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Hype and Adjustments


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I finally feel comfortable saying that every NFL season is broken down into two halves. The first is the hype and the second is the adjustments.


The Hype half is where people are all warm and fuzzy from the offseason. No one is eliminated yet. Players have a special kind of confidence which, let's face it, has a real impact on performance. There isn't any self-doubt or reality of who you are or aren't. That's why the Bills usually start somewhat strong.


Then the second half of adjustments comes in. This is where NFL teams figure out what's been working for you and coaching comes into play more. Teams are prepared for you and you need a coach and players smart enough to adapt and adjust. This is why good teams turn it around and frauds expose themselves.


The sad thing is, this is probably the most talented team we've had since the Bledsoe years and the playoff runs. Yet here we are, going into the second half being exposed for who we are, offensive jokes and a weak-minded team.


Good news is. I'm numb to it. After the 5-2 start with Trent Edwards, I vowed to never let myself get excited again until we made it through November. Sad right? My goal is to only do well through 75% of the season. They almost got me in the KC game. I was almost really pissed off after that loss. But all is good. I'm right back to good ole numb.

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hype/ reality works too. During Kool aid season which BTW is officially over for the season. The Bills on paper

Are the best team in the conference, Brady is in decline............etc. Marrone is awesome, innovative pinstripe bowl winning coach

That would have been courted by many if we hadn't low balled him early on. Which he eagerly accepted. he makes half of what Kelly makes, the success differences on the two

Teams are obvious.

But, 10 games in fans are assured to be carving the holiday bird with the bIlls are out of the playoff picture.

hard to tell if the team is early or late on that this season. None the less, any playoff talk is foolish. Unless a major beat down is the goal

Of a fanbase in a laughable wild card game after pushing 15 years of futility is acceptable. This is way more than a QB away from contending. BTW nice 9 yard routes by Woods yesterday when they needed 10 for a first down. That is coaching.


Time to cue the ones that will say mathematically if the Pats* lose out the Bills are in.

Edited by Best Player Available
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