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Broncos considering signing Incognito


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People do realize he was selected to the Pro Bowl the season before all that crap happened, right? Here was a perfect opportunity for the Bills to get a high-quality guard for dirt cheap but instead they what? Took the moral high ground?


It makes zero sense to me. I hope he signs with the Broncos and completely shuts down our rushers when we play Denver.

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Also, he really isn't an upgrade at Guard. He is, at best, slightly better then what we have and if we want to develop these young guys we need to get them reps.


He may be better then what we have but it is marginal

I have to disagree. Judging by PFF reports both Pears & Urbik are grading around zero in both pass, run blocking. Richie graded more then a positive +10 in both aspects with every team he has been with. The guy is a top player at his position, its his big mouth baggage that does him in.
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How do you figure? They seem to change the line every week.

more or less baseless hope that we are on the verge of fixing this patchwork unit in to something that might gel reasonably.


I mean, the OL wasn't horrible on Sunday. I think this week they face a weaker DL then KC, especially with Wake already being nullified by Henderson week 2.


So in conclusion: Being mean to other football players is bad. Killing a few dozen dogs gets you millions.


Got it. Carry on.

I want to reply but know its not in the beat interest of mine. I know what you're saying. Its hard to comment on this but it is perfect for several social agendas in this country that are being driven by a media force likened to that of German propaganda.


If Incognito was a homosexual, minority, woman, anything else but a big fat mouthy white guy this story would have been written entirely different.


If Vick's story was any different he may not be playing. However, Vick served his time and seems to be on the straightened path so it changes things

Edited by jboyst62
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Maybe the Broncos already signed him and we haven't noticed yet? :ph34r:



Seriously, if he was blacklisted for being an !@#$ (which his rep goes far beyond his time at Miami), then he is a major !@#$ who needs to learn to perspective. Let's face it, if you are that big of an !@#$ to be blacklisted from the NFL (who harbors murderers, wifebeaters, childbeaters, drug dealers and rapists), you to have be one of the biggest ones on this planet.

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