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Ah for the good ole days when hip was hip as opposed to today when hipster means clueless loser. One of the many cool celebrities I cooked for and met when I worked in some hot places in LA.


Ah for the good ole days when hip was hip as opposed to today when hipster means clueless loser. One of the many cool celebrities I cooked for and met when I worked in some hot places in LA.


One of the select few to sit in Archie Bunker's chair and get away with it. :)


One of the select few to sit in Archie Bunker's chair and get away with it. :)

"Edith don't say nuthin about his eye now."

He also kissed him, think it was on the lips too if memory serves me.


"Edith don't say nuthin about his eye now."

He also kissed him, think it was on the lips too if memory serves me.


Yes it was. And it wasn't a peck on the lips either.


Ok so I was wrong about it being on the lips but not wrong about it not being a quick peck. :lol:

Right! And I do think that's where we got this smiley: :blink:




Read my screenw namec you stupidn perv. Whob do you thinkx initiated thatb ban anywayz?


Why don't I have permission to view the attachment?


I'm guessingz lackx of computern skillsp explains it.


Now runc along to the shoe departmentc and getm me some of the goodn silica.


Read my screenw namec you stupidn perv. Whob do you thinkx initiated thatb ban anywayz?




I'm guessingz lackx of computern skillsp explains it.


Now runc along to the shoe departmentc and getm me some of the goodn silica.

What's up gerbil?


Arem you the "Chef" inz that video? I askq becausen he looksb like a loserm and you write likex a loserb.


Ifm youz are you shouldm changeb the namex of it to "Fatn @#$% hamstern chowsm downz disgustingly on gross mealn preparedp by losern Chef" for the saken of accuracy. Look atn that friggin tub of lard. I hopem you crushedn up a Lipitor pillz and putm it in that burrito.


Arem you the "Chef" inz that video? I askq becausen he looksb like a loserm and you write likex a loserb.


Ifm youz are you shouldm changeb the namex of it to "Fatn @#$% hamstern chowsm downz disgustingly on gross mealn preparedp by losern Chef" for the saken of accuracy. Look atn that friggin tub of lard. I hopem you crushedn up a Lipitor pillz and putm it in that burrito.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need the advice especially from a hampster. You are a hampster aren't you? And you offended by the video because it's a reflection of all hampsters. They will eat any **** put in from of them (including packs of sila gel) because they're gluttonous guinea pig wannabes.

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