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The Big Cat

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How badly does your life suck when all you do, all day, every day, is sit at a computer and make completely pedictable I crap on you, your post, your opinion, comments......

At least his are funny sometimes and he knows how to spell predictable, so it doesn't sound like "I leaked down my leg and on to the table"

Edited by bowery4
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How badly does your life suck when all you do, all day, every day, is sit at a computer and make completely pedictable I crap on you, your post, your opinion, comments......


Easy there chief. You're on a football message board in a thread devoted to the uniform color scheme.


Grown men arguing about decorations. That's what YOU clicked on.


Back on topic -- I feel like the red hemlets would stand out wonderfully on a well calibrated HD TV. Wish we brought them back.

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Easy there chief. You're on a football message board in a thread devoted to the uniform color scheme.


Grown men arguing about decorations. That's what YOU clicked on.


Back on topic -- I feel like the red hemlets would stand out wonderfully on a well calibrated HD TV. Wish we brought them back.

You mean like in the glory days.



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This is a good sign:




YES!! Blue pants are bruttally ugly, and only serve as a reminder of how bad the team was in the 70s.










on this team... the all white Unis look classic, clean and represent the team very well with all the subtle stripes N stuff.



Blue pants = loser team.

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The Bills have not worn blue on blue since the clown suits were retired.


I know this is true, because otherwise I would have vomited.




Blue on blue would be terrible. Blue top, white pants. The Bills.


I like both of the away versions (white and blue pants).

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