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stationary bike question


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Are you looking to burn calories or what?


for Calories you want to do HIIT - high intensity interval training. In other words, for 30 minutes go hard and fast for a minute or so and then go a minute or two at a calm speed then back up to speed and add resistance.

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is it better to increase resistance and keep time constant, or to increase the duration of the ride? I'm at 30 minutes now.

not being rude here .


get on a real bike and ride in a hilly area for about 30 minutes a day,


day by day increase the distance or see how much faster you can make a circuit


and bikes in the winter is also a great workout

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I have increased both from level 4 to 8 and from 30 minutes to an hour. What I do is set the amount of time, then when I achieve that, I increase my resistance one level. This after my Stairmaster broke and waiting on a replacement.

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I have increased both from level 4 to 8 and from 30 minutes to an hour. What I do is set the amount of time, then when I achieve that, I increase my resistance one level. This after my Stairmaster broke and waiting on a replacement.


good increasing to hr. this will give you endurance for other exercise. When you able to do one hour, start to alternate on day regular pace, the next intervals. You will find you will burn about 500 calories a session or a bit more than one pound of body fat a week. Belly will soon be gone.

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Just food for thought.......


I always thought the stationary bike was "ok" for fitness


There is nothing like getting yourself a 12 speed........map out a good outdoor ride and doing that every day......worlds better.


I was never in better shape then when i used to ride my 12 speed around the circumference of Norton Air Force Base a few times every day after work.......works everything....biulds strength in your arms....forces you to keep balance so it works your core......and of course....your getting outside and getting some fresh air.

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Millbank may disagree with me, but I have two different ways to get in some interval training. One uses your playlist, the other uses some YouTube videos.


For the playlist version, first warm up for about 10 minutes. Then, on the next song hit it - pedal as hard as you can for the duration of the song. Recover on the next 3 - 4 songs. Repeat for the next 40 minutes. Cool down on the final 10 minutes.


Here is a YouTube video that I use. Have a towel ready!!




Edited by BuffaloBud
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If you're going to do the stationary bike, do the HIIT method. That will get a bigger bang but make sure when you are in the intense period, you don't wimp out.


Agree with others--do some actual biking. If you like biking, get a bike with an rpm gauge. Keep your rpms steady throughout at 80-100 rpms no matter what the terrain. Obvioulsy a big hill will require you to gear down and your cadence may drop but when you get to the top, get the rpms going again, and definitely keep rpms going on slopes--don't coast.


And if you want to get a real bike, no need to go to the local $1500 cycle shop. Get a decent used cycle of 8-10 years in age with medium components.

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Millbank may disagree with me, but I have two different ways to get in some interval training. One uses your playlist, the other uses some YouTube videos.


For the playlist version, first warm up for about 10 minutes. Then, on the next song hit it - pedal as hard as you can for the duration of the song. Recover on the next 3 - 4 songs. Repeat for the next 40 minutes. Cool down on the final 10 minutes.


Here is a YouTube video that I use. Have a towel ready!!






this a fine method... but what i think is initially it most important to build endurance as this endurance will allow a person to do other things well and exercise longer, be more rewarded and inclined to stick at it.

Going at a moderate pace building up to 60 minutes, then alternating high intensity every other day, perhaps for 30 min. and weekends resting to restore, will give a person a workout regimen that will burn fat at a good healthy rate. If you goal is to lose weight just a suggestion, forget the scales, be persistent with exercising , proper diet, perhaps every week try on a article of clothing you could wear before you gained your weight and intend to wear when you have achieved your goal, it rewarding to see from week to week the clothes coming closer to fitting. Scales can be such a obsessive compulsion and often we do not lose weight but we do inches. just a thought.


- also we all can be impatient, working out and getting lifelong results takes time and patience, stick withitness, changing lifestyle in a positive fashion ,,, good for you dib you giving it your best shot.

Edited by millbank
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