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People killed in the Sept. 11, 2001

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Yeah, people deserved to die because they happened to work in a tall building. Great logic. You know, freedom of speech is wonderful, but it's pretty obvious that this guy has only been invited to speak as a result of his 9-11 comments. These jerkoffs at the college in NY picked him just to piss people off.


And the liberals wonder why we hate them...... :w00t:

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The essay contends the hijackers who crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 were "combat teams," not terrorists.


It states: "The most that can honestly be said of those involved on Sept. 11 is that they finally responded in kind to some of what this country has dispensed to their people as a matter of course."


The essay maintains that the people killed inside the Pentagon were "military targets."


Now those are certainly not invalid and unsupportable points of view. Distasteful, maybe...but I think a case can be made for each one.




"As for those in the World Trade Center," the essay said, "well, really, let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break."


The essay goes on to describe the victims as "little Eichmanns," referring to Adolph Eichmann, who executed Adolph Hitler's plan to exterminate Jews during World War II.



Coming after...


Churchill's essay argues that the Sept. 11 attacks were in retaliation for the Iraqi children killed in a 1991 U.S. bombing raid and by economic sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations following the Persian Gulf War.


Right. First he establishes a context of 9/11 being a military operation with the goal of revenge for the killing of innocents...thereby rendering the victims of 9/11 as not innocent. Using the same logic, with the bombing of and sanctions against Iraq being in response to the unprovoked invasion of and atrocities in Kuwait, I can draw the same conclusion that the "innocent" Iraqi children were not innocent, and were in fact a bunch of "little Eichmanns"...thereby rendering them, by his reasoning, legitimate targets of war and invalidating his presumed justice of the 9/11 strike. Reducto ad absurdum, his reasoning is horribly fallacious.


And that's above and beyond the sickening nature of his opinions. "Little Eichmanns"? :w00t:

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The UN is irrelevant, even back in 1991 I suppose.


Saddam, nor the UN killed 500,000 children, you and I did.


His reasoning seems to run counter to evrything we now seem to understand about the relationship between Saddam and AQ/ UBL.


What about Israel?


Matt Coppo and the rest of the 9/11 families should dismiss this a-hole, and deny him the attention that he obviously seems to crave. What better way to bring awareness to his native american causes than outrage 300,000,000 people?

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Now those are certainly not invalid and unsupportable points of view.  Distasteful, maybe...but I think a case can be made for each one.



Coming after...

Right.  First he establishes a context of 9/11 being a military operation with the goal of revenge for the killing of innocents...thereby rendering the victims of 9/11 as not innocent.  Using the same logic, with the bombing of and sanctions against Iraq being in response to the unprovoked invasion of and atrocities in Kuwait, I can draw the same conclusion that the "innocent" Iraqi children were not innocent, and were in fact a bunch of "little Eichmanns"...thereby rendering them, by his reasoning, legitimate targets of war and invalidating his presumed justice of the 9/11 strike.  Reducto ad absurdum, his reasoning is horribly fallacious. 


And that's above and beyond the sickening nature of his opinions.  "Little Eichmanns"?  :w00t:




I sincerely HATE when people use Nazi name-calling as a "logical" argument.


My grandfather was a victim of the Nazi regime, held in an internment camp where he developed a lifelong reminder of his captivity: diabetes.


What was his crime? Being AMERICAN born.


This rat bastard should be beaten by an angry mob. Hell, i'll be the first in line with the bat.

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Right.  First he establishes a context of 9/11 being a military operation with the goal of revenge for the killing of innocents...thereby rendering the victims of 9/11 as not innocent.  Using the same logic, with the bombing of and sanctions against Iraq being in response to the unprovoked invasion of and atrocities in Kuwait, I can draw the same conclusion that the "innocent" Iraqi children were not innocent, and were in fact a bunch of "little Eichmanns"...thereby rendering them, by his reasoning, legitimate targets of war and invalidating his presumed justice of the 9/11 strike.  Reducto ad absurdum, his reasoning is horribly fallacious. 


And that's above and beyond the sickening nature of his opinions.  "Little Eichmanns"?  :w00t:


Not to mention that Bin Laden doesn't discuss Iraq when he talks about 9/11. This guy appears to be thinking up new excuses for OBL.

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Not to mention that Bin Laden doesn't discuss Iraq when he talks about 9/11.  This guy appears to be thinking up new excuses for OBL.



Yeah, that too...but I was attacking the fallacy of his logic, not his fictitious information...

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And the liberals wonder why we hate them...... :w00t:





Can you see past labels like liberal and conservative? Really, ask yourself, what percentage of liberals agrees with this, that you would attribute it to the entire movement?


It's like bashing Republicans for the behavior of David Duke.

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Saw this on another board. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


Regarding the lib/conservative thing....I also feel that he's just another fringe loon. This isnt much different that the far-right religious zealots that say that we had 9/11 coming to us for "punishment of our sins" or some other nonsense. But safe to say that a lot of folks will agree with words like this. That's just sad.

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Can you see past labels like liberal and conservative? Really, ask yourself, what percentage of liberals agrees with this, that you would attribute it to the entire movement?


It's like bashing Republicans for the behavior of David Duke.




No, it's like bashing the KKK for the behavior of David Duke. I never mentioned Democrats and I'm not talking about people in politics. I'm talking about far left wing radicals in this country who have poisoned our educational system and who consistently cater to those who take extreme anti-US positions without any justification or rationale (see DCTom's post for a good dissection of this guy's bull sh--). As for the percentage of liberals who agree with him, I can't say, but apparently it's pretty high. What is the percentage who have expressed outrage over this? Where were the moderate liberals when the decision was made to invite this guy to speak at a college thousands of miles away from his own?


Seriously, do you want your child being taught by this guy?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Yeah, people deserved to die because they happened to work in a tall building.  Great logic.  You know, freedom of speech is wonderful, but it's pretty obvious that this guy has only been invited to speak as a result of his 9-11 comments.  These jerkoffs at the college in NY picked him just to piss people off.


And the liberals wonder why we hate them...... :w00t:



And there are a lot of conservative kooks who think that all the people who died in 9/11 who were abortion doctors, women who had abortions, and homosexual people deserved to die...!


It works both ways.. that's becoming my slogan! :D

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And there are a lot of conservative kooks who think that all the people who died in 9/11 who were abortion doctors, women who had abortions, and homosexual people deserved to die...!


It works both ways.. that's becoming my slogan!  :w00t:




Right, but are any of those conservative kooks are being invited to speak at colleges?


Yes it does work both ways, but make sure you are comparing apples to apples. :D

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Seriously, do you want your child being taught by this guy?



NO, just like I don't want anyone from Regent University teaching MY kids... My professor the other day said he ran across a graduate professor who referenced America's foreign policy as ALL imperialist.... those kinds of people are the ones who should NEVER teach anything! Total BS.


Once again, I will ALWAYS be there to lambaste someone like them, for they resemble the typical Berkeley school of education. HOWEVER, I hear nor see no such shock or anger when someone from the conservative extremist side shows the same lunacy....


I keep saying, extremism has NO place in my America, and I'm going to continue to fight it until I have no fight left! :w00t:

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And there are a lot of conservative kooks who think that all the people who died in 9/11 who were abortion doctors, women who had abortions, and homosexual people deserved to die...!


It works both ways.. that's becoming my slogan!  :w00t:


There are kooks on both sides, but I am willing to bet that there is not one person on the planet that thinks what you just wrote.

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Right, but are any of those conservative kooks are being invited to speak at colleges?


Yes it does work both ways, but make sure you are comparing apples to apples.  :w00t:



pssssssttt - see how these two are attacking you, and passing judgement on the essay? Interesting how this works, isn't it?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Right, but are any of those conservative kooks are being invited to speak at colleges?


Yes it does work both ways, but make sure you are comparing apples to apples.  :w00t:



Yes they are! They regularly get honorariums and such to speak at events... BELIEVE ME, I WILL fight these Berkeley school types who continue to preach their liberal extremist views.... I shall not stand for such an agenda as long as I am a part of the academic community. My biggest fear is being forced to teach using a book that is written by one of those nut cases.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
There are kooks on both sides, but I am willing to bet that there is not one person on the planet that thinks what you just wrote.



REALLY? I totally disagree. There are THOUSANDS of conservative fundamentalists who believe that all abortion doctors, women who get abortions, and homosexuals should die. They are out there, and they are scary!


It doesn't matter how they die to them, whether by 9/11, mob violence, etc... as long as they do... :w00t:





Fundamentalist nuts and their views


Ohh, and here is more vicious rhetoric from nut jobs who like AIDS deaths, etc..


Homosexuals die and they love it...


These people are about as Christian as Al Qaeda is MUSLIM. A JOKE.

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NO, just like I don't want anyone from Regent University teaching MY kids... My professor the other day said he ran across a graduate professor who referenced America's foreign policy as ALL imperialist.... those kinds of people are the ones who should NEVER teach anything! Total BS.


Once again, I will ALWAYS be there to lambaste someone like them, for they resemble the typical Berkeley school of education. HOWEVER, I hear nor see no such shock or anger when someone from the conservative extremist side shows the same lunacy....


I keep saying, extremism has NO place in my America, and I'm going to continue to fight it until I have no fight left!  :w00t:



Well, that was my point. Not only is no one lambasting this guy, more importantly no one is lambasting the school who invited him, which says to me that the entire school is complicit in his appearance.


I completely agree with you about extremists. But from what I've seen, the extremists in our educational system tilt to the far left about 90% of the time. I remember once in high school I wrote a paper for an Ethics class and was given a D by the lefty instructor. (I always got As on written assignment in school). She clearly graded it on my POV rather than on the merits of my argument. To test that theory on the next assignment I took a POV that matched her own and received an A. And it's only gotten worse since the 80s.

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