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Broncos considering signing Incognito


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If someone else signs him I'm going to be pissed. I've been screaming to bring him in all season and was told over and over again that "nobody will sign him, he's blacklisted, he'll never play in the NFL again, blahblahblah."


He could have been an instant upgrade to one of our worst positions on the team and he would have come cheap.


Poll the locker room, I'd bet the results would be suprising and we'd win one or two of those games that we are planning on losing


I actually think our OL is coming together

this is true, they did have their best game last week but I guess I just don't trust our guards Edited by SJDK
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What about reasons he was a pro bowler???? :wallbash:

That was then. And as a replacement for one of the Ravens guards since they went to the Super Bowl. And of course there are an awful lot of mediocre pro bowlers. Curious how the Dolphins are better without him and Martin ... when you are a walking hostile work environment lawsuit for an employer, you have to be better than Richie Incognito.

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Weren't we supposed to be scouring the ends of the earth to find upgrades to this roster?


You people thinking it's a bad idea to sign a 2-years-removed Pro Bowl guard are crazy. You do realize we have the worst guards in the entire league right?


Yup, it's that simple - he was a Pro Bowler two year ago, and nothing else ever happened with the guy. He was SO good he had to go on sabbatical I guess...

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I fixed this for you. There's a reason teams like the Broncos and Bucs work him out, even knowing all about his past, and then decide not to sign him.




Curious how the Dolphins are better without him and Martin ... when you are a walking hostile work environment lawsuit for an employer, you have to be better than Richie Incognito.


Yep again.

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Incognito is a dumb bully but he can play guard well!


a dumb bully at guard is fine with me. Just have him bully the other teams defensive players.


Not sure why people here think we would ever entertain the idea of signing incognito. We have a brand new owner; I don't think he would want that controversy.



controversy=attention. attention is generally good. Also, if I spent 1.4 billion, I want to win, controversy or not. We have enough leaders on this team that his job would be to show up and block. 1 year deal. He would be on good behavior. Then draft a OG.

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He is going to be on his best behavior to try and save his career. The Bills just need him for 14 weeks(if lucky). If the staff can't mitigated his behavior in that short amount of time they are not very good at their jobs.



Honestly I don't think that the guy knows how to control himself. No way he could do is for 14 weeks. He's a grown @$$ man, no way is it worth the distraction of chaperoning him like other teams had to do with the likes of Pacman Jones.

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I think it's hilarious people think he's going to come in here and cause all kinds of problems in the 7 weeks left of the season. Sign him as a rental until the end of the year and then find a longer term solution at guard.


I doubt even Richie Incognito can ruin a locker room in 7 weeks.


Have you ever played in a bad locker room before or with bad teammates? I can promise you, entire team chemistries can be ruined in far less than 7 weeks. Sometimes in less than 7 hours. Chemistry is a very delicate thing -- albeit mostly overrated in terms of actual impact on the field.

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The guy has been in the NFL for almost a decade. I don't remember seeing the Rams locker room burst into hellflames when he was there.


I'm not saying it would, I'm just saying your theory that 7 weeks isn't enough time to rip a locker room apart is false. It takes a second to ruin chemistry and months to rebuild it -- if you ever can.

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IF a team gives this guy a chance it's literally his last chance to ever play in the NFL again, and he'll be lucky to even get that. Even a lunatic would try to be on his best behavior for the season. Sign him for the remaining 7 games super cheap, let him try to showcase his skills and help us win games, and then let some other chump team try to sign a "reformed" Incognito to a longer term deal and then he can ruin their locker room.

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IF a team gives this guy a chance it's literally his last chance to ever play in the NFL again, and he'll be lucky to even get that. Even a lunatic would try to be on his best behavior for the season. Sign him for the remaining 7 games super cheap, let him try to showcase his skills and help us win games, and then let some other chump team try to sign a "reformed" Incognito to a longer term deal and then he can ruin their locker room.


It's easy for us to make assumptions from the outside on the type of guy Incognito is, or isn't. There are plenty of "lunatics" who don't know they're lunatics, and even more professional athletes with less self awareness than a mime performing for a bunch of blind people. You might expect Incognito to be grateful and humble for getting a second (really fourth) chance, but that has never been his track record. During his last stop in Buffalo he took a torch to the place on his way out the door, he wasn't well liked and left a bad taste in a lot of mouths in the coaching staff... but that staff is gone.


Some in the front office are still around though, and I'm willing to bet they're not going to risk Incognito messing up the new culture they're trying to establish. It's a high risk with a low reward -- especially considering the O-Line has actually stabilized since St. Doug put a real OG into the starting line up.


There's more that could go wrong bringing a guy like that in than could go right.

Edited by GreggyT
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Neither of us really knows that.


But we do... considering his past exits in Buffalo and Miami. You're just choosing to ignore the history, which is fine -- just not prudent when attempting to prognosticate. Past results don't guarantee future outcomes, but you'd be foolish to ignore the past completely. Especially when the team is very much alive in the hunt for the post season.

Edited by GreggyT
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