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There must be a real bombshell in those tax records if he wouldn't release them. Would be kind of funny if this time around he releases them and he sinks the GOPs chances of winning the WH :)


You think the IRS missed something?

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Is he going to buy another horse?

On a serious note, I've been saying since early this year that I could see Romney run his own Ready For Romney or an I Told You So campaign.


Unfortunately the most realistic campaign slogan for any of the candidates would be:


What difference, at this point, does it make?




Give us an example of what bombshell could be in those tax returns.




Releasing something he doesn't need to release is a political issue? Well I guess you're making it political. Good job.


That's the funny thing, he really should just man up and release them. His cowardness only fuels the fire. No idea what he could be hiding, but it's obviously worth hiding if he won't release them.




You think the IRS missed something?


Did you sleep through the entire 2012 campaign? Most people speculated that whatever Romney was hiding was probably 100% legal. The poster boy for special privilege probably was legally bilking the system


Did you sleep through the entire 2012 campaign? Most people speculated that whatever Romney was hiding was probably 100% legal. The poster boy for special privilege probably was legally bilking the system


"Legally bilking?" If it's legal, it's not fraud. By definition, you moron.


And "most people" weren't speculating he was hiding anything. Most people knew he'd released what he was required to by campaign laws. Just like "most people" knew Obama wasn't hiding anything by not releasing his college records. They're both equally controversial - i.e. not one !@#$ing bit.


Only a warped little mind like yours would make an issue of either one. You're a boil on the ass-end of rationality.


Surprisingly Romney is crushing the rest of GOP field in not only N.H but in all of places, Iowa. I don't believe he'll run, only unless if Christie or Jeb Bush decide against it, and then maybe he'd seriously consider it. At least he can say he was right on just about all the major issues and the incompetent boob up there now is looking like a bigger bumbling fool each and every passing day.


If only people were keeping score




That's the funny thing, he really should just man up and release them. His cowardness only fuels the fire. No idea what he could be hiding, but it's obviously worth hiding if he won't release them.


Hiding from whom? If it's not a big deal in your mind to make a tax return public why not show us your last three years returns?


He released his tax returns for 2010 and 2011. Where are you getting that he didn't? He paid an effective tax rate of about 14.5% ($6.2) for those 2 years. He gave 16.4% away to charity.


The reason why he hesitated releasing them is obvious. He was being portrayed as an evil rich type by Barry. You think Hilly will be able to do the same? Doubtful.


There must be a real bombshell in those tax records if he wouldn't release them. Would be kind of funny if this time around he releases them and he sinks the GOPs chances of winning the WH :)


because it's a political issue stupid.why are you on this board reading this thread?


His tax records mean absolutely nothing. He's not breaking the law. So what's the issue?


That's the funny thing, he really should just man up and release them. His cowardness only fuels the fire. No idea what he could be hiding, but it's obviously worth hiding if he won't release them.




Did you sleep through the entire 2012 campaign? Most people speculated that whatever Romney was hiding was probably 100% legal. The poster boy for special privilege probably was legally bilking the system


Yes, I'm sure it'd be much better for his campaign if he released all of his records. Voters like you would applaud his openness and change your mind about him.

Posted (edited)

With this endless stream of B-rated candidates, I think there's a secret Republican conspiracy to get Hillary elected. They tried in 2008 knowing a pile of dirty laundry would have beaten McCainiac, but Obama screwed it up in the Democratic primary. This time with Obama not eligible and Hillary too old to run after 2016, they are pulling out all the stops thinking this is their best and last chance.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack

Romney/McCain vs HClinton/Gore 2016.




Unless Jeb Bush runs. Then it could be Bush/McCain vs. Clinton/Gore.


In which case, I'm joining ISIS.


Unless Jeb Bush runs. Then it could be Bush/McCain vs. Clinton/Gore.


In which case, I'm joining ISIS.


Why stop at ISIS? I say call Putin and ask if Lenin's embalmed corpse and their fragment of Hitler skull are willing to run as a 3rd party




And the only to keep tax filers honest is public scrutiny.


Apparently, the liberal logic is that, while we trust our federal tax agency with our health care, we can't trust them to collect taxes.

:w00t: !@#$ing classic.



"Legally bilking?" If it's legal, it's not fraud. By definition, you moron.


And "most people" weren't speculating he was hiding anything. Most people knew he'd released what he was required to by campaign laws. Just like "most people" knew Obama wasn't hiding anything by not releasing his college records. They're both equally controversial - i.e. not one !@#$ing bit.


Only a warped little mind like yours would make an issue of either one. You're a boil on the ass-end of rationality.

Wow, so much just goes right over your idiotic head! Yes Tom, so many things are legal because of cash donations to candidate that write the laws. "Most people" to you agree with Dennis Miller, so we can totally discount your "most people." Lol, and your comparing college transcriptions to tax records is hilarious! I can see this Mitt thing really touched a nerve with you and the rest of trough feeders.


We already know that Romney has millions of dollars in his IRA. With $5500 being the limit each year there it doesn't take a genius like me to figure out this rich guy knows how to and is willing to game the system. What else is in the taxes we will never know...



*fell free to explain away the IRA thing, I need to laugh at the pathetic attempt




Hiding from whom?





He released his tax returns for 2010 and 2011. Where are you getting that he didn't? He paid an effective tax rate of about 14.5% ($6.2) for those 2 years. He gave 16.4% away to charity.


The reason why he hesitated releasing them is obvious. He was being portrayed as an evil rich type by Barry. You think Hilly will be able to do the same? Doubtful.

You don't know the reason any more than anyone else, stop pretending to protect this cretin politician

Wow, so much just goes right over your idiotic head! Yes Tom, so many things are legal because of cash donations to candidate that write the laws. "Most people" to you agree with Dennis Miller, so we can totally discount your "most people." Lol, and your comparing college transcriptions to tax records is hilarious! I can see this Mitt thing really touched a nerve with you and the rest of trough feeders.


We already know that Romney has millions of dollars in his IRA. With $5500 being the limit each year there it doesn't take a genius like me to figure out this rich guy knows how to and is willing to game the system. What else is in the taxes we will never know...



*fell free to explain away the IRA thing, I need to laugh at the pathetic attempt






You don't know the reason any more than anyone else, stop pretending to protect this cretin politician


How do you know how much Romney has socked away? What kind of accounts? What do you think of his charitable donations? How do they compare with Obama, Biden, Clintons, Gore, Reid, Kerry and Pelosi?




We already know that Romney has millions of dollars in his IRA. With $5500 being the limit each year there it doesn't take a genius like me to figure out this rich guy knows how to and is willing to game the system. What else is in the taxes we will never know...



*fell free to explain away the IRA thing, I need to laugh at the pathetic attempt




You don't know the reason any more than anyone else, stop pretending to protect this cretin politician


You have no idea what his retirement account balances are or how we accumulated it. You also don't know much about retirement savings because if you did, you'd know that there are a number of ways to save fore retirement and no people aren't limited to $5500 a year contributions. Simple IRA's, 401K's and defined pension plans all allow for higher contributions to name a few.

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