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Vick 2, Hector 7


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Hector was one of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dog-fighting hobby, and after a bit of traveling he finally landed with a family in Minnesota. He had seven years free of dirtbags like Vick, and ultimately becoming a therapy dog for Therapy Dogs International.


He had a Facebook page chronicling his time with the family, and today he was put down after losing his battle with cancer.


HIs page is here.


One of his final posts:


As I prepare to pass and say good-bye, I want to thank all the people that were responsible for giving me the chance I deserved, and all the people that help save other dogs from similar circumstances. Thanks to you, after a couple of really crappy years with Vick and his buddies, I was able to enjoy 7 years of love and fun adventures! I was able to meet all kinds of really cool people, and prove that even dogs saved from horrendous situations should get a shot to show what they are made of. Ideally, it would have been nice for Vick to reconcile with me and all the other dogs from that time, but that didn't happen. That's his choice, and that says something in my opinion. My choice, though, was not to allow that past to dictate who I am. As a result, I can say this in regards to my life: I Win!




Sidenote: You're a dirtbag of the highest order, Michael Vick, and it's a shame you're allowed to play in the NFL. Unfortunately for the league, you're a garbage quarterback and my only hope is that you're under center when you play the BIlls so we can watch our defense beat the list schitt out of you, you useless dog-hating piece of cocksnot.

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