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Marrone yells to Russ "go ahead and fire me"


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Don't forget the reported dysfunction between the front office and the bean counters. It's a plague all over the franchise.




Don't forget the reported dysfunction between the front office and the bean counters. It's a plague all over the franchise.


Good thing Pegula learned his lesson with the Sabres and will probably go scorched earth on the front office when he takes over control of the team

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I think in order to be a college or professional head coach an ego -- or at the very least, a great deal of self-confidence -- is a necessity, but I'm curious as to what exactly Saint Doug has done you find to be "phony."


The perception I have of him. When I first heard about this St. Doug thing it didn't shock me to hear something like that get reported. That's all.

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At least we know that you are not Coach Marrone.


That it would take a miracle to win a buffalo is a bit of a slap in the face to the front office that hired him, even purely in jest. It's the type of joke that even in the best context has a knack for hanging with people.

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"The front office has also bristled at how certain players are being used, sources said, believing that tackle Cyrus Kouandjio, this year's second-round pick, warranted more of a long look this simmer, unhappy that emerging receiver Robert Woods was benched at times and also at odds over guard Kraig Urbik, who the personnel side believes is a quality guard (he just received a contract extension a few years back) but who Marrone has soured on (the team explored trades for Urbik before roster cuts, league sources said)."


Marrone is right, you have to let your coach coach, or you fire him. Player personnel directors can't tell coaches who should play. BTW, I am generally not a Marrone fan, but he is right in this incident.


I am surprised by how many fans are looking down at Marrone over this. Maybe its because how this story was force fed to them?


You had to read the whole article to get to the quoted part above. Considering the last heated exchanged happened when the FO brought in Palmer, it makes sense that these outburst happen over disagreements on personnel. This quote makes it fairly obvious.


SO why are people defending out scouts and FO when those people have been here for the last 15 years? Kouandijo stunk and Seantrell is much better - why should CK get more time just to save face for a terrible scout?? What has Robert Woods done to earn time over Watkins or Mike Evans?? (nothing). Urbik played well in the past but the consensus on here was that he struggled this season.


Why why are we blaming Marrone for doing what needed to be done??

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Yes, I'm making assumptions. I'm connecting the dots, and there are lots of them. Rumblings of a rift in February over the training staff. Hughes yelling at his coach in front of the team. Quarterbacks coming and going on the eve of the season. Heated discussions in the tunnel at RWS. Near-universal consensus that there is quite a bit of "tension" inside the building. And now this. I don't know how much more evidence you need to figure out what's going on, but again, folks can believe what they want.


I'll say this: if the players come out and play hard tomorrow, it will put a lot of this talk to bed (even if they lose). But if they come out completely flat...


Connecting the dots with stories like this is impossible for those seeking to defend all things Bills.


If people can't see that current management at OBD are posturing to get a favorable opinion from the new owner, they're ostriches.

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Connecting the dots with stories like this is impossible for those seeking to defend all things Bills.


If people can't see that current management at OBD are posturing to get a favorable opinion from the new owner, they're ostriches.


I don't disagree, but can you define "current management" as you are using it? Are you talking about Brandon, Whaley, Marrone (who I sort of lump together) or are you talking Littman/Overdorf? Or all of the above?

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Not sure this has been posted yet, but PFT says that one inside source reports that the root of the dispute is the signing of Orton, which Marrone thinks may deal a blow to Manuel's confidence: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/09/05/marrones-frustration-arises-from-orton-signing/ . Marrone was apparently opposed.


If true, what a clusterf**k.

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It's easy to see that the anti-Marrone crowd is running with the "he's really lost the team" narrative because they just don't like the guy's personality. Perhaps they have issues with authority themselves, or perhaps he reminds them of some brusque ex-boss or whatever. And that's fine.


By 4:00 pm tomorrow, the story will either fade to the back burner, or it will be proof for the anti-Marroners that he is in over his head. My thoughts are that Marrone was force fed EJ, and is doing everything in his power to help try to make it work. His coaching ego is probably getting the best of him. But we all agree that if the Orton trump card didn't pan out, and it was not a sure thing just 2 weeks ago, he and the Bills would have been heading towards the horseshoe falls in a barrel.


I don't think Marrone will be so devoted to EJ when the real games start happening. The world knows that the head coach will be the first to get guillotined if they don't show, at minimum, a 2 game improvement in the win column this year. And if they end the drought, well hey guys, we may finally have a coach worth his salt.

Edited by HankBulloughMellencamp
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I don't disagree, but can you define "current management" as you are using it? Are you talking about Brandon, Whaley, Marrone (who I sort of lump together) or are you talking Littman/Overdorf? Or all of the above?


I suspect upper management is distancing themselves from Marrone. And by upper management, I look at everyone in the front office including Brandon and Whaley.

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Not sure this has been posted yet, but PFT says that one inside source reports that the root of the dispute is the signing of Orton, which Marrone thinks may deal a blow to Manuel's confidence: http://profootballta...-orton-signing/ . Marrone was apparently opposed.


If true, what a clusterf**k.


My pure speculation is that it's the opposite. Marrone doesn't have confidence in EJ and wanted another option. EJ is Whaley's guy. Marrone blew a gasket when they brought in Jordan Palmer and said "Get me a real QB or you might as well fire me." Whaley then paid hurricane prices for Orton, who had told the Bills months ago that if they wanted him, the price was $5M. They laughed at him at the time but then paid up once Marrone had his meltdown.


Again, that's my 100% speculation. If I'm right, though, Marrone is going to want Orton to play sooner rather than later.

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