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Man, Did Bush's Speech Suck


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There is no way you want this guy over John Kerry. His speech was terrible. He looked hesitant and worried. He looked like a bumbling fool. He looked like...an assssshole.


Sorry Lefties...just wanted to beat you to the punch.


Game. Set. Match.


Can't wait for the debates.

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There is no way you want this guy over John Kerry. His speech was terrible. He looked hesitant and worried. He looked like a bumbling fool. He looked like...an assssshole.


Sorry Lefties...just wanted to beat you to the punch.


Game. Set. Match.


Can't wait for the debates.


I can't wait for them either. I would love to know how we're paying for all these new programs AND making the tax cuts permanent.


I guess we've been real good so the money fairy is going to help us out these next four years.

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He finished strong. The tears were espescially touching. I enjoyed his beginning "bucket full of mumbo sunshine promises" on domestic policy. His speech writers should eliminate the word "nuclear" from any of their drafts. All in all he held up well, I mean after all, what would you expect from the US President. Speechwise, if thats a word, he's neither a Reagan nor a Clinton.


Comparing the two conventions, I'd say both were lacking on economic and domestic issues while emphasising some sort of "strength" on foreign policy. I didn't see the passion and unity in the Republican convention that was present in the Democrats. Nor did I see the Republicans extreme wing have any real podium time as compared to the Democrats. Have to agree though, the debates will be the determinant.

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I can't wait for them either.  I would love to know how we're paying for all these new programs AND making the tax cuts permanent.


I guess we've been real good so the money fairy is going to help us out these next four years.



Don't worry about it, Reagan didn't and the guy's a fricken legend.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
It's sarcasm.  There's an online definition at dictionary.com


Hopefully there will be some Pell Grants available strictly for Reading Comprehension classes for adults.



OMG!!!! You just dropped a Monty Python 16 ton weight on him!!


Whew... I must admit, sometimes sarcasm can slip by me!


I'll tell you what, I run across some extreme personalities, and that guy is perhaps the most vitriolic personality out of anyone. I can't say he didn't deserve it. :P

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Don't worry about it, Reagan didn't and the guy's a fricken legend.



You know, you bring up a great point! They always warn us that you should NEVER have more than a couple of credit cards, and by paying off one with another and spending more, you run the risk of financial ruin and bankruptcy. I wish that just once, Congress would get a lesson in economics, and be FORCED into having balanced budgets every year, and to repay the debt. I want to know how come the party of supposed 'limited government' and 'sound economic policy' can justify inflating our deficit, and ALLOW this to happen WHILE they have a majority in Congress? No excuses anymore, I'm afraid.

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You know, you bring up a great point! They always warn us that you should NEVER have more than a couple of credit cards, and by paying off one with another and spending more, you run the risk of financial ruin and bankruptcy. I wish that just once, Congress would get a lesson in economics, and be FORCED into having balanced budgets every year, and to repay the debt. I want to know how come the party of supposed 'limited government' and 'sound economic policy' can justify inflating our deficit, and ALLOW this to happen WHILE they have a majority in Congress? No excuses anymore, I'm afraid.


Both parties are equally guilty of extremely poor fiscal management. Pretending it's different is disingenuous. Passing the 1995 Balanced Budget Amendment would have happened had the Democrats not fought it.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Both parties are equally guilty of extremely poor fiscal management.  Pretending it's different is disingenuous.  Passing the 1995 Balanced Budget Amendment would have happened had the Democrats not fought it.



I KNOW, but all I heard after 'Reagan exploded the deficit' was 'WELL, DEMOCRATS CONTROLLED CONGRESS!'


NOT anymore... You and I have talked about the irresponsibility going on now, and I just wanted it know that both sides can really ziegler our deficit up!



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I KNOW, but all I heard after 'Reagan exploded the deficit' was 'WELL, DEMOCRATS CONTROLLED CONGRESS!'


NOT anymore... You and I have talked about the irresponsibility going on now, and I just wanted it know that both sides can really ziegler our deficit up!




No single entity is without blame for ratcheting up the spending. The worst part is how one-sided the rhetoric is when it is debated, which is why we continue to see the individual get screwed.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
No single entity is without blame for ratcheting up the spending.  The worst part is how one-sided the rhetoric is when it is debated, which is why we continue to see the individual get screwed.



Making lobbying completely illegal would go a long ways I think...

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I don't think legislative solutions are the answer.  Like campaign finance "reform", there is always a way around it.  The key is accountability, and that required participation and interest.



You can't be interested and participate in a process that is closed to one party or the other... it's not right, and as I have said before, I don't know how it will ever change as long as ignorance rules the day in the US. I constantly hearken back to my Roman Empire history, and wonder where we are going....

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You can't be interested and participate in a process that is closed to one party or the other... it's not right, and as I have said before, I don't know how it will ever change as long as ignorance rules the day in the US. I constantly hearken back to my Roman Empire history, and wonder where we are going....



The Roman Empire lasted over 600 years. By my math, that means we have at least 350+ to go. Where do I sign up?

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Both parties are equally guilty of extremely poor fiscal management.  Pretending it's different is disingenuous.  Passing the 1995 Balanced Budget Amendment would have happened had the Democrats not fought it.



Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


I'm not sure what's worse, tax and spend or don't tax and overspend?

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Debates--plural.  You mean Bush is going to agree to more than one debate?





I wonder what stupid rules they will impose?


They should just debate on the fly. No notes and pre-submitted questions.


Debates have become a joke in this country.


They can call it a presidential "Cage Match"... Two men enter, one leaves...



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