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Biden Family Values


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What about Barry's cocaine usage?

Why do the racists® insist on focusing on allegations of what may or may not have happened decades ago? We really should MoveOn.org to the more important issues, like whether the Republican Senatorial candidate in Colorado really played high school football

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it's all fair game. the stories on palin don't bother the repug base. the stories on biden's son are unlikely to change the dems base. what about moderates? i'm betting more have engaged in "recreational" drug use than bar fights but who knows.

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"Having been a receiver, I like the softer balls."




Does he have any sort of filter between brain and mouth?


Just to cover his bases, however, Obama has announced he will by flying to LA this weekend to speak to various LGBT groups and collect donations in the event they misunderstood Biden.

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Looks like Biden's football career might be as made up as Obama's white girlfriends




Remember during the midterms when Democrats were howling about how then candidate (now Senator) Cory Gardner of Colorado had lied about his football career. Until of course they were presented with evidence that he was telling the truth all along



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Should rename this thread, "Conservative Circle Jerk"



Gosh, you'd think they would be focused on the bright shinny new Congress they control, lol






You'd think a nutsucker like you, whose party backbench comprises Hillary, Biden, Fauxcahontus and Wendy Davis would pay closer attention to his own party.


But I guess when the best thing that's happened to your party in four years in an unscripted joke in a SOTU address, we shouldn't be surprised you're jumping into threads to offer nothing by petty idiocy.

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