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Was Mike Williams Late For the Game Again?

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Can't speak to validity, but person who posted this on twitter and I assume notified Schopp posted this pic.

@Schopptalk took this pic at 11:58 on Sunday















Again, how many players keep their playing gear at home? Was the other Mike Williams in full dress when he rolled his car on the way to the Ralph? Or is the more likely explanation that MW left something important in the car, like the Surface playbook, and had to retrieve it?

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There is only one reason for a player to be late for the game, traffic is not the reason, pu$$y is not the reason. Drugs and / or alcohol are the only reason someone is late. The story will come out.


So now you're accusing him of being on drugs or have a drinking problem? Wow, just wow

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So now you're accusing him of being on drugs or have a drinking problem? Wow, just wow

Well, that is the only legitimate reason. I was late for work the other day, I said "sorry, drugs!", boss was like...of course, what else could it be, but, we're going to disconnect you from the network for the 1st hour and don't let it happen again...

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What, This letter?


Dear Mr. Mike Schopp;


I am writing to you with hushed excitement, being barely able to control my excitement at the tremendous scoop I have for you.

Are you ready for this bombshell? I heard from a friend of mine, that they saw someone in the mens room at the game who told him FOR CERTAIN that he saw Mike Williams - yes - THAT Mike Williams getting out of his car in the parking lot at twelve noon, and get this... he was FULLY DRESSED in his UNIFORM!


What have The Bills come to when they allow a player to drive to a game and not get dressed in the locker room with his other teammates? What is he - bashful, or is this just another example of Marrone losing the team to another locker room cancer? I'll let YOU decide, Mr. Schopp.




Prissy Bills Fan



PS - I think you're WONDERFUL Mr. Schopp!




Hmmm. That letter looks suspicious to me. I'm calling bogus.

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hey, at least he's not getting pulled over for smoking pot on the way to a team jet like L. Bell and Blount of the Steelers. Of course, if Marrone coached the Steelers, both players would be writing on a chalkboard, "I will not smoke illegal drugs on the way to a team flight" 500000 times. Marrone needs to care less about these things and focus on winning games. If MW being late is an actual, material problem that effects the games outcome, then fine. But I'm not sure how that could be the case. MW is prob pissed (as most would) at being inactive over Goodwin.

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Again, how many players keep their playing gear at home? Was the other Mike Williams in full dress when he rolled his car on the way to the Ralph? Or is the more likely explanation that MW left something important in the car, like the Surface playbook, and had to retrieve it?

maybe he had to take a leak...ran outside real quick......

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