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Lockheed Skunk Works reveals some info on fusion reactor

Just Jack

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I really piss people off when i get hurt or achey or such and they ask whats wrong and I always just say diabeetus.


Cut on the head and bleeding? Diabeetus.

Sneezing and a cough? Diabeetus.

Big zit that I need popped? Diabeetus.

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This is my favorite part of the article:


Nonetheless, we must be wary of the fact that over long periods memories fade, and people can use vague recollections to reconstruct events into a story they prefer to believe or pleases their audience.


As a storyteller I agree that people's memories and first hand accounts are anything but infallible. However, this is a ridiculous statement to tack on to the end of this article and shows how poorly these kind of stories are handled by the media. I'm sure people's memories fade and distort, but I don't think that applies to people who suddenly find themselves working with aliens on alien craft for the US Government. How does that memory fade?


"Gee, you know, now that I think back I wasn't working with Hans from Munich on advanced aircraft, but really I was working with Twibble -- a three fingered, friendly alien from the planet Quintumnia..." :wallbash:


Give me a break. I've talked to enough people and seen enough things in my life about this subject to know that dog just won't hunt.

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This is my favorite part of the article:




As a storyteller I agree that people's memories and first hand accounts are anything but infallible. However, this is a ridiculous statement to tack on to the end of this article and shows how poorly these kind of stories are handled by the media. I'm sure people's memories fade and distort, but I don't think that applies to people who suddenly find themselves working with aliens on alien craft for the US Government. How does that memory fade?


"Gee, you know, now that I think back I wasn't working with Hans from Munich on advanced aircraft, but really I was working with Twibble -- a three fingered, friendly alien from the planet Quintumnia..." :wallbash:


Give me a break. I've talked to enough people and seen enough things in my life about this subject to know that dog just won't hunt.


They fade very easily. I have almost no recollection of the three years I spent on Rigel IV.

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SR-71 was my inspiration as a lad. Had posters on the wall, next to Elle McPherson and others...and Ferraris.


I've worked on some cool planes in my life, been with some fine women, and had a few cool cars, but....


Ahh hell. Aim for the stars kids!!! You just might reach the moon!


Damn! I just looked up some blackbird photos! That is STILL the baddest looking aircraft EVER!

Yes it is, I live close to the Miramar base and that thing flew over me when I was getting gas one time. I was amazed at just how big it actually is and it's unique shape.

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Yes it is, I live close to the Miramar base and that thing flew over me when I was getting gas one time. I was amazed at just how big it actually is and it's unique shape.


Most people don't realize how insanely big a lot of aircraft are. I've seen a B-52, a C-5, and a CH-53, and each time said "How in the hell can that thing get off the ground?"


The CH-53 in particular. It was like watching a house take off, straight up.

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