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You don't know the reason any more than anyone else, stop pretending to protect this cretin politician

I just told you the reason. You don't think Barry, via Lois Lerner, didn't have Romney's tax returns and finances gone over with a fine tooth comb?


And don't make me laugh about "protect[ing] [a] cretin politician." As Rob's House alluded to, what about Barry and Tony Rezko?

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You have no idea what his retirement account balances are or how we accumulated it. You also don't know much about retirement savings because if you did, you'd know that there are a number of ways to save fore retirement and no people aren't limited to $5500 a year contributions. Simple IRA's, 401K's and defined pension plans all allow for higher contributions to name a few.


IRAs are designed for retirement savings. Mitt Romney does not need a tax sheltered retirement account to save for retirement. The 1% man is gaming the system to take even more.




IRAs are designed for retirement savings. Mitt Romney does not need a tax sheltered retirement account to save for retirement. The 1% man is gaming the system to take even more.


Just when I think you can't get any stupider, you click the Add Reply button


IRAs were originally intended as a tax shield aimed at executives. Employers eventually saw them as a lower cost alternative to the long term costs and maintenance of a pension system


I just told you the reason. You don't think Barry, via Lois Lerner, didn't have Romney's tax returns and finances gone over with a fine tooth comb?


And don't make me laugh about "protect[ing] [a] cretin politician." As Rob's House alluded to, what about Barry and Tony Rezko?


That's a neat story. It ostensibly appears that Obama did nothing wrong, but he in fact accepted the potential use of a $625,000 parcel of land for $104,000. He purchased a 10 foot strip of a 60 foot wide parcel for 1/6 of what Rezko's wife paid for it. That's fine on the surface but why would it make sense to the Rezkos to render their lot unbuildable since zoning requires a 60 foot lot (frontage) to build on? Even if Obama doesn't use the lot he can be assured that no one else can build close to his home or really use the lot. Why would Rezko give Obama such a gift? That's the real question here.




We already know that Romney has millions of dollars in his IRA. With $5500 being the limit each year there it doesn't take a genius like me to figure out this rich guy knows how to and is willing to game the system. What else is in the taxes we will never know...



*fell free to explain away the IRA thing, I need to laugh at the pathetic attempt




You do realize you can have millions in an IRA while never contributing a penny. Of course not.




IRAs are designed for retirement savings. Mitt Romney does not need a tax sheltered retirement account to save for retirement. The 1% man is gaming the system to take even more.


That is pretty stupid of him. He should have accounts where he pays no taxes on the growth at retirement. Oh wait. I imagine he has a shitload of that kind of retirement socked away too. Go Mitt!!




You do realize you can have millions in an IRA while never contributing a penny. Of course not.




That is pretty stupid of him. He should have accounts where he pays no taxes on the growth at retirement. Oh wait. I imagine he has a shitload of that kind of retirement socked away too. Go Mitt!!

I bet you can! That's going to really solve the retirement problems of many average Americans! Best tax system money can buy!




Just when I think you can't get any stupider, you click the Add Reply button


IRAs were originally intended as a tax shield aimed at executives. Employers eventually saw them as a lower cost alternative to the long term costs and maintenance of a pension system

Shut up you complete moron



I just told you the reason. You don't think Barry, via Lois Lerner, didn't have Romney's tax returns and finances gone over with a fine tooth comb?


And don't make me laugh about "protect[ing] [a] cretin politician." As Rob's House alluded to, what about Barry and Tony Rezko?

You told me? Why would I listen to an idiot like you?

Unless Jeb Bush runs. Then it could be Bush/McCain vs. Clinton/Gore.


In which case, I'm joining ISIS.


Again, I'm in the minority, but Bush would be the most qualified candidate in the field if he runs in 2016.


I wonder what Mitt will do about corporations leaving the US to avoid taxes? Send them a thank you card? Cut more health care for average Americans to help balance the budget from the revenue loss. Get those scummy 47%ers moochers that deserve nothing!




Again, I'm in the minority, but Bush would be the most qualified candidate in the field if he runs in 2016.

Gosh, just stop it! That would be like winning the lottery for me! No way would Republicans be THAT stupid. But you never know...

I wonder what Mitt will do about corporations leaving the US to avoid taxes?


Hopefully, push to reform the tax code to attract business back to the United States.


Shut up you complete moron

So you're not even going to try to address the substance of my post? You just shove your hand up your ass and start flinging poo. In your case, nutty poo.


I wonder what Mitt will do about corporations leaving the US to avoid taxes? Send them a thank you card? Cut more health care for average Americans to help balance the budget from the revenue loss. Get those scummy 47%ers moochers that deserve nothing!


Gosh, just stop it! That would be like winning the lottery for me! No way would Republicans be THAT stupid. But you never know...


Work on getting the corporate tax rate lowered. See, problem solved.



*fell free to explain away the IRA thing, I need to laugh at the pathetic attempt


Why bring the Irish into this discussion?


You told me? Why would I listen to an idiot like you?

You aspire to being just an idiot. Maybe if you listened more and stopped posting stupid ****, you wouldn't at least sound like a retard.


I bet you can! That's going to really solve the retirement problems of many average Americans! Best tax system money can buy!


Shut up you complete moron


You told me? Why would I listen to an idiot like you?


Now this is productive and well thought out analysis. You just can't argue with this logic.


And replace the lost revenue in what way?


It's funny, socialist Europe and Canada have better corporate tax rates? But I thought national health care would bankrupt us?


Because government revenues are the ultimate end. Do you know how corporations are taxed?


I bet you can! That's going to really solve the retirement problems of many average Americans! Best tax system money can buy!



How does someone such as Mitt Romney putting money away to access tax free going to affect the retirement problems of the average American? Isn't it 100% up to them to save for their own retirement? BTW have tax free income at retirement is oftentimes easier for the average American to do.


I wonder what Mitt will do about corporations leaving the US to avoid taxes? Send them a thank you card? Cut more health care for average Americans to help balance the budget from the revenue loss. Get those scummy 47%ers moochers that deserve nothing!


Gosh, just stop it! That would be like winning the lottery for me! No way would Republicans be THAT stupid. But you never know...


Did you ever think that Mitt would use his experience in business to attract corporations back to the US? Or do you think if he was elected, he'd just help his buddies get richer and starve the poor?


IRAs are designed for retirement savings. Mitt Romney does not need a tax sheltered retirement account to save for retirement. The 1% man is gaming the system to take even more.


You know what we should do? Just kill the rich and take their stuff. Sound good?


Did you ever think that Mitt would use his experience in business to attract corporations back to the US? Or do you think if he was elected, he'd just help his buddies get richer and starve the poor?

You need to ask? Didn't you see that commercial accusing him of giving some guy's wife cancer? If he had been elected, he'd have given every poor and non Repub person cancer.


And replace the lost revenue in what way?


It's funny, socialist Europe and Canada have better corporate tax rates? But I thought national health care would bankrupt us?


I don't know why I even bother responding to your ignorant ass but do you think it would be a good thing to have more corporations located in the USA? More high income people and jobs with good wages? Corporations constructing new office buildings and purchasing supplies locally? What effect would this have on government income and taxes?

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