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Bleep being nervous! It's a new day and a new way in 2014. This is a tone setting game for the season and everything is in the Bills' favor. This is the 1st step toward taking over the AFC East! It's time to seize the day and break this miserable 14 year streak!! Go Bills!!!

couldn't have said it better 26!! All starts with attitude!! The BILLS need to punch the Phins right in the mouth and keep going. Gotta play physical against them!!
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I know you might say I'm a typical Bills "pessimist", but with the big win last week in Chi-town coupled with the news of the Pegula's buying the team, anyone else have "letdown" in the back of their minds in the home opener? Hoping I'm wrong. Go Bills!


quite the opposite. The team should be pumped to play

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Bleep being nervous! It's a new day and a new way in 2014. This is a tone setting game for the season and everything is in the Bills' favor. This is the 1st step toward taking over the AFC East! It's time to seize the day and break this miserable 14 year streak!! Go Bills!!!




Edited by The Dean
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Jiminy Crickets. Some people just need to find something to worry about. I just finished a very good book about Neil Armstrong, in which I found a great quote from Mike Collins (and, if you don't know who these people are...don't bother replying to the post). Collins, a noted optimist, is quoted as saying "I'm not at all convinced that everything is going to work out well, but on the other hand, there's nothing wrong with thinking that it should". So...if an attitude like that can get you to the moon, why don't you give it a try?

Collins stayed in the Apollo capsule while Aldrin and Armstrong went down to the moon. He had a much safer job, if "safe" can be used to describe circling the moon in a space capsule.

I am always nervous about the BIlls, and I always will be. Nobody knows anything about any other team at this point. It takes a few weeks for each team's place in the pecking order to be established. This game seems winnable, but tell that to everyone last week who thought that Chicago winning against the Bills was a sure thing.

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I know you might say I'm a typical Bills "pessimist", but with the big win last week in Chi-town coupled with the news of the Pegula's buying the team, anyone else have "letdown" in the back of their minds in the home opener? Hoping I'm wrong. Go Bills!


Something tells me that we are going to rip the Fish a new 'exit' this coming Sunday.

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I know you might say I'm a typical Bills "pessimist", but with the big win last week in Chi-town coupled with the news of the Pegula's buying the team, anyone else have "letdown" in the back of their minds in the home opener? Hoping I'm wrong. Go Bills!


If they win great, if they lose it will still be a great day because football and tailgating are back.

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I know you might say I'm a typical Bills "pessimist", but with the big win last week in Chi-town coupled with the news of the Pegula's buying the team, anyone else have "letdown" in the back of their minds in the home opener? Hoping I'm wrong. Go Bills!


That's what you're terrified about?


Thank God. For a moment, I was worried you were stuck in an elevator with Ray Rice.

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We will route the phins; I just feel the momentum building.


I do not feel that.


I feel fans getting excited.....but the truth is that the talent at field level wins or loses games, not fans.


I think what is building is pressure on the players to perform at a crazy high level this Sunday and that can be the enemy of execution. If they play well and win this Sunday it will be another hurdle crossed for this team.

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