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You're basing you entire opinion of the guy on two subjective plays against a team you're biased towards?



One of the pre-game shows this year did a piece on Harrison and how he is generally seen league wide as a dirty player. He walks a very thin line, often crossing into dirty play IMO.

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You're basing you entire opinion of the guy on two subjective plays against a team you're biased towards?


Football is a rough sport.  There are 22 guys on the field for any given play, and they're all moving as fast as they can.  People get hit.  That's the game.

Maybe it's just too early in the morning, but I don't recall an incident betwen Harrison and Delhomme in the SB.


Holywood you do have valid opinions often but you are being a big time homer here.


Spearing someone in the back with a game already decided and the losing team basically trying to run out the clock, is not part of a rough sport. It is part of being an idiot. Deliberately going after someone's head is bush league.


By calling the plays I described "subjective" you are essentially saying I might be a liar or a moron. You are entitled to your opinion, but you're wrong.


At last year's SB, after a long TD pass late in the game Delhomme was running down the field to celebrate with his receiver. He was probably running 80% of full speed. As JD ran by, Harrson tried to lay a shoulder/elbow into him (shoulder/elbow because it was an awkward motion). He hit him, but did not injure him. He may have injured himself on the play.

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I don't consider a guy playing the game as it was meant to be played to be dirty.


You're talking about Harrison? :lol::w00t:


Strange how the memories of Jack Tatum and a paralyzed Darryl Stingley have faded from memory for Pats fans. Tatum was labelled as a dirty player by New Englanders, but somehow Harrison isn't? Are we just waiting until Harrison paralyzes somebody first? :lol:

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You're talking about Harrison? :lol:  :w00t:


Strange how the memories of Jack Tatum and a paralyzed Darryl Stingley have faded from memory for Pats fans.  Tatum was labelled as a dirty player by New Englanders, but somehow Harrison isn't?  Are we just waiting until Harrison paralyzes somebody first?  :lol:


I bet eight out of ten Pats "fans" don't even know who Darryl Stingley was.

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Let's nip this in the bud right now. Tgreg has made up a quote, which you're now running with. Get an actual quote and then this discussion can continue fairly.




Uh, it wasn't made up. But it wasn't a direct quote since I can't find the link. It was paraphrased (as I said). The point he made was he didn't care about the rules, his job was to hurt WRs. It was discussed on this board when it happened. I saw it on SC and read it in print. It was not this year, (if you remember, Belichik had a talk with him in the preseason about reducing penalties and his "borderline" antics and he has towed the company line since then). I think it was during a PC in response to his hit on Rice when he got suspended.


But obviously we are wrong since you know all. Forget the fact that the majority of NFL players think he is dirty (as polled by SI). Yeah, they don't know anything, they only play with the guy. :lol:

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Football is a rough sport.  There are 22 guys on the field for any given play, and they're all moving as fast as they can.  People get hit.  That's the game.




You wouldn't feel that way if Jeremiah Trotter laid a cheap shot on your man, Tom Tom Brady. Just imagine how you Patsies fans would feel if Trotter did a cheap shot on Brady and took him out....or how about Kearse...roughs the passer badly and knocks him out of the game? I bet you'd have a different tone. :lol:

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No matter how dirty Rodney is....and I don't think he's dirty, he plays the game the way it's suppose to played, FREDDIE MITCHELL should shut his pie hole.


This guy hasn't done jack in this league and in my opinion couldn't even be a starter v. Patten, Branch, Givens, T. Brown. Shut up Freddie. I'm so sick of your retarded antics. At least Terrell puts up the numbers before he acts like a total ass.

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One of the pre-game shows this year did a piece on Harrison and how he is generally seen league wide as a dirty player.  He walks a very thin line, often crossing into dirty play IMO.



He's a dirty piece of sh-- and I hope someone punishes him right back. Maybe he will be trying to go after someone and Freddie Mitchell or someone else lays him out. I would love it and I know a lot of other people would too. He deserves to be leveled by someone. :lol:


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Rodney Harrison

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Tom Brady

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Patriots

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He's a dirty piece of sh-- and I hope someone punishes him right back. Maybe he will be trying to go after someone and Freddie Mitchell or someone else lays him out.  I would love it and I know a lot of other people would too.  He deserves to be leveled by someone.  :lol:


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Rodney Harrison

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Tom Brady

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Patriots



This is thoughtful analysis.

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No matter how dirty Rodney is....and I don't think he's dirty, he plays the game the way it's suppose to played,

I have a problem with that Gant. Are you really saying that no matter how dirty he plays, that he is playing football the way it should be played?


Do you think playing dirty has any part in the way football was intended to be played?

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I have a problem with that Gant. Are you really saying that no matter how dirty he plays, that he is playing football the way it should be played?


Do you think playing dirty has any part in the way football was intended to be played?




I don't think he plays dirty. Seriously how is he any different than Brian Dawkins? Brian has been fined with many penalties too. But, he's not a dirty player.


You are telling these guys to go out and hit each other as hard as possible but if it's too hard it's dirty?

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And as far "leading with your head", why is in not dirty to lead with your head if the player has the ball, but if they don't have the ball it's dirty.


Considering that most of these QB's throw the ball so hard and you have a split second to react I'd say it's real hard to make a decision that rapidly on how hard you are going to hit the opposite player.

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