 630 in Brockport...


Looks like I'll be expecting a death in the family on Sunday.


Sucks our aunt died....see ya at the funeral brother!


When did snow become such a big problem for buffalo? Whoever is in charge of the plowing and salting of the streets here needs to be fired. Everybody knew this was coming and the mayor was on tv bragging how ready they were last week and now everyone looks stupid.

DING DING DING,You are correct sir!!! When this is over the heads of buffalos and west senecas highway department should be terminated.

Shoot, I have a final exam on Monday at 630 in Brockport...


Looks like I'll be expecting a death in the family on Sunday.


I think I have to spend my Monday with my uncle. Uncle Doug is in danger of losing his job, he's been sleeping at his office, and he feels he just can't make the right decision. I gotta support him.


That much snow in that little time is hard for any region to take care of, it's not the snow totals, but rather the rate.

West seneca didnt get the plows out until late and then they lost control of the situation.Out of 22 plows,10 became stuck due to a late start.I will be at the town board meeting leading the charge.

DING DING DING,You are correct sir!!! When this is over the heads of buffalos and west senecas highway department should be terminated.


Amazing how people are so quick to fire everyone. The rate of snow fall plus the number of trucks plus the number of lane miles plus the speed the trucks can travel in this case meant it was impossible to keep up with. I'm sure you'd be the same people who'd complain when your municipality suggested a nice tax increase to buy more equipment than they needed just in case they get the storm of a millennium. You'd claim "fear-mongering" and the government being out of its mind. Some people are only happy when they're complaining and pointing the finger.


So don't remove the snow from the field. Push the snow from the seating areas down ONTO the field. Mark off the yard lines with colored paint.


I grew up in West Seneca and some of the best football games we had as a kid were under that kind of conditions. Neither the Bills nor the Jets will make the playoffs so what the heck, give the players and fans an experience they'll never forget.

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