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Music in Your Collection.......

Chef Jim

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Chef did say:


"........that people here would be suprised (sic) to know."


Now... For me, none of these posts surprise me... Not even the OP's. You too Mill. ;-P ;-P


Okay, I will take that back... Maybe if Mill posted something by Dee Snider and Twisted Sister. I might be shocked if he was blasting that from the boom-box in the barn! Might be shocked! ;-)


That's why I haven't posted anything. I can't really think of anything. I listen to all kinds of music, etc...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Tom Petty

Jethro Tull

Steely Dan


kidding aside...i've got nothing embarrassing in my music collection...everything i have i have for a reason. I avoided embarrassing **** before i added it to my library, aka, i didn't obtain anything that would be embarrassing in the first place...i am absolutely not embarrassed that i have chumbawumba


Who said anything about embarrassing?

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Here's a good one. I love me some Cindy Lauper. Time After Time gets me misty eyed every time. Also, Culture Club and Wham. George Michael definitely one of the most underrated artists in recent memory.


Do any of these surprise you, Exiled?

"Faith" was one of the best albums of the 80s, hands down, in my opinion.

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Here's a good one. I love me some Cindy Lauper. Time After Time gets me misty eyed every time. Also, Culture Club and Wham. George Michael definitely one of the most underrated artists in recent memory.


Do any of these surprise you, Exiled?


Actually... Absolutely not! I enjoy the selections you pointed out and had you pegged for them when you mentioned Natalie Merchant (andd presumably 10,000 Maniacs too) and well before that even. The Merchant thing wasn't a surprise. One thing about forums is that it is like "radio"... They get you to put together an image of a member without "seeing", just reading.


If you like Natalie Merchant check out Oskar Saville... She went on to later play a little w/10,000 Maniacs... She was also w/"Rubygrass.


Oh... Betcha you dig a little Sarah McLachlan too.... :-)

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Actually... Absolutely not! I enjoy the selections you pointed out and had you pegged for them when you mentioned Natalie Merchant (andd presumably 10,000 Maniacs too) and well before that even. The Merchant thing wasn't a surprise. One thing about forums is that it is like "radio"... They get you to put together an image of a member without "seeing", just reading.


If you like Natalie Merchant check out Oskar Seville... She went on to later play a little w/10,000 Maniacs... She was also w/"Rubygrass.


Oh... Betcha you dig a little Sarah McLachlan too.... :-)


Trust me...if you saw me walking down the street you wouldn't peg me for a Natalie Merchant fan...lol. Perhaps my "online persona" would suggest otherwise. Not a fan of Sarah McLachlan, but I do like 10,000 Maniacs.

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Trust me...if you saw me walking down the street you wouldn't peg me for a Natalie Merchant fan...lol. Perhaps my "online persona" would suggest otherwise. Not a fan of Sarah McLachlan, but I do like 10,000 Maniacs.


Thank God for "radio!" :nana: Now we know why Shower Boy had you pegged... :D



Really... How can you not like McLachlan, she's gotta voice like an angel.

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Thank God for "radio!" :nana: Now we know why Shower Boy had you pegged... :D



Really... How can you not like McLachlan, she's gotta voice like an angel.


Good question. I'm not sure. I've listened to her, but I just don't enjoy the "vibe," as it were. Joss Stone and Adele, however, I really like. Love that soulful sound...kind of like Amy Winehouse who I was a fan of before she got all dead and stuff.

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ugh...she grates on me...probably because of her dog commercials, but her music was never for me either.,....

When she sang her "arms of the angel" song in memory of Linda McCartney for Macca, I loved her. Other than that, "yawn."

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Good question. I'm not sure. I've listened to her, but I just don't enjoy the "vibe," as it were. Joss Stone and Adele, however, I really like. Love that soulful sound...kind of like Amy Winehouse who I was a fan of before she got all dead and stuff.

She even does a song "Angel"... I lose it all the time when those SPCA commercials come on... Gotta change the channel quick and hide the pocketbook! ;-)





ugh...she grates on me...probably because of her dog commercials, but her music was never for me either.,....


I guess it just goes to show you how different people have different reactions.... Like I said above, the SPCA thing gets me... Not sure why... I am not a big"dog" or animal person.



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Video won't play. Too bad cuz I'd like to hear that right now. Just got back from the State Fair with all my kids and my ex. Was a great day. I couldn't convince them to stay to see Halestorm though.


My last TBD handle was named after a Leon Russel song. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=i6MwVP6aLoGuyASZi4GwCg&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DHjy7RAu8TJ4&cd=7&ved=0CDIQuAIwBg&usg=AFQjCNGizeq9DVvXBH65yx4eHTzjkgxjvg

They throw a huge bash every year here for Leons birthday. Been doing it for close to 30 years! It's an awesome party. We sure miss JR Cale. He was always there along with all the local bands and the occasional big name star.


Two great songwriters right there.

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