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What about Eric Wood to guard?

Webster Guy

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Our line was built for a quarterback that moves around. Now that EJ is out and Orton is in, they haven't been able to adjust with the personnel they have. I hope things get ironed out with the week off and we'll look better against KC.

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Our line was built for a quarterback that moves around. Now that EJ is out and Orton is in, they haven't been able to adjust with the personnel they have. I hope things get ironed out with the week off and we'll look better against KC.


The line wasn't built for anything. Woods and Glenn are solid, other than that it's a patchwork. Also, Orton likes to hold onto the ball for a long time, so expect more sacks regardless.

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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I agree with the Orton holding the ball too long sentiment. When he knows a sack is eminent, he almost gets is the fetal position instead of throwing it away. I think I may have yelled about that several times during the last month.

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I agree with the Orton holding the ball too long sentiment. When he knows a sack is eminent, he almost gets is the fetal position instead of throwing it away. I think I may have yelled about that several times during the last month.



It's part of his game. I'm mostly ok with it, so long as he continues to hit big plays. There are plenty of good QBs who take a lot of sacks (Rothlisberger, WIlson, ect.). I just don't want to see fumbles, which could end up being a problem.

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Our line was built for a quarterback that moves around. Now that EJ is out and Orton is in, they haven't been able to adjust with the personnel they have. I hope things get ironed out with the week off and we'll look better against KC.


Wood's problems aren't in the passing game -- they're in the run game. The switch to Orton has nothing to do with his inferior play. He didn't play well against Houston or Miami either.

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ever tried? i´d think that blocking someone with your hand between your legs is slightly more difficult than just firing out with both of them.

That and making the blocking calls. Easy-peasy right? :doh:


I agree with the Orton holding the ball too long sentiment. When he knows a sack is eminent, he almost gets is the fetal position instead of throwing it away. I think I may have yelled about that several times during the last month.


Ummmm, throwing it away in the pocket is a penalty.

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I think he means in the general direction of a player which isn't.


Easy to say when you are a split second from getting crushed. That's how you get turnovers. You want Orton not to make dumb mistakes yet people want him to do dumb things like throw the ball when he isn't sure who is out there. The reason he's making the big throws is he's standing in the pocket while it's collapsing till the very last second. The risk is that sometimes you get sacked. You take it and protect the ball. You don't toss it blindly risking an interception or grounding penalty.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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ever tried? i´d think that blocking someone with your hand between your legs is slightly more difficult than just firing out with both of them.

Yeah Wood is a leader and more then worthy of his draft status. Lucky to have him--this offense is effective and getting better. I expect big things after the bye.
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Easy to say when you are a split second from getting crushed. That's how you get turnovers. You want Orton not to make dumb mistakes yet people want him to do dumb things like throw the ball when he isn't sure who is out there. The reason he's making the big throws is he's standing in the pocket while it's collapsing till the very last second. The risk is that sometimes you get sacked. You take it and protect the ball. You don't toss it blindly risking an interception or grounding penalty.


I agree with everything you say. I do think an above average QB should be able to diagnose a breakdown in protection and throw the ball away even if it only happens 1 in 4 times. Could be saving 5-10 yards. With that said, I'm not criticizing his performance. I love his ability to hang in there.

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Cordy Glenn is an excellent LT but why not move him inside to LG and swap Henderson over to LT. Urbik could slide back over to RG and u give Koindjo a shot? Or maybe u go vet combo with Pears/Hairston work in for playing time? Atleast one side of the line is open for business then. I think Glenn would throw a fit and they don't wanna piss him off. The reason Pears keeps playing next to Henderson is more of an on field mentor type? Either way I'd like to see a big Samoan guard on the field at G, maybe 2.

Edited by NorCalBillsSabres
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I agree with everything you say. I do think an above average QB should be able to diagnose a breakdown in protection and throw the ball away even if it only happens 1 in 4 times. Could be saving 5-10 yards. With that said, I'm not criticizing his performance. I love his ability to hang in there.

And if you pay attention he does do that, but sometime you get caught because no one picked up the blitz. You don't always have time or opportunity to throw it away.

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He's not having a very good season. He's played guard before, wondering if they've considered shaking up the line and moving Eric to the LG spot.


We don't have anything to lose, this line can't get much worse. Wait, that's a stupid thing to say. Unpost....unpost....


if you are going to suggest this one would think you would also suggest who would take his spot at Center?


why create one problem just to try and fix another?

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incognito is still out there, except our FO is to cowardly to pull the trigger.


Cowardly or did the NFL secretly ban Incognito? Joe B. seems to think so. Plenty of teams could use him but he hasn't signed yet, has he?

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Our line was built for a quarterback that moves around. Now that EJ is out and Orton is in, they haven't been able to adjust with the personnel they have. I hope things get ironed out with the week off and we'll look better against KC.


sure, because EJ is such a scrambler. Our line was built on the FO thinking that guards were not important and now we are seeing the results.

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sure, because EJ is such a scrambler. Our line was built on the FO thinking that guards were not important and now we are seeing the results.


No, it wasn't. It was built thinking that there were capable players on the roster at OG.


Nobody, anywhere, ever, under any circumstances, has said that guards weren't important. What many folks have said is that they can be found in the middle rounds of the draft and for relative bargains in free agency. Throughout the league, this has shown to be true.

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sure, because EJ is such a scrambler. Our line was built on the FO thinking that guards were not important and now we are seeing the results.

You are right, and its been clearly evident under Buddy Nix, and now Doug Whaley who is still listening to that old fool. Even as lame as Jauron was he still drafted a center with a #1 pick, and an OG with a #2 in an effort to bolster the middle of that line. Both Nix & Whaley think they can get by with band-aid players at OG.


Why some think that its alright to spend an early first round pick on a D tackle, and yet don't think its important enough to spend an early pick to protect the most important player on the team is beyond me. Look at the crap players this regime tried to develop a rookie QB behind, and they still aren't breaking a sweat worrying about protecting Orton or they would have made some moves to make upgrades. I dunno, perhaps this is the lame brained analytic dept saying they can get by with sub par players at certain positions.


Lets hope this moronic philosophy changes with that new adviser to new ownership.

Edited by FeartheLosing
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