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A Football Life-Doug Flutie

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You hate Tebow too? :lol:


And despite playing on championship caliber teams and in a modern age of passing, Tebow still didn't pass Flutie's passing #s from 30 years earlier.

I think Tebow may be the only bigger NFL fraud than Flutie. As I stated in an earlier post, I do believe that Flutie is a wonderful dad. I don't think Tim Tebow has a genuine bone in his body. But I don't want to hijack a Flutie thread by talking about the anti-Semitic, homophobic Saint Timothy.

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I had no idea there were Bills fans who hated this guy. He was thrilling to watch, played with heart, and won games with a bad offense.


And the fact that he was the last QB to get us to the playoffs 14 years ago.


Doesn't seem logical.

It wasn't logical. Back then, people were listening to that nitwit, Chuck Dickerson, who for some reason always made excuses for Rob J. & made light of any accomplishments of Flutie. The whole " Rob was winning when he left the field stuff" was started by him on his radio show.

At the end of the day, despite any shortcomings, Flutie was a winner here in Bflo & I would guess that he has the best record since Kelly. He didn't have a great arm, but boy did he know how to move the chains. Rob J looked the part if they were auditioning for QB's in Hollywood, but pure & simple without all the excuses, he was a loser.

Great show by the way.

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In case it hasn't been mentioned flutie and his little flutopian army made up entirely of then prepubescent lads and girly girls were horrid. flutie was figured out and physically shot by the end of the season. He SUCKED. His me, me, me attitude fits in well with today's sports world, I suppose we can call him ahead of his time.


Hate the lil bastard.

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Flutie knew damn well he wasn't good enough to win meaningful games. He knew he could read a defense about as well as Vince Young could read War and Peace. Flutie's only goal was to be a starter. That was his end game. Team wins were not.


Dude, this is a bunch of ****. Not that I could fault a guy for wanting to start, but he was the team's best chance to win and he knew it. I can only assume you're pissed because he didn't take being benched for an inferior nobody like a good soldier. I don't blame him. He was in the twilight of his career and had earned that starting spot. If he'd been replaced by a competent QB that would be one thing, but he wasn't, and he knew it.


In case it hasn't been mentioned flutie and his little flutopian army made up entirely of then prepubescent lads and girly girls were horrid. flutie was figured out and physically shot by the end of the season. He SUCKED. His me, me, me attitude fits in well with today's sports world, I suppose we can call him ahead of his time.


Hate the lil bastard.


I wasn't perusing message boards back then so I don't know, but maybe that explains why so many people who are otherwise reasonable lose their minds and say ridiculous things about Flutie. I can imagine if it was as obnoxious as the EJ Manuel Fanboy Brigade got that it could have left a mental scar that prevents people from recognizing his accomplishments.

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Aside from the fact that I don't think that being better than Rob Johnson qualifies as being a good QB, one of the biggest reasons that I don't like the guy (and I've been told that this is indeed credible):






So, you're a Doug Flutie fan? It's OK. You're hardly alone in this town.

In fact, it has come to my attention that some of you will be rooting for

the San Diego Chargers this weekend solely because the cuddly little

fellow now wears a different shade of blue. Hey, it's your choice.



But before you change your allegiance for a week, you might want to know a

few things about the Flutester. For one, he's a phony. He had half of

Western New York, most of Canada and parts of New England snowed into

thinking he was such a great guy when the Bills for years were quietly

laughing while watching his little act.



Such transparent personalities aren't usually embraced in this town, but

this was a charade for the ages. Flutie had two performances working - the

one he played for the public and the off-Broadway persona reserved for

behind closed doors. We're talking two totally different dudes. You like

the one you see. You wouldn't like the one they know.



See, Flutie was a selfish, egotistical, conniving, manipulative, shrewd

individualist who did almost anything to make sure he came out looking

better than his former teammate, Rob Johnson, in their battle to run the




Did I forget insecure? Yep, Flutie worried that he would never get his

opportunity to quiet lifelong skeptics, so he worked behind the scenes

against Johnson. The word "backstabber" has been tossed around frequently

in Bills' circles to describe Flutie since he left town. Predictably, he

was a model for diplomacy when speaking to the media Wednesday.



When Johnson was injured he did everything asked to help Flutie get ready

for the next opponent, but it didn't take long for him to realize the

favor wouldn't be returned. How sophomoric did Flutie become? Well, even

when Johnson played well and the Bills won, Flutie told his teammates he

would have done a much better job, that he should have been the

quarterback, that he would have avoided more sacks, that the Bills would

have won by more had he been given the reins. And once his tiresome tirade

was over, he would ask his listeners, "Don't you think?"



What you don't know is that Johnson approached Flutie several times last

year, long before the story in Sports Illustrated and the interview with

Jim Rome outlined their genuine disdain for each other, and asked him why

he was mouthing off behind his back. Johnson was attempting to handle

things privately, like a professional. Flutie, of course, denied

everything, like an amateur. It didn't matter. Johnson knew the score

because his teammates kept telling him.



Johnson's dilemma wasn't about quarterbacking but battery. He debated

whether to simply punch out Flutie or keep quiet. Oh, he wanted Flutie in

a small room with the lights off for a woodshed special, but he

reconsidered because he thought it would have been disruptive - to the

Bills. Really, I'm not making this up.



Together, they stewed in silence. And I mean silence.



Last year, when the Bills held their quarterback meetings in preparation

for the next opponent, there usually were two people talking and neither

was named Doug or Rob. Instead, bench warmer Alex Van Pelt reviewed the

game plan with offensive coordinator Joe Pendry. Johnson threw in his two

cents every so often. Flutie threw in three cents just to be sure. But

they said nothing to each other.



What you don't know is that Flutie loved signing autographs in public but

privately complained about the exercise. He was a go-to guy in training

camp because he understood the importance of a good first impression. Give

him credit, he's an engaging man the first few times you meet him.

Grandmas and kids love the guy. People adore the underdog, and he plays

the role better than anyone in recent memory. And to him, all those people

lining up weren't Bills fans as much as they were Flutie fans. Behind the

scenes, say, on a Tuesday with nobody around, Flutie whined about such

inconveniences. After awhile, the Bills dreaded asking him to sign. He'll

deny it to the day he's dead, but it's the truth.



What you don't know is that Johnson volunteered his services to the Bills'

marketing staff. In fact, he has ordered the community relations people to

keep quiet about his charities, such as the time he spends in Children's

Hospital and his work with Habitat for Humanity, among others. He wanted

his off-field work reserved for his private life, away from the cameras

and commercials. He wanted to be known in these parts as a quarterback,

not a humanitarian.



Flutie was known as a winner, Johnson a fragile outcast. So why has Flutie

played for eight professional teams since he threw the Hail Mary? Because

Flutie's charm runs only so long before people discover the facade. Teams

aren't far behind.



Anyway, when it's all added up, the Bills' defense did more for the team's

success than anything Flutie accomplished. He has a better team wrapped

around him now, too. We'll see what happens when the Chargers play

Oakland, Denver and Seattle the second time around.



You might want to start supporting Johnson because he's not going anywhere

for a while. Since the first preseason game, he has played a grand total

of three plays behind the starting offensive line. Granted, he's no Steve

Young, but he's improving. Fans are giving him less time for success than

he's had in the pocket.



And that brings us to Bills President and General Manager Tom Donahoe, who

really didn't have a difficult decision about whether he would retain

Flutie or Johnson. Flutie had three offseason meetings with Donahoe and

the coaching staff before the Bills made their choice. Flutie, after

complaining about the process to others, made sure to say their West Coast

offense had better fit his style because he wasn't changing. Flutie told

them straight out, "I'm going to play my way." They were floored.



Johnson, on the other hand, asked how he could help the team. West Coast?

East Coast? They could have said Gulf Coast, and he would have agreed if

it meant helping the Bills win. Johnson, supposedly a California beach

bum, even asked his bosses whether they wanted him to stay in Western New

York through the winter so he could work on the new attack. They were




And when the interviews were completed, the Bills needed about 11 seconds

to realize it wasn't a Flutie-Johnson issue at all. It was Johnson or

someone else.



See, what Flutie never understood was that public perception didn't always

equate to absolute truth. He apparently didn't realize the Bills would be

talking to everyone from the backup center to the maintenance man at The

Ralph. He didn't realize how many people he insulted when he was here.

It's hardly surprising.



Doug Flutie was always about one thing. Doug Flutie.

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I'm always skeptical of second hand accounts like this. Johnson's friends and Flutie's friends probably see it differently. Hell, there are people who would tell you I'm an !@#$, and if you guys didn't know better you'd believe them.


And FTR, in a fist fight I got my money on Flutie over Johnson all day.

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I'm always skeptical of second hand accounts like this. Johnson's friends and Flutie's friends probably see it differently. Hell, there are people who would tell you I'm an !@#$, and if you guys didn't know better you'd believe them.


And FTR, in a fist fight I got my money on Flutie over Johnson all day.


Sure, it's all hearsay as far as the article goes...I'll only say that I was working for the AP back in '99, and Bucky was far from the only one that had those opinions/experiences with Flutie.


Yeah No agenda there!


I didn't say he had no agenda; I said that I had heard similar from other contacts of mine.

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Sure, it's all hearsay as far as the article goes...I'll only say that I was working for the AP back in '99, and Bucky was far from the only one that had those opinions/experiences with Flutie.




I didn't say he had no agenda; I said that I had heard similar from other contacts of mine.

Regardless, I am sure the organization did all they could to cast Flutie in a poor light. Also, who could blame him for how he acted, he was basically treated horribly no matter what he did and what he did was win. No matter if Gugny likes how he did it, he still did it, with the same personnel Johnson couldn't do it with. So, he is a "Me" guy probably because no one else was looking out for him.

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Typical player hater? Are you trying to tell me that Tebow was not awesome in college, only to become a colossal flop in the NFL? (that really is how the story went)


And as far as Maybin, I'm not disputing that he sucked. He sucked. But that's not what this is about.

I accidentally quoted your tebow post.

For sure you're a typical Flutie Hater.


As far as Maybin is concerned. This was not about him. You're right. But you made it about him when you typed that Aaron was better than Flutie.


Apologize to your boy Flutie or own up to it. Even though deep down your statement about Maybin > Flutie makes zero sense. You know better. Or should.

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Regardless, I am sure the organization did all they could to cast Flutie in a poor light. Also, who could blame him for how he acted, he was basically treated horribly no matter what he did and what he did was win. No matter if Gugny likes how he did it, he still did it, with the same personnel Johnson couldn't do it with. So, he is a "Me" guy probably because no one else was looking out for him.


I have no idea why you'd think that's the case after they gave him a $22M contract extension in the off-season between '98 and '99.


If that qualifies as being treated horribly, well, I'm sure there are millions of people that would line up to be treated horribly.

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I really think Buffalo made the wrong choice back in 1999 and I don't blame Doug one bit for his bitterness back then. I just think Ralph didnt want to pay Johnson all that money to sit on the bench.

Edited by seq004
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Yes, I'm old enough to have watched all of those games as well as I remember most of Ferguson's games. With Flutie, there was the controversy, but he was screwed in NE younger where they screwed him by not playing and they lost. The same thing happened in Buffalo. 6 sacks against RJ in the Titans game, and Wade admitted we would have won with Flutie.


He was better, and if you argue it was the defense then why didn't they win the game. Because, Flutie was not in there. The same thing happened before with Flutie.


Lastly, one point not brought up on the entire thread is Jon gruden brought in RJ to the Bucs right after the Bills experiment. Why didn't he make the starting line up? Gruden was enomored with his talent, and look of a starting QB. Gruden, the supposed QB guru thought he could make RJ a stud after dealing with Brad Johnson who just helped him win the SB in 2002. He was benched then cut. I know as I read the stories everyday down here in Tampa. I believe that was his last chance. So for a guy who was so great and should have received a shot, how did he come into a SB winning team with lots of talent still, and flopped again.


Flutie was not Rodger, Marino, etc. but if we had him in the Miracle debacle with our defense, we win that game. The titans went to the SB that year, and we had the better defense. That defense could have kept the Rams in check. What a damn shame and it falls on RCW.

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I think Tebow may be the only bigger NFL fraud than Flutie. As I stated in an earlier post, I do believe that Flutie is a wonderful dad. I don't think Tim Tebow has a genuine bone in his body. But I don't want to hijack a Flutie thread by talking about the anti-Semitic, homophobic Saint Timothy.

Have you ever actually met or spoken one single word to Tim Tebow? All I can say is wow dude...wow.
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I would be me me me me too if I had to prove myself after every freaking play.


Stupid @ Bryant Gumble asks him "Have you accepted the fact that nfl teams will pass you up (I believe after already winning the Heisman)?"


Ps. For those that didnt see the doc. Flutie replied with "Yeah I've been hearing that. My friends have told me that" in a sad and depressed demeanor.


If you watch the doc, his height is the only thing EVERYONE talked about. Forget about the wins. He's a freaking midget. Get over it.


Stupid @ Gumble. What kind of question is that??? He could have worded the question more eloquently or freaking professional.

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Aside from the fact that I don't think that being better than Rob Johnson qualifies as being a good QB, one of the biggest reasons that I don't like the guy (and I've been told that this is indeed credible):





This is a disgusting article. I wonder how Gleason sleeps at night, writing such a slanted hit piece for that, backed up with nothing but conjecture and ill will. What a hack.

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People always forget that the defense was one of the best in the league during the years Flutie was here. Also Flutie is 5 foot 10 not really that short compared to a regular person.


I've played pickup basketball with Flutie at the YMCA in Natick. He is NOT anywhere close to 5 foot 10 - he's 5 foot 8 tops.

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I have no idea why you'd think that's the case after they gave him a $22M contract extension in the off-season between '98 and '99.


If that qualifies as being treated horribly, well, I'm sure there are millions of people that would line up to be treated horribly.


Sorry I should have clarified that I was referring to sources for the article when I was discussing casting him in a poor light. As for treating him horribly, that was about how all of his critics said he could not play because of his size vs the results he was helping to produce on the field.

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