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Jose Canseco shoots self...


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To be fair, if someone posed me the question "What baseball player would consider most likely to shoot himself while cleaning a loaded gun?" I'd have answered "Jose Canseco" with barely a second's thought. Has anyone ever credited Canseco with a surfeit of brains?

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I don't support the safe act. But I do support gun control.

why wouldn't you WANT a gun?


If you have a family or anything worth any bit of money or sentimental value in your home you should support owning a weapon for self defense.


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why wouldn't you WANT a gun?


If you have a family or anything worth any bit of money or sentimental value in your home you should support owning a weapon for self defense.

Has nothing to do with whether or not I want a gun. I'm not anti-guns. I've been thinking of joining a fish/game club, as a matter of fact.


I still think we need gun control.


As far as the SAFE Act is concerned ... let me clarify. I don't like how Gov. Cuomo sneakily passed it through. But I don't disagree with any of the laws/rules.


I can defend my family with a shotgun if I have to. I don't need a high-powered assault rifle or an ammunition belt. No one does, outside of law enforcement and military.

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Has nothing to do with whether or not I want a gun. I'm not anti-guns. I've been thinking of joining a fish/game club, as a matter of fact.


I still think we need gun control.


As far as the SAFE Act is concerned ... let me clarify. I don't like how Gov. Cuomo sneakily passed it through. But I don't disagree with any of the laws/rules.


I can defend my family with a shotgun if I have to. I don't need a high-powered assault rifle or an ammunition belt. No one does, outside of law enforcement and military.

I agree with the sending your family with a shotgun part. However, I don't agree with taking away hand guns, or high powered rifles. Fwiw, there's a difference between a high powered rifle and an automatic rifle. The problem is, there are way tooamy uniformed people out there that believe an "assault rifle" are the types of fully automatic machine guns they see in Rambo movies. They aren't. But they base their ill informed arguments based on a weapon that "looks" a certain part.


I also don't have an issue with the amount of rounds in magazine. Again, uninformed people think that bullets destroy everything in their path like they see in the movies. They don't. When someone is full of adrenalin, or high on drugs, they have the power to sustain bullet wounds. Site, a shot to the head or direct shot to the chest/heart will stop them but it's not as easy as the movies make it out to be. In real life men are shot multiple times over and over and keep on coming. I see it in proson all the time. Iates that have been shot 5-10 times yet they are still alive and kicking.


For that reason, I feel it is important to be armed when some whacked out drug addict confronts you or your family. You have seconds to decide if you will take action into your own hands or watch your family die.


With all that said, I don't own a gun, nor do I bash the thought of safety and control. But the term "safety and control" shouldn't be at the expense of safety of ones own well being or family. You can't exactly walk around in the streets with a shotgun, the number of rounds could mean life or death, and there's no difference between a rifle and assault rifle unless your talking about fully automatic, which aren't legal anywhere.

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I agree with the sending your family with a shotgun part. However, I don't agree with taking away hand guns, or high powered rifles. Fwiw, there's a difference between a high powered rifle and an automatic rifle. The problem is, there are way tooamy uniformed people out there that believe an "assault rifle" are the types of fully automatic machine guns they see in Rambo movies. They aren't. But they base their ill informed arguments based on a weapon that "looks" a certain part.


I also don't have an issue with the amount of rounds in magazine. Again, uninformed people think that bullets destroy everything in their path like they see in the movies. They don't. When someone is full of adrenalin, or high on drugs, they have the power to sustain bullet wounds. Site, a shot to the head or direct shot to the chest/heart will stop them but it's not as easy as the movies make it out to be. In real life men are shot multiple times over and over and keep on coming. I see it in proson all the time. Iates that have been shot 5-10 times yet they are still alive and kicking.


For that reason, I feel it is important to be armed when some whacked out drug addict confronts you or your family. You have seconds to decide if you will take action into your own hands or watch your family die.


With all that said, I don't own a gun, nor do I bash the thought of safety and control. But the term "safety and control" shouldn't be at the expense of safety of ones own well being or family. You can't exactly walk around in the streets with a shotgun, the number of rounds could mean life or death, and there's no difference between a rifle and assault rifle unless your talking about fully automatic, which aren't legal anywhere.

I honestly think it's more about determining whether one is mentally healthy enough to safely own a firearm. I realized bad guys will find ways to get their hands on guns. No laws are going to change that. I just want there to be a system in place that results in guns legally ending up with people who have no business owning them.


I don't think a semi-automatic weapon is necessary for self-defense. And if someone wants to own one for target shooting fun, then leave it at the range; locked up and secure.


I'm not for removing guns from anyone, either. I'd just like to see some changes moving forward that allow people to be able have firearms for protection and for recreation. There's got to be some give and take from both sides of this issue. The end result should be easily agreed upon, in my opinion.

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I honestly think it's more about determining whether one is mentally healthy enough to safely own a firearm. I realized bad guys will find ways to get their hands on guns. No laws are going to change that. I just want there to be a system in place that results in guns legally ending up with people who have no business owning them.


I wholly disagree.

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