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Vikings place Peterson on exempt list

Freddie's Dead

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I am fine with this. Let each team handle its own discipline how it wants. The problem I have is more at the league level.


That's part of the problem. There is little consistency in the way problems are handled. It's the league office hat has to establish a credible system to handle these incidents. The last thing you want is 32 organizations having 32 different disciplinary policies for similar incidents. Having an Al Davis mind-set to bad player behavior where anything goes is not the right approach to take. It would have a damaging affect on the business but also on the moral and ethical standard on the leauge.


The league has to establish a credible disciplinary apparatus and standard that can be fairly administered. What it doesn't need is what they already have i.e. a strong-man sheriff approach where one man controls the process by being the judge and jury. It starts at the top!

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How does placing Peterson on the exempt list create a precedent for other cases?


They're completely separate.


How do you not understand what I'm saying? You're either purposely turning a blind eye to what's right in front of you or you're just trying to start something here. I said, I'm not condoning what Peterson did. Reread what I said please.



"Someone can easily doctor up a photo and present it as evidence to take a player out for weeks while the legal process takes its time because of the social media factor."


The NFL is in deep Shite right now and the beating of a 4 year old kid is beyond human scum in my book. If that was Spiller, I would have no problem if he was cut from the team immediately. The NFL has turned a blind eye waaaay too long so thank goodness the one thing that could turn this around is taking place....sponsors.


No one here is defending Peterson for this.


If CJ Spiller was GUILTY of the same, kick him out of the NFL for good and put him in the slammer for a long time.

Edited by HamSandwhich
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This was not my point. My point is, this is a slippery slope. Someone can easily doctor up a photo and present it as evidence to take a player out for weeks while the legal process takes its time because of the social media factor. I'm not saying that this is happening here, but it could lead to vindicitive people who want to hurt the player any way they can. Why not hurt them where it hurts the most? Their job, their lively hood, since its just soo easy to get people to feel symptathy and so easy for those people to pursuade the powers that be to suspend players for it?


Yes, that happens. I'm betting most of us know someone who has been part of an awful, unjustified child abuse investigation that dragged on forever. This sort of thing is fairly common in divorce/child custody proceedings but even without - I have a friend whose eldest daughter stopped growing at age 2 1/2, didn't grow again until age 4. Didn't bother her pediatrician at the time, since the child was otherwise clean and well dressed and happy and glowing with health. When her second daughter followed the same pattern, the new pediatrician reported it as suspected child abuse and my friends spent 18 awful months begging their child to eat, short-order-cooking for the child, and otherwise having their lives severely disrupted because of an ignorant professional and a child following the growth pattern of her older sibling (and, it later turned out, her mother).


I know someone else who was reported to the police for "punching her son in the face" by another motorist when she turned around to take his sippy cup at a stoplight. They had immediate photos and Dr visit to show no sign of bruising, and the witness later admitted she didn't have a clear line of sight to see what really happened, but under the law in their state if a witness report exists the case must be prosecuted. So on we went.


No malice in either of these cases - a witness who didn't see what she thought she saw, and an over-zealous and hasty pediatrician. But yeah, throw a big-money star and an angry x-girlfriend into the mix and yeah, the potential for abuse of this inconsistent non-policy is horrific.


Meanwhile, convicted and acknowledged DV guys suit up and go forth every Sunday, yes Greg Hardy I'm talking about you. Ron Rivera "day by day" - bull ****. And if there'd been a video, he'd be burnt at the stake by now.

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Yes, that happens. I'm betting most of us know someone who has been part of an awful, unjustified child abuse investigation that dragged on forever. This sort of thing is fairly common in divorce/child custody proceedings but even without - I have a friend whose eldest daughter stopped growing at age 2 1/2, didn't grow again until age 4. Didn't bother her pediatrician at the time, since the child was otherwise clean and well dressed and happy and glowing with health. When her second daughter followed the same pattern, the new pediatrician reported it as suspected child abuse and my friends spent 18 awful months begging their child to eat, short-order-cooking for the child, and otherwise having their lives severely disrupted because of an ignorant professional and a child following the growth pattern of her older sibling (and, it later turned out, her mother).


I know someone else who was reported to the police for "punching her son in the face" by another motorist when she turned around to take his sippy cup at a stoplight. They had immediate photos and Dr visit to show no sign of bruising, and the witness later admitted she didn't have a clear line of sight to see what really happened, but under the law in their state if a witness report exists the case must be prosecuted. So on we went.


No malice in either of these cases - a witness who didn't see what she thought she saw, and an over-zealous and hasty pediatrician. But yeah, throw a big-money star and an angry x-girlfriend into the mix and yeah, the potential for abuse of this inconsistent non-policy is horrific.


Meanwhile, convicted and acknowledged DV guys suit up and go forth every Sunday, yes Greg Hardy I'm talking about you. Ron Rivera "day by day" - bull ****. And if there'd been a video, he'd be burnt at the stake by now.


That's the exact thing I'm talking about. I'm sorry to hear your friends having to go through such ordeals.


The Greg Hardy thing is cut and dry. He should not be playing another down at this point. He's been convicted. At that point, the NFL should suspend him. That's BS what is going on with him.


His court date is 10/8 so I guess he could be back fairly quickly depending upon the outcome.


It's really not about AP to me, its about the big picture, and the dangerous environment these stiuations are creating.

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What Peterson did is stomach turning for the majority of Americans. To the point where the public blowback from the Vikings jaw dropping decision to let him come back made sponsors start putting warnings out there for the NFL that they are not happy. That’s how it works in the private sector where you depend on the public watching advertisers products on TV. There are no black and white rules and it’s a case by case situation.


That first sentence is the crux of it all - people are PISSED and something had to be done. Call it bowing to public pressure, etc., but the same thing happens in the private sector all the time. There was a good day-long debate about this on Sirius yesterday during my leisurely 5 hour drive to NYC.


Also, it's the Vikings that have put AD on the exempt list, not the NFL so seems a little off-base to blame the NFL / Goodell for this one...

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When you have AP's own agent saying this is the best outcome under the circumstances, I think you lose some "oomph" in being critical of the decision to sit him (with pay, mind you).


This is what they should have done all along...sit him with pay until the league makes a decision and/or the charges are resolved.

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The NFL is in deep Shite right now and the beating of a 4 year old kid is beyond human scum in my book. If that was Spiller, I would have no problem if he was cut from the team immediately. The NFL has turned a blind eye waaaay too long so thank goodness the one thing that could turn this around is taking place....sponsors.


You know, maybe it's my background, but I just can't see this. I know a lot of people share your attitude, and frankly, I find it horrific.


I worked in a large urban emergency room during college. I have seen beaten 2 year old kids. I have seen a 4 year old kid whose skull xray looked like a hard boiled egg smashed on the counter. I have tried to find something, anything, to say to the divorced father, confronting a weeping ex-wife/mother who returned from a shopping trip where she left her boyfriend to watch the boy, to find the boy slumped against a wall and unresponsive. I was 18 at the time. So yeah, I have seen beaten kids, by out of control parents who were around the bend awful. And yeah, it made a big impression on me. I would like the people who did these things to be strung up by their thumbs and used for target practice, covered in boiling oil, staked on a fire ant hill, and then you could start to hurt them.


When I look at the marks on the kid's legs, I see marks left by someone who was in control and trying to discipline. Is it bad type of discipline, especially for the reported infraction, yes. Does the man need parenting classes, to learn a better way than he was treated as a child, yes. Is he a beast that "beat" his kid and is the lowest of human scum, no, he's a parent who was trying to raise his kids in the way that he knew, in a way that is common and acceptable in his family and probably in the towns and areas in which he grew up. It is common in rural Missouri. That doesn't make it optimal or healthy or right, it doesn't make it something I personally agree with, but it doesn't make him abherrent non-human scum.


Furthermore, there may be more to the story that hasn't come out yet. Does the kid have very sensitive skin? Did he spend 5 days picking at the welts and making them worse? If the whole picture of the kids' injuries are put together, is there more to it? Some of the stuff reported in the media is obviously inflammatory - "daddy has a lot of belts in his closet" well yeah, so do many guys. So I could change my mind and decide AP is sub-human scum, but I have to hear the whole picture first.


So yeah, it being anyone, I have a big problem with them being cut at this point. Let the judicial process take place, if there is to be a league discipline process let there be a hearing with the player and his representatives and other relevant parties present, then make a decision.


I don't, and will never, understand people who run around condemning someone on the basis of social media and the internet. Never, never, ever.

Edited by Hopeful
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When you have AP's own agent saying this is the best outcome under the circumstances, I think you lose some "oomph" in being critical of the decision to sit him (with pay, mind you).


This is what they should have done all along...sit him with pay until the league makes a decision and/or the charges are resolved.


In this case, I agree. He's admitted to doing this, and its disgusting. It should be looked at in a cultural setting, one that Peterson had grown up in though.

Edited by HamSandwhich
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What Peterson did is stomach turning for the majority of Americans. To the point where the public blowback from the Vikings jaw dropping decision to let him come back made sponsors start putting warnings out there for the NFL that they are not happy. That’s how it works in the private sector where you depend on the public watching advertisers products on TV. There are no black and white rules and it’s a case by case situation. As an example, see how the Redskins name change issue has not resonated with the public to the point where there’s real outrage and the gears are in motion for any change? 4 year olds are completely defenseless. Right minded people know that, and when they saw those pictures they knew that Peterson was guilty as charged. Due process simply doesn’t matter in this case. Peterson did not show that 4 year old any mercy and the public is giving back to him their version of not showing any mercy.


It would be real nice if, now that this issue has come to the forefront, the NFL would do a full investigate into Nike’s production habits. I hear that there are still sweatshops where there's horrible conditions with beatings in some places and also still possibly using child labor. Its 2014 and if Nike can’t get a handle on the outside shops making their products then it’s time to bring production to America or the NFL should stop using Nike and change to a brand that is totally clean of "sweatshop" practices.

In the USA, you are inocent until proven guilty. You, my man, have serious bias toward believing the media, and against the courts. I say the man should be able to earn a living until found guilty. Now, the NFL is bowing to PC pressure........and that is their right....but I see a serious rush to judgement here. Now, I was the beneficiary of corporal punishment when I was growing up, mostly deserved, I might add. So, I have little problem with the idea he uses such methods on his children. It seems based on facts made public so far,, he overdid it in the one case......but, as the father of the child, he has the right/obligation to raise his kids in the manner he chooses. I don't care what the various studies say, this is a choice of parents.....and cannot be legislated by the government or the press. Stay out of the home...all you do gooders. Now, having said that, he did go over the line, and my view is you "reinstruct the parent here" The fact AP was treated like this as a child....this treatment was like he was treated.....can't stop that from happening. And ,yes, I did spank my kids....open hand....and they are none the worse for wear all these years later. Sorry, I just can't buy all this meddling in private affairs by the press. Let the law progress.......and handle it. Edited by bigK14094
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You know, maybe it's my background, but I just can't see this. I know a lot of people share your attitude, and frankly, I find it horrific.


I worked in a large urban emergency room during college. I have seen beaten 2 year old kids. I have seen a 4 year old kid whose skull xray looked like a hard boiled egg smashed on the counter. I have tried to find something, anything, to say to the divorced father, confronting a weeping ex-wife/mother who returned from a shopping trip where she left her boyfriend to watch the boy, to find the boy slumped against a wall. I was 18 at the time. I would like the people who did these things to be strung up by their thumbs and used for archery target practice, covered in boiling oil, and then you could start to hurt them.


When I look at the marks on the kid's legs, I see someone who was in control and trying to discipline. Is it bad discipline, yes. Does the man need parenting classes, to learn a better way than he was treated as a child, yes. Is he a beast that "beat" his kid and is the lowest of human scum, no, he's a parent who was trying to raise his kids in the way that he knew, in a way that is common and acceptable in his family and probably in the towns and areas in which he grew up. It is common in rural Missouri. That doesn't make it optimal or healthy or right, it doesn't make it something I personally agree with, but it doesn't make him abherrant scum.


Furthermore, there may be more to the story that hasn't come out yet. Does the kid have very sensitive skin? Did he spend 5 days picking at the welts and making them worse? Some of the stuff reported in the media is obviously inflammatory - "daddy has a lot of belts in his closet" well yeah, so do many guys.


So yeah, it being anyone, I have a big problem with them being cut at this point. Let the judicial process take place, if there is to be a league discipline process let there be a hearing with the player and his representatives and other relevant parties present, then make a decision.


I don't, and will never, understand people who run around condemning someone on the basis of social media and the internet. Never, never, ever.


Very well put. However, Peterson has admitted to his wrong doing, and he himself, called it wrong. He needs to pay a pennance for that, but as you say, that doesnt make him scum, as horrible as it may seem on the cover.

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When you have AP's own agent saying this is the best outcome under the circumstances, I think you lose some "oomph" in being critical of the decision to sit him (with pay, mind you).


This is what they should have done all along...sit him with pay until the league makes a decision and/or the charges are resolved.


I have no problem with the Vikes sitting AP with pay in this circumstance, let him resolve his legal situation and focus on that and not be a distraction to the team which he clearly will be if he keeps playing. But overall, to sit every player with a legal situation with pay until the charges are resolved and the league makes a decision - I don't think that's tenable, especially since anyone can be tried in the court of public opinion based upon social media and false charges of child abuse/DV are not uncommon, sadly, in custody disputes and divorce. Meanwhile other guys who are playing have been accused of some pretty horrific abuse.


It seems to me the core problem is the lack of a consistent and fair league discipline process that everyone (fans and sponsors and players) can have faith in. There are a bunch of players out there on the field who have been accused or even convicted of quite horrific abuse and nothing is done. If there were confidence from all that there's a reasonable process with reasonable punishments, don't you think people and sponsors would be willing to let due process take its course?

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You know, maybe it's my background, but I just can't see this. I know a lot of people share your attitude, and frankly, I find it horrific.


I worked in a large urban emergency room during college. I have seen beaten 2 year old kids. I have seen a 4 year old kid whose skull xray looked like a hard boiled egg smashed on the counter. I have tried to find something, anything, to say to the divorced father, confronting a weeping ex-wife/mother who returned from a shopping trip where she left her boyfriend to watch the boy, to find the boy slumped against a wall and unresponsive. I was 18 at the time. So yeah, I have seen beaten kids, by out of control parents who were around the bend awful. And yeah, it made a big impression on me. I would like the people who did these things to be strung up by their thumbs and used for target practice, covered in boiling oil, staked on a fire ant hill, and then you could start to hurt them.


When I look at the marks on the kid's legs, I see marks left by someone who was in control and trying to discipline. Is it bad type of discipline, especially for the reported infraction, yes. Does the man need parenting classes, to learn a better way than he was treated as a child, yes. Is he a beast that "beat" his kid and is the lowest of human scum, no, he's a parent who was trying to raise his kids in the way that he knew, in a way that is common and acceptable in his family and probably in the towns and areas in which he grew up. It is common in rural Missouri. That doesn't make it optimal or healthy or right, it doesn't make it something I personally agree with, but it doesn't make him abherrent non-human scum.


Furthermore, there may be more to the story that hasn't come out yet. Does the kid have very sensitive skin? Did he spend 5 days picking at the welts and making them worse? If the whole picture of the kids' injuries are put together, is there more to it? Some of the stuff reported in the media is obviously inflammatory - "daddy has a lot of belts in his closet" well yeah, so do many guys. So I could change my mind and decide AP is sub-human scum, but I have to hear the whole picture first.


So yeah, it being anyone, I have a big problem with them being cut at this point. Let the judicial process take place, if there is to be a league discipline process let there be a hearing with the player and his representatives and other relevant parties present, then make a decision.


I don't, and will never, understand people who run around condemning someone on the basis of social media and the internet. Never, never, ever.


Well I can safely say we will never see eye to eye on this.....

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In the USA, you are inocent until proven guilty. You, my man, have serious bias toward believing the media, and against the courts. I say the man should be able to earn a living until found guilty. Now, the NFL is bowing to PC pressure........and that is their right....but I see a serious rush to judgement here. Now, I was the beneficiary of corporal punishment when I was growing up, mostly deserved, I might add. So, I have little problem with the idea he uses such methods on his children. It seems based on facts made public so far,, he overdid it in the one case......but, as the father of the child, he has the right/obligation to raise his kids in the manner he chooses. I don't care what the various studies say, this is a choice of parents.....and cannot be legislated by the government or the press. Stay out of the home...all you do gooders. Now, having said that, he did go over the line, and my view is you "reinstruct the parent here" The fact AP was treated like this as a child....this treatment was like he was treated.....can't stop that from happening. And ,yes, I did spank my kids....open hand....and they are none the worse for wear all these years later. Sorry, I just can't buy all this meddling in private affairs by the press. Let the law progress.......and handle it.


The facts of the case are not in dispute...AP has admitted to the facts. Also this isn't a court of law - it is a private business that has code of conduct policies that let the NFL decide everything - it is in the contract that AP signed. The team has decided that the league is in better position with him "off the roster" and that is their prerogative.


He is also getting paid through the course of these events - and as well RR kept his $25M bonus....

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I have to wonder if the public is reacting to the fact that smoking Mj a few times is a year long suspension and knocking someone out is a 2 game suspension is having an impact here. With more and more states making Mary Jane legal for medical and recreation use, more and more fans are asking why it's still such a harsh fine from the nfl compared to other offenses. Dwi, domestic abuse, child abuse, assault are all slaps on the wrist in the last few years

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I have to wonder if the public is reacting to the fact that smoking Mj a few times is a year long suspension and knocking someone out is a 2 game suspension is having an impact here. With more and more states making Mary Jane legal for medical and recreation use, more and more fans are asking why it's still such a harsh fine from the nfl compared to other offenses. Dwi, domestic abuse, child abuse, assault are all slaps on the wrist in the last few years


What a noble goal! Who cares about the victims of child abuse, I just want to know why pot is so bad.

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The facts of the case are not in dispute...AP has admitted to the facts. Also this isn't a court of law - it is a private business that has code of conduct policies that let the NFL decide everything - it is in the contract that AP signed. The team has decided that the league is in better position with him "off the roster" and that is their prerogative.


He is also getting paid through the course of these events - and as well RR kept his $25M bonus....


So you've seen the contract say that he's guilty until proven innocent in these types of cases? It's that black and white. Can you take a snapshot and post it for us to have a look for ourselves what the language of the contract says?

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