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Embarassing win


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Actually it should be trending up. Because in previous years we lose to the Lions and Vikings in those games. We are finding ways to win in games we play poorly in, with most of the credit IMO being because of three things we didn't have, a defense that could stop the run and keep points down, a star playmaker that makes plays and touchdowns when normal players don't, and a veteran QB who is unflappable, can make NFL passes, and whose experience can mask the fact that the team is struggling in some areas.


I struggle to see how they're trending up. Each week the same issues are appearing, namely turnovers at inopportune times, bad penalties, and insufficient OL play. Now, this week they gave up 150+ yards rushing.


At the level they're playing now, are they a playoff team? Because they've played 3 clubs that look like they'll be in the post-season: Detroit, San Diego (cue the "got beat by K.C." talk) and New England. They're 1-2 in those games, defeating a Detroit team that missed 3 FG's that day.


It seems like this discussion has happened before. In 2008 when they started 5-1, and then in 2011 after a 5-2 beginning. Both times I recall people pooh-poohing those who weren't excited when they beat lesser teams.

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I struggle to see how they're trending up. Each week the same issues are appearing, namely turnovers at inopportune times, bad penalties, and insufficient OL play. Now, this week they gave up 150+ yards rushing.


At the level they're playing now, are they a playoff team? Because they've played 3 clubs that look like they'll be in the post-season: Detroit, San Diego (cue the "got beat by K.C." talk) and New England. They're 1-2 in those games, defeating a Detroit team that missed 3 FG's that day.


It seems like this discussion has happened before. In 2008 when they started 5-1, and then in 2011 after a 5-2 beginning. Both times I recall people pooh-poohing those who weren't excited when they beat lesser teams.

These are better teams across the board than those teams. The OL right now stinks. It's our only position group that does.


Those teams if your QB goes down you're sunk. if your top two RBs go down you're sunk. If you top two LBs go down you're sunk. This team is different. I was furious at the way we played yesterday. I think we may not make the playoffs only because of Marrone and Hackett are too stubborn. We have enough players.


When you say stuff like "and now we give up 150 yards rushing" that is just being negative for negative sake, unless you think 70-70-70-70-70-70-150 infers your next game will be 150 and not closer to 70.

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I'm still waiting for one of you self righteous fans, to show how much you Billieve in this victory.


I think deep down you all realize this win was more indicative of a team playing poorly, than a team on its way to the playoffs.


Some people will say that once a team is in the playoffs, no one remembers the poorly played wins that got them there, but apparently no one remembers that bad teams win a few each season too.

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I'm still waiting for one of you self righteous fans, to show how much you Billieve in this victory.


I think deep down you all realize this win was more indicative of a team playing poorly, than a team on its way to the playoffs.


Some people will say that once a team is in the playoffs, no one remembers the poorly played wins that got them there, but apparently no one remembers that bad teams win a few each season too.

Fans are saying that we usually lose those types of games. And we're happy when we win games we don't play well in because that's what good teams do, in retrospect, after the season of many ups and downs which is true of virtually every team in the league, has.


That's it.


They are complaining about guys like you, and posts like yours, who can't be happy with games we play well in and lose, then spout off about there are no moral victories in the NFL, AND can't be happy with games we don't play well in and then win, which is different than other seasons.

Edited by Kelly the Dog
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Fans are saying that we usually lose those types of games. And we're happy when we win games we don't play well in because that's what good teams do, in retrospect, after the season of many ups and downs which is true of virtually every team in the league, has.


That's it.


They are complaining about guys like you, and posts like yours, who can't be happy with games we play well in and lose, then spout off about there are no moral victories in the NFL, AND can't be happy with games we don't play well in and then win, which is different than other seasons.


Im not the OP, and I'm pretty happy that they won. I think it's silly to go off over the term "embarrassing win", because there have been some games where even the winner has played embarrassingly bad ( like that Browns Bills 6-3 game).


This game wasn't embarrassing, but it was discouraging to me. They didn't look good, and displayed the same problems they have had all season. They won the battle, but it doesn't look like they are going to win the war.


I have never actually bet against the Bills, but I don't consider it Some Weird Sin.


That last paragraph does not describe me at all, and would love to see any of my posts that indicate that I fit that description.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I'm still waiting for one of you self righteous fans, to show how much you Billieve in this victory.


The rest of us are still waiting for you to start contributing something to this discussion other than self-righteous vitriol.


I think deep down you all realize this win was more indicative of a team playing poorly, than a team on its way to the playoffs.


I think deep down you're more interested in proving yourself to be the smartest guy in the room rather than looking at the bigger picture.


Some people will say that once a team is in the playoffs, no one remembers the poorly played wins that got them there, but apparently no one remembers that bad teams win a few each season too.


Apparently you don't remember that all wins count the same in the end -- blowouts or snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, it doesn't matter. A win is a win is a win. And right now the Bills have 4 of them to three losses. Does that make them world beaters? No. Does it make them a winning team at the moment? Absolutely.


I have never actually bet against the Bills, but I don't consider it Some Weird Sin.


Only because no one will take your bet, it's not for lack of trying... but what is weird is your capitalization choices.

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The rest of us are still waiting for you to start contributing something to this discussion other than self-righteous vitriol.




I think deep down you're more interested in proving yourself to be the smartest guy in the room rather than looking at the bigger picture.




Apparently you don't remember that all wins count the same in the end -- blowouts or snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, it doesn't matter. A win is a win is a win. And right now the Bills have 4 of them to three losses. Does that make them world beaters? No. Does it make them a winning team at the moment? Absolutely.




Only because no one will take your bet, it's not for lack of trying... but what is weird is your capitalization choices.


It's a song title.


Dude, you are way more angry than me. I'm not telling anyone else how to be a proper Bills fan.


Apparently, the only way to add to the subject is to rant about how a win can't be embarrassing...

Edited by HoF Watkins
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It's a song title.


Dude, you are way more angry than me. I'm not telling anyone else how to be a proper Bills fan.


Apparently, the only way to add to the subject is to rant about how a win can't be embarrassing...


I'm not angry at all.


The summation of your argument is: "The Bills have been bad for a 14 years, thus they won't make the playoffs this year." That's not deep. Nor is it insightful. It's shallow, cowardly, and just a strange stance to make coming off the heels of a come-from-behind win. If that's the kind of stance you want to make, you're welcome to it.


I'm just going to make fun of you for it.

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First, I already said, I'm not rooting against them.


Second, talk about sad. It's a football team, and not that important.



I'm looking for them to play well, and though they won ( I'm happy about that!), I can't honestly say "wow, these guys are really putting it all together".


It's not that crazy to feel that way, and it doesn't mean I'm a miserable person.


Im actually voting in the poll that your a miserable person

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I'm not angry at all.


The summation of your argument is: "The Bills have been bad for a 14 years, thus they won't make the playoffs this year." That's not deep. Nor is it insightful. It's shallow, cowardly, and just a strange stance to make coming off the heels of a come-from-behind win. If that's the kind of stance you want to make, you're welcome to it.


I'm just going to make fun of you for it.


That's not my argument at all.

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I watched the game yesterday with my son and we both pissed and moaned during the game about the coaching staff, especially the offensive line coach and coordinator. We were disturbed at the lack of discipline or lack of improvement in that regard, and that's on the coach too. But, when they made that comeback at the end, we couldn't have been more excited to happy to see us win. Watching the brilliamce of Sammy Watkins can be fun. It was exciting. I ask any of the embarrassed supposed Bills Fans, would you have rather lost yesterday? That win could make the difference in the end. I also don't get all the Orton hate. It is almost like a win with Orton is no good for some people. The win needs to come from a supposed franchise QB drafted in the first round, or it is isn't good enough. LMFAO

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If ugly wins don't count, somebody better alert the NFL so they can vacate at least two of the Pats' victories on their way to that first Superb Owl in 2002. Maybe that would finally undo all the awfulness of the last decade-plus.

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I think embarassing is the wrong word. I am annoyed that the game went the way it did.

I'm thrilled that we won and impressed as hell at that last drive. But overall, the offense played like crap. O Line is terrible. Play-calling is mind boggling. Orton made some poor throws and held the ball too long. Dumb turnovers, penalties, dropped passes. The defense played well for the most part although I hate some of the soft defensive call on 3rd downs. But, when it really mattered, the team came together and pulled out a win. The Defense held Minnesota and got the ball back and the offense overcame a few errors on the game winning drive. The final 5 minutes of the game overshadowed and probably up some huge areas that need improvement. We stayed alive for another week. Now we need to go on the road and pull of a victory against a division opponent in their home stadium.

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I don't feel good about that at win at all. O Line is an embarrassment , Orton had 2 unforced turnovers, bad fumbles . Thank God for our D. Rbs getting hurt is no excuse


Not pretty for sure but in December all anyone will see is wins and losses.


Marone was not strutting. He knows how lucky they are and he knows they have a ton of work to do.

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