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Is a stubborn, old fashioned man. He won't take Pears out unless he's injured (maybe not even then). He won't play Urbik or Mike Williams because of some unknown reason, they probably did something to piss him off. This is very high school/college level stuff. He needs to admit his mistake about the Oline and bench Pears or Cyril for Urbik. As for Mike, at least throw him in in the red zone. Quit with your mind games and step up Marrone. This is getting ridiculous.

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The stubbornness regarding the G position may cost this team the playoffs and Marrone and Whaley their jobs.


Helloooo, Incognito is a crazy man but he is one of the better guards in the league and a free agent. SIgn him and start him. Urbik was way better than Richardson and Pears for the past few seasons.



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