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I agree with the above.


It was a big let down to see all the Pats fans there. I get people want to make money to pay for (some if not all) the cost of the season ticket prices. Why have season tickets then? These Bills fans lose some credibility. This was one of the biggest games (for many reasons) in a very long time.


Maybe the Bills have to start offering some incentive or penalty for season ticket holders to actually use their tickets instead of selling them.


Yeah, that's the best way to generate a waiting list for season tickets--comeup with crazy penalties for when a holder can't go to the game and wants to sell them. He should just eat the ticket or give it to a bona fide fan of the team.


Regarding the third one: you can't legislate anything these days, it seems, when it comes to ticketed events. But on the other hand, these season ticket holders are basically mercenaries and profiteers making the most money they can, off of Bills fans or rival fans. When they want to show up, that's great, but I don't like feeling like I'm on even footing with a rival team's fans in my own stadium.


On the other hand, I'd rather people were restricted in buying tickets that they weren't using (perhaps allowed to sell two games per season or something to that effect). Inflating the price of the product without adding any value simply sucks.


The price of the ticket isn't "inflated"--it's what the ticket is worth the buyer. You should see that, for the Bills, "inflated" ticket value is the best possbile outcome here. They can track the sales price of these tickets (through the NFL ticket exchange, at least--and likely stubhub, with a little more work) and use this demand info when repricing all tickets the next year.

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So...typical Bostonians


A-holes are a-holes. I saw many Sabres fans behave the exact same way whenever they came to Raleigh to play the Hurricanes. Booze + Stupid = Trouble, no matter where you're from.


I don't know why people are freaking out about the presence of Patriots fans yesterday. Beautiful weather, holiday weekend and a wildly popular team that's an easy 6-7 hour drive away. Whaddaya expect?


Hey, people of BUFFALO, cheapest tickets in the NFL... Buy more season tickets and go to your games... I drive 200 miles ... No excuses! You're going to rely on regionalization, then that's what you're gonna get... No more of this 'they haven't made the playoffs in 14 years' or ''Ralph is bleeding us dry, he's cheap'... Cry cry cry... Next year when they sell seasons, step up and buy em up


I ran into tons of Pats* fans actually from out that way. Turns out it is cheaper for them to come to RWS and stay a night in a hotel than it is to go to Gillette. And with it being a long weekend for many, the conditions were right for an invasion.


That is exactly what my daughter, who came in from Connecticut, told me.


As far as Patriots fans, they were as well behaved as BILLS FANS. :bag:


There were a bunch in 127 and they were HUGE a-holes. Taunting, calling names, picking fights, cursing people out. One or two might have gotten booted, but the security response was pretty lackluster.


This sounds like the Bills fans in 337 at the home opener.


We're driving up to VT now and there are tons of Pats fans on the road - quite a few Bills fans too. Just stopped at a rest stop and thier were three busses of Pats fans there...


No need to be silly with the ticket restrictions though, people have the rights to go or not and sell their tickets of they don't.


And if you think people are making tons of money, buy seasons and sell them off every game. Let me know how that works out...


Always a lot of pats fans. They come by the bus load. Every game


I know several that buy season tickets come to pats game sell the rest.


There were quite a few in 137 as well. The ones in front of us were from Canada. They were from allover. I couldn't believe how loud it was when NE scored. Seemed like at least 1/4 of the stadium was Pats fans. Most of the Pats fans sitting near us were just typical arrogant a**holes. It just makes it easier to hate the Pats and their fans even more. The officiating was terrible as well. #72, you know who you are!


I thought it was embarrassing how good of a showing they had, in my section and parts surrounding. Way too many Pats fans there for a momentous day for the Bills. I was wondering if people around here have started to defect...


I have trouble telling difference sometimes between the two especially after a loss.


Yeah, that's the best way to generate a waiting list for season tickets--comeup with crazy penalties for when a holder can't go to the game and wants to sell them. He should just eat the ticket or give it to a bona fide fan of the team.




The price of the ticket isn't "inflated"--it's what the ticket is worth the buyer. You should see that, for the Bills, "inflated" ticket value is the best possbile outcome here. They can track the sales price of these tickets (through the NFL ticket exchange, at least--and likely stubhub, with a little more work) and use this demand info when repricing all tickets the next year.

Sorry to offend Bills about an imposed penalty on selling their tickets. I really should have just said reward those in attending the games. I just saw that the Sabres are implementing a loyalty rewards program to their fans and this is what I had in mind that the Bills should do (and probably will do).


Hey, people of BUFFALO, cheapest tickets in the NFL... Buy more season tickets and go to your games... I drive 200 miles ... No excuses! You're going to rely on regionalization, then that's what you're gonna get... No more of this 'they haven't made the playoffs in 14 years' or ''Ralph is bleeding us dry, he's cheap'... Cry cry cry... Next year when they sell seasons, step up and buy em up



Well said.


New England fans (Boston in general) have to be the lousiest fan base. The biggest front runners around. They are loud and obnoxious when they are winning and vilify their team when they lose. When they attend away games, they take it over like they run the place. They will never concede that another team or player is talented and God forbid that you put down one of their own. How do I know this??? I live here!


Two weeks ago, these Chowderheads were writing the obituaries for the Pats, now they are booking hotels for the Super Bowl. I keep telling myself that all of the pain, all of the suffering, all of the abuse that I endure being a Bills fan in NE will be worth it when the slow decline of the Pats comes around.


For me, I believe it is happening before their eyes, they just can't push the Bellicheck Hoodie back far enough to see it.


Hey, people of BUFFALO, cheapest tickets in the NFL... Buy more season tickets and go to your games... I drive 200 miles ... No excuses! You're going to rely on regionalization, then that's what you're gonna get... No more of this 'they haven't made the playoffs in 14 years' or ''Ralph is bleeding us dry, he's cheap'... Cry cry cry... Next year when they sell seasons, step up and buy em up

The thing is, for the most part the ones "complaining" are the ones that were at the game. This is to say, the ones that already have purchased their seasons. I have a family of 5 and we all enjoy watching together. And there is no way in hell I am buying 5 seasons. Besides, I much prefer watching at home to being in the stadium for reasons discussed in other threads. So it makes little difference to me personally what percentage of away fans are there. Though I certainly understand how Bills fans in attendance as well as the Bills players would have a very different opinion.


When your team sucks for fourteen years, you have a whole group of kids who have no interest in the Bills. They see dad their suffering, and want no part of it. When I pick my kids up from school I see way more Patriot and Steeler gear than Bills gear in the Rochester suburb I live in. I am appreciative of Mr. Wilson's effort to keep the team in WNY, but as an owner, not so much.


It will take a bit of winning to get kids on board. You can paint it any way you want, i.e. "It's hard to win in the NFL", but I think it's really hard to miss the playoffs for 15 years in a row.


PS....Go Bills.


Two weeks ago, these Chowderheads were writing the obituaries for the Pats, now they are booking hotels for the Super Bowl.


You do follow TBD after every game, right? Pretty common behavior for ALL fan bases...



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