/dev/null Posted February 1, 2005 Author Posted February 1, 2005 Don't ask.224623[/snapback] don't tell
Alaska Darin Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 don't tell 224628[/snapback] Don't pursue.
DC Tom Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 I've often wondered if that god damn paper clip has EVER helped even ONE person with ONE problem, EVER. 224447[/snapback] Yes, it has. I know one person who swears by it. In fact, when I disable the obnoxious little !@#$er, she screams bloody murder no matter how much I insist I'm doing her a favor. Of course, she's stone deaf and mute, so she can't scream too loud for too long without spraining her hands. But I still catch hell...
DC Tom Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 i wanna know whose brilliant idea that damn paperclip helper was they should be shot :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: 224344[/snapback] It's a holdover from Microsoft Bob. Anyone remember "Bob"? If you don't, Microsoft thanks you...
billsfanone Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 ... and to wonder why some people are "afraid" of computers... It's about as complicated as downloading and installing any other program. It has a word processor, a spreadsheet app (excel) and database app (access). They all work and are backwards compatible with all of the files in the Office suite. They are very streamlined. I really like each program. Oh, and it's 100% free, as opposed to hundreds of dollars for MS office. 224480[/snapback] I choose to master the programs, not the OS. I don't give a crap how they work.
Moose Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 PowerPoint works for me. Quick and simple to put together a little presentation. 224332[/snapback] Apple's Keynote is better than any other presentation software out there. It makes PowerPoint look like a Fisher-Price® toy. "But PowerPoint has a dark side. It squeezes ideas into a preconceived format, organizing and condensing not only your material but - inevitably, it seems - your way of thinking about and looking at that material. A complicated, nuanced issue invariably is reduced to headings and bullets. And if that doesn't stultify your thinking about the subject, it may have that effect on your audience - which is at the mercy of your presentation."
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Apple's Keynote is better than any other presentation software out there. It makes PowerPoint look like a Fisher-Price® toy. "But PowerPoint has a dark side. It squeezes ideas into a preconceived format, organizing and condensing not only your material but - inevitably, it seems - your way of thinking about and looking at that material. A complicated, nuanced issue invariably is reduced to headings and bullets. And if that doesn't stultify your thinking about the subject, it may have that effect on your audience - which is at the mercy of your presentation." 224756[/snapback] It's all the same. It's all software to enhance time-wasting meetings. I hate meetings. My company LOVES to hold meetings. We've probably got more meeting rooms per capita than any company in the USA. Everyone's first inclination here is to hold a meeting. YAAAAARGH!!
Just Jack Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Yes, it has. I know one person who swears by it. In fact, when I disable the obnoxious little !@#$er, she screams bloody murder no matter how much I insist I'm doing her a favor. Of course, she's stone deaf and mute, so she can't scream too loud for too long without spraining her hands. But I still catch hell... 224662[/snapback]
Just Jack Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 It's a holdover from Microsoft Bob. Anyone remember "Bob"? If you don't, Microsoft thanks you... 224663[/snapback] I remember Bob. Thankfully I never had to use it.
Just Jack Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 It's all the same. It's all software to enhance time-wasting meetings. I hate meetings. My company LOVES to hold meetings. We've probably got more meeting rooms per capita than any company in the USA. Everyone's first inclination here is to hold a meeting. YAAAAARGH!! 224781[/snapback] Here we used to have the phrase, "Monday is meetings". All monday morning was meeting time. First the branch meeting, then the sales meeting, then the techs meeting. From 8am to 11am. Thankfully that ended a couple years ago as the economy went to hell and we laid people off. One other side note, a Dilbert comic once mentioned needing a pre-meeting before a meeting. I suggested it one time to someone and they did it! They had a pre-meeting to decide what to discuss at the meeting!
stevestojan Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Yes, it has. I know one person who swears by it. In fact, when I disable the obnoxious little !@#$er, she screams bloody murder no matter how much I insist I'm doing her a favor. Of course, she's stone deaf and mute, so she can't scream too loud for too long without spraining her hands. But I still catch hell... 224662[/snapback] I always wondered how you had any long term friends... You just find the ones who can't hear what the hell you're saying...
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