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AP could be traded; UPDATE: will be active week 3,more allegations


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Due process should be the 1st consideration above any fear IMO.


They should have never deactivated him. This country was founded on due process and innocent until proven guilty. Absolutely ridiculous.


I concur.


Honestly, this move lowered my respect for the Vikings. The 49ers kept their DT active who has a pending domestic abuse case, citing due process.


Sadly, the court of public opinion and the media don't respect due process. Anytime there's a rape allegation, they publicize the hell out of it, with no regard to the accused. No matter if they're found guilty or not, their lives are ruined.

Edited by FireChan
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This issue is certainly muddy. In the hypothetical of a child bride, its downright paradoxical. Where do you draw the line between disciplining a child and domestic abuse if you marry a 14 year old??

there's no line. they're both wrong. jerry lee? is that you?
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I haven't seen the pics but I gather that they were such as to deeply offend the majority of those who have seen them.

In dealing with AP I doubt though that a reasonable course of action can be taken by the Vikes, the league and the courts exclusively on the basis of this incident.

If AP is the kind of twisted person who regularly beats his children because he's a drunk, derives lurid and sadistic pleasure from abusing the weak and defenseless, is a sexual pervert, needs a scapegoat etc...then I would be with Esiason who said yesterday that AP should never again see a NFL playing field.

But it has been said by APs camp that this is not of frequent occurrence, that he loves his children and is a good father etc...

If that is true, then while AP may have to reflect upon his behavior and improve it, to the suggestion that he should be banned or suffer some sort of disproportionate penalty I would say "let's be sensible, shall we" or, in football speak, "CMON MAN"!

Let he who is without fault cast the first stone.

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They got waxed by NE yesterday with AP out. When the Minnesota Vikings, Inc suffers on the field it will impact the bottom line. They are 1-1 with an important game coming up. I'm sure their front office does not want to go 1-2. They will (quietly pray) that the PR nightmare of Ray Rice will not mushroom into a similar thing for AP... I'm not saying i agree with the Vikes here...but if i were a huge Minn fan i might want this to be dealt with AFTER the season when due process happens.

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You mean you aren't debating the finer points of child-brides and abuse? Color me shocked.

The daughter-bride / father-groom relationship is pretty nuanced. It really tests the limits of our ideas regarding child discipline and domestic abuse.


Who's to say whats right and whats wrong these days what with all our modern ideas and products?

Edited by Jauronimo
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The daughter-bride / father-groom relationship is pretty nuanced. It really tests the limits of our ideas regarding child discipline and domestic abuse.


Who's to say whats right and whats wrong these days what with all our modern ideas and products?


ESPN is the national jury on all facets of morality.

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I can't believe anyone is siding with AP on this. Disgusting. Glad I didn't grow up in some horrible family situation like that, so I could be proud to say "Yeah, I got beat. Look how good I turned out." Sickening.


Playing football makes you tough. Athletics teach you discipline. Being beaten and bloodied with a tree branch by a grown man who is supposed to be your idol, role model, and hero when you are 4 years old does not. And it's criminal. AP should be in jail. He is scum.

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I can't believe anyone is siding with AP on this. Disgusting. Glad I didn't grow up in some horrible family situation like that, so I could be proud to say "Yeah, I got beat. Look how good I turned out." Sickening.


Playing football makes you tough. Athletics teach you discipline. Being beaten and bloodied with a tree branch by a grown man who is supposed to be your idol, role model, and hero when you are 4 years old does not. And it's criminal. AP should be in jail. He is scum.


Yeah, forget a trial. Everyone gather together and stone him to death. :rolleyes:

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I can't believe anyone is siding with AP on this. Disgusting. Glad I didn't grow up in some horrible family situation like that, so I could be proud to say "Yeah, I got beat. Look how good I turned out." Sickening.


Playing football makes you tough. Athletics teach you discipline. Being beaten and bloodied with a tree branch by a grown man who is supposed to be your idol, role model, and hero when you are 4 years old does not. And it's criminal. AP should be in jail. He is scum.


The grown man who doled out corporal punishment to me is still my role model.

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