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(OT) Sounds of the Game DVD available... sorta


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Ok, I spent most of the weekend getting the "Sounds of the Game" DVD done... Thought i was done this morning, but then realized that I accidentally deleted the final project as well as all the miscelanious bits. Argh... So I started again this morning and finished the whole thing, including the DVD menus, et al. Cleaned up the old files again (making sure not to delete the final product), burned it to DVD, and realized that I forgot to set the field order properly... So it looks like I'll need to do it a THIRD time to get the product 100% correct.


What does this mean? Well, it means that I currently have the game available on DVD, complete with special features (all of the commercials from the game, as well as a special hidden feature that I won't tell anyone about; you'll have to find it yourself). It'll look *great* on a computer monitor or a High-Def (non-interlaced) TV. However, if you're watching it on a regular TV, anytime there's motion it'll look very jittery; all but unwatchable.


So, since I probably won't be able to get to the game for another week or two, I figured I'd offer up the "almost" working DVD for those who only use computers or HD displays to watch things. As I said, it looks great there, just not on an interlaced TV (I think CRT HD sets are non-interlaced, but someone else can correct me if I'm wrong). It'll work fine on computers and LCD/DLP displays.


Information is in my .sig, or you can just wait a few weeks for me to get the "good one" done. :w00t:


ARGH, I feel like an idiot. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Fez.


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