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Greveys used to be wall to wall bilz and Sabres fans for games along with blue on tap, nice wings and even an outdoor bar with tvs. Used to be outstanding place to watch but haven't been in a long time. The guy that opened it played pro bball in buffalo before the team moved.


Edit: More about it



I used to go to Greveys regularly but stopped going after one of the Bills' Super Bowl games. I got there early to get a good seat but when the game started, a table full of off duty Greveys employees turned the TV we were watching away from me so they could see it better. I complained to them but they blew me off. Irate, my wife stood in front of them and they threatened to bounce her from the place. Following the game, I went over to complain to Kevin Grevey. But he wasn't too interested in hearing about it. All Bills and Sabres fans should forget about the place.

Jimmy's is a great time. Tons of people. Good beer, good wings. My only problem with Jimmy's is that he has very small TVs up in the bar, and there aren't that many. Although I have heard that he's recently built an addition on to the bar for Bills games, so maybe that is better now.


Jimmy's addition has not opened yet; it is still in the city architecture approval stage. The architect is a regular there who is retired. When done there will be more space, bigger kitchens, more bathroom stalls and an outdoor beer garden.


Used to go to Greveys and got tired of never being able to sit due to people reserving seats which were a lot like Bills games - no one in seat at kickoff. Went in recently for dinner on a non-football night and now they have televisions at every booth but the booth seats are terribly patched and uncomfortable.


I lived on 18th and Belmont from 2006- 2009 which was literally right across the street from Grand Central which was fantastic. I could walk across the street .. have 6 or 7 beers.. some good wings.. watch Bills games with some good people and walk home..



Jimmy's probably has a more hometown feel and is more fun game watching experience but if you want to hang out and go to great restaurants / bars / nightlife Grand Central in Adams Morgan is a really awesome fun area.


not to derail this thread...but i was already old and tired with kids in 2006. Grand Central was not around in my day. No Bills bars back in the late 80's, early 90's, had to call around to see who would be pulling in the game from one of those monster dishes..was usually Mr. Days or the bar at the Grand Hyatt .


As an aside, the Bukom is one of the places i used to hang out that is still open. Man, great time in there. I was a Kilamanjaro regular till they closed that place, then migrated to the Bukom. Be great to Grand Central for the Bills game, have one too many, continue the revelry after a big win, then head for some world music at the Bukom...what an awesome day that would be :thumbsup:


Man i had fun in that place

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