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Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case


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Pushed another kid away from a video game.


He's an idiot because if you hit a kid to inflict pain, you've gone overboard. At 4 years old, kids don't respond to reason, they respond to positive and negative reinforcement. To enforce discipline, you sometimes do have to give a 4 year old a swat on the behind to provide physical reinforcement of the discipline. But when that "swat" inflicts actual pain, or even injury, you've gone beyond mere discipline.


The reason Pneumonic's wrong in equating him to Rice is because intent actually matters. Rice intended to abuse a woman. Peterson didn't intend to abuse a kid, he intended to discipline the kid.


You know what else is probably going to happen? Peterson injured the kid's scrotum. I don't know about Texas, but in many jurisdictions, that means he's now a registered sex offender - in some jurisdictions, even if he's cleared of all charges.


How can a spanking be negative reinforcement if it doesn't inflict pain? Or are you talking about lasting pain? Injury, I agree.


All I know, is that as a child, I only got hit maybe twice. And it hurt enough to make me never want to get hit again. Peterson went overboard, but his heart wasn't in an evil place.

Edited by FireChan
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Pushed another kid away from a video game.


He's an idiot because if you hit a kid to inflict pain, you've gone overboard. At 4 years old, kids don't respond to reason, they respond to positive and negative reinforcement. To enforce discipline, you sometimes do have to give a 4 year old a swat on the behind to provide physical reinforcement of the discipline. But when that "swat" inflicts actual pain, or even injury, you've gone beyond mere discipline.


The reason Pneumonic's wrong in equating him to Rice is because intent actually matters. Rice intended to abuse a woman. Peterson didn't intend to abuse a kid, he intended to discipline the kid.


You know what else is probably going to happen? Peterson injured the kid's scrotum. I don't know about Texas, but in many jurisdictions, that means he's now a registered sex offender - in some jurisdictions, even if he's cleared of all charges.

How do you know AP's intent? The guy has a room for such tactics. The guy made a !@#$in joke about hurting his son's nuts. The guy drew blood ...... on a 4 year old kid. Have you seen the pictures?

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How do you know AP's intent? The guy has a room for such tactics. The guy made a !@#$in joke about hurting his son's nuts. The guy drew blood ...... on a 4 year old kid. Have you seen the pictures?


How do you?


This is what Tom is talking about, when he ripped on everyone who has leapt into outrage already.

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I have a pretty solid and secure definition for what I consider "child abuse." "Hit with a switch" isn't necessarily it, no matter what a grand jury says. It's simply not enough for me to go on.


I don't automatically bow to the justice system for my own determination of right and wrong. I wait for the facts and judge for myself. If you chose to be an overreactive crybaby incapable of independent thought, then I suggest with no pretense of humility or politeness that you're the problem, not me.


I understand what your saying, but if the alleged info is true, it crosses my line and most child abuse guidlines


The doctor told investigators that the boy had a number of lacerations on his thighs, along with bruise-like marks on his lower back and buttocks and cuts on his hand.

The police report says the doctor described some of the marks as open wounds and termed it "child abuse." Another examiner agreed, calling the cuts "extensive."



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The fact that there is a good faith debate on here re the merits of this spanking means it should not have been prosecuted.


This strikes me as more of a warning/parenting class issue, not a criminal prosecution.


If the people here have access to accurate information to have informed opinions, sure. That may or may not be the case based on the limited information available.

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When my son was born and the nurse took his footprints... The one nurse put an extra copy of his prints on the shirt of my scrubs and said: "Look he's walking all over you!"


Still have the scrubs somewhere 16 years later... And he is still walking all over me!



Now... On the contrary, our grandfather all he would have to do is show a glimpse of his barber's belt... We'd head for the hills, children scattering everywhere!

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I have a pretty solid and secure definition for what I consider "child abuse." "Hit with a switch" isn't necessarily it, no matter what a grand jury says. It's simply not enough for me to go on.


I don't automatically bow to the justice system for my own determination of right and wrong. I wait for the facts and judge for myself. If you chose to be an overreactive crybaby incapable of independent thought, then I suggest with no pretense of humility or politeness that you're the problem, not me.


Tom, in NY this is a felony (Assault 2) if there is a visible physical injury because the "switch" is a weapon. In NY objects are seen as weapons. I wasn't there and I don't know what happened, nor why the mother deemed fit to seek medical attention for her child.

That said, please keep in mind that AP is a professional football player. I say this in terms of his strength. I hope that the child isn't seriously injured.

Let me add that if you personally did this in NY, you would be in a world of chit. When AP got jammed up in a bar, Jim Miller was on Sirius blaming "over-zealous off duty cops." My guess is that AP is just another pampered scumbag. If that kid is injured, I hope that he does lots of jail time.


This case does strike a nerve with me. I have seen things in my life that human eyes were not meant to see, but there is nothing worse than child abuse.



All it takes is one prosecutor looking to make a name for himself. I have seen so many bogas child abuse cases brought too because they get publicity and are easy wins.



Edited by Bill from NYC
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Tom, in NY this is a felony (Assault 2) if there is a visible physical injury because the "switch" is a weapon. In NY objects are seen as weapons. I wasn't there and I don't know what happened, nor why the mother deemed fit to seek medical attention for her child.

That said, please keep in mind that AP is a professional football player. I say this in terms of his strength. I hope that the child isn't seriously injured.

Let me add that if you personally did this in NY, you would be in a world of chit. When AP got jammed up in a bar, Jim Miller was on Sirius blaming "over-zealous off duty cops." My guess is that AP is just another pampered scumbag. If that kid is injured, I hope that he does lots of jail time.


This case does strike a nerve with me. I have seen things in my life that human eyes were not meant to see, but there is nothing worse than child abuse.





Did you ever see a real live case of child abuse?


It wasn't in NY. Peterson expressed his apologies for leaving marks. Peterson stated that's how he was disciplined as a child.


He hit his kid in the balls with a switch. And he doesn't think he did anything wrong. That's enough for me.


He said he regretted the injuries he caused.

Edited by FireChan
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He hit his kid in the balls with a switch. And he doesn't think he did anything wrong. That's enough for me.

He apologized to the mom and said he felt terrible after seeing the damage, (he didn't realize he hit the scrotum until after) it sounds like he definitely knows he did something wrong. He may not think it was criminal. I can see how this could be prosecuted if the doctor classified these as open wounds a week after it happened, but I also think it's fair to take into account AP's intent, and hopefully he gets some education / counseling on how to be an effective parent without using violence.

Edited by Captain Caveman
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He said he regretted the injuries he caused.


I believe his lawyer said that. Here's what Peterson himself said in a CBS Article:


Peterson also acknowledged the injury to the child's scrotum, saying in the text message, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, I'm all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!


"“Never do I go overboard!" Peterson continued. "But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don't play no games when it comes to acting right.”


Yeah, he "felt bad" but wholeheartedly believed he didn't go overboard.

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The reason Pneumonic's wrong in equating him to Rice is because intent actually matters. Rice intended to abuse a woman. Peterson didn't intend to abuse a kid, he intended to discipline the kid.


"My name is DC Tom. I don't jump to conclusions like the rest of you fools, and I actually wait for the facts.....But when I do jump to conclusions, I like to state what was going through a person's mind. Did I mention my name is DC Tom and I am smarter than you?"




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