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Super Bowl Suggestions


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Guy who works for me is a big eagles fan. We are in Richmond VA. His old man has tickets to the game, but not for him. He is debating on going to Jacksonville , just to be there and watch the game in a bar, going to Philly to watch the game with his boys, or watching in Richmond and going to Philly in mid week if there is a parade in case they win.


I was never in Buffalo during any of the Superbowl games. Went to the last three and watched the Gints at my home in DC. I told him I would go to Philly to watch the game. Any suggestions for the young lad

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Why spend all that money to do the same thing that he could do at home ( watch the game in a bar?) Prices in J-Ville will be inflated besides. If he wants to get out for the weather then more power to him. Otherwise, watch with the buds.

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Why spend all that money to do the same thing that he could do at home ( watch the game in a bar?)  Prices in J-Ville will be inflated besides.  If he wants to get out for the weather then more power to him.  Otherwise, watch with the buds.


Guess he was wondering if was better to be in the city where the game is being played. Like I said, I could not help him as did not do either of these choices during the run. If I went to city, I had tickets. Hoping maybe someone here had traveled to one of the cities just to be there and had some feedback

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Why spend all that money to do the same thing that he could do at home ( watch the game in a bar?)  Prices in J-Ville will be inflated besides.  If he wants to get out for the weather then more power to him.  Otherwise, watch with the buds.


Jax has very few hotels, as it is not a tourist destination. My advise would be go home to Philly and party with friends. (Could probably stay at dads house-should be plenty of room since dad will be at the game)
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