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*New* Cooking with Kiko


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"ever took acting lessons."


Kiko's acting style goes beyond wooden. It can only be described as "monolithic." It's like watching an Easter Island statue come to life. Ents are more life-like.

I think you have crush on Kiko after reading this.

He is none of those things. you are severely inflating his " acting " prowess. Monolithic ? really ? Wooden even ?

as if .

The soup is more lively


These things are so campy i just really dont know how to react. Campy. look it up.

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I thought I heard a large truck go rumbling by, now I realize it was the small earthquake from Kiko setting down the can of soup.

He slammed that thing onto the counter.


Out of all the recipes so far, I think I will like this one least. Yes, I am going to try all of these eventually.

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When you are on PUP list you negotiate with your team unless you bought insurance. I hope he got Met Life disability insurance and destroys the damn staff of them every time he has to do an update. Met Life does all that they can do to prevent you from collecting.

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