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[closed]New NFL Officiating Rule Proposed.., Adopted for Bills games


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Added Rules:



1) The Watkins Rule. At any point in a game a referee can throw a flag against a CB that is holding, mugging, raping or hair pulling #14 Sammy Watkins. After the Flag is down, the ref must pick it up and negate the penalty.


2) The Mckelvin/Chandler Rule: Opposing Wide Receivers can push off at anytime against Mckelvin. Usually they dont need it to get open but it will mind boggle the ref so that when Buffalo gets the ball, the call will be on #84 Scott Chandler.


3) The Jerry Hughes Rule: At any point in a game versus the Pats if a Bills celebrates a play by tapping on teammates helmet, the Penalty will be of 15 yards for Unsportmanlike.


4) The Kyle Williams Rule: When a referee sees a holding against #95, he must throw the flag, however, if that flag lands in the Kyle's facemask, the flag must be picked up and no penalty enforced.


5) The Screw the Bills Rule: An opponent hitting a player when Out of Bounds will get a 15 yard personal foul penalty: Unless its against a Buffalo Bills player when they are down 1 score in the 4rth

Edited by PO'14
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