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Ooooooooh, I'm being ''oppressed''

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There was some Francophone activist douchebag about 20 years ago who sued a Montreal hospital because a nurse dared to briefly address him in English.


I'm curious to know if those idiots ever wonder why the rest of Canadia hates them (and unfortunately the 99+% of Quebecers who aren't asshats).

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it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they would have won had the case been held here in the US.



Marbury vs Madison (1803)


Miranda vs Arizona (1966)


Tinker vs Des Moines (1969)


Roe vs Wade (1973)



7 - up vs Sprite (2014)




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They didn't give you Sprite because you didn't speak English you asshat they gave you Sprite because that is the universal substitute for 7-Up if they don't carry it. What pisses me off is the many of the flights I go on consider Heinekin a premium beer. That piss water is worth suing over.

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They didn't give you Sprite because you didn't speak English you asshat they gave you Sprite because that is the universal substitute for 7-Up if they don't carry it. What pisses me off is the many of the flights I go on consider Heinekin a premium beer. That piss water is worth suing over.

Hey, knock it off! That's the house brew here. I can drink it all day... and often do.

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