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Marrone yells to Russ "go ahead and fire me"


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I don't think anyone here can make any educated guess, unless they know something we don't, about how El Petulante is going to view the management and coaching of the Bills when he takes over sometime in October or December.


1) The season is going to be half over at least, and no one here knows whether we are going to be looking good or looking bad when he takes over. Nothing we think now is going to matter, no matter how much you think you know about how good Marrone or Hackett or Whaley or EJ are. That is going to be a huge factor and no one is going to make any decisions whatsoever until the end of this season.


2) Because of Pegula's unique recent history with the exact same circumstances taking over the Sabres, I don't think there is anyone here that has any even educated guess on how he would handle it. The fact is, he kept things status quo and it bit him in the ass. When he later cleaned house now it looks like the team is on the right track. Some people will believe this means he won't change things and others will believe that since he did it one way and it didn't work he will now do it the other way.


3) That doesn't even bring in the fact we don't know what his feelings about Whaley and Marrone and Brandon are. Just looking at this board and half the people like Whaley and half the people don't seem to makes me believe it's impossible to know what Pegula is going to think.


I have been told by inside sources, too, that most of the management is likely to stay with Pegula but I don't know that for sure.


All that is absolutely true and excellent points to consider. I hadn't considered the possibility of sweeping changes made mid-season before, but I guess anything is possible with such a large unknown hanging over the franchise at the moment. Not saying that's what you're suggesting but the scenario of Pegula trying to learn from his mistakes and enacting instant change is interesting in that regard.

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the worst part of this is Saint Doug.


First of all, anyone who refers to himself that way is an arrogant SOB. Especially given his .500 record at SU. Most college coaches get canned for going .500, not anointed for sainthood.


Second, he is essentially saying to his current team "Man I deserve sainthood if I can win with you losers!"


Third, why do we know about "Saint Doug?" Forget all the other stuff... how did that get leaked to a national reporter right before week 1? Someone has it in for Marrone, IMO because there is no explanation for Saint Doug that makes Marrone look good.


Many of you are just angry at LaCanfora for writing the story. Do you think he made it up? If not, then where did it come from?


You're making these statements without any idea of the context of which it was said.

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And then you wonder when people tune out as soon as they read "OCin ..... "




Nah...that's just you that does that.


"Come on Mr. GG, wake up, it's activity time. Today we're going to have a little girl who plays the piano, just like your grandaughter. Won't that be nice?"


Here's something I do wonder: what you think I wonder about. If this is what you think I wonder about?


I officially have your number now, too. I'll hang it right next to DC_Tom's. Perhaps build some sort of trophy case, and hang it next to the buck's head.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Really? You honestly don't believe there is any chance he was kidding around when he said that? Please.


Does it matter? Isn't it insulting to his players, even as a joke?


Obviously someone took offense to it, or just cannot stand him so they told a member of the national sports media about it.


It looks bad, especially coming from a guy who has accomplished diddily squat in this league.


What is Marrone's strength? Offense? I sure hope not. Defense? Never heard that? Is he a great communicator? One press conference ought to be enough to say no. So what is this man's calling card?

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The team has played shockingly bad despite relatively high expectations when the team is for sale. It is two men who are already dead eating each other.


It is just funny that it is only the end of preseason.

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You're making these statements without any idea of the context of which it was said.


Why did someone tell a national media member about it? Do you have an answer for that?


Obviously if it was friends kidding around nobody would have heard about it.


All kinds of thing are said and done in locker rooms every week, and we never hear about it. So who is airing dirty laundry trying to make Marrone look like a jerk?

Edited by TheFunPolice
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Does it matter? Isn't it insulting to his players, even as a joke?


Obviously someone took offense to it, or just cannot stand him so they told a member of the national sports media about it.


It looks bad, especially coming from a guy who has accomplished diddily squat in this league.


What is Marrone's strength? Offense? I sure hope not. Defense? Never heard that? Is he a great communicator? One press conference ought to be enough to say no. So what is this man's calling card?


Sorry, I'm just not convinced any of that is true. Have a sense of humor, for Christ's sake.

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Any of what is true?


Do you think LaCanfora made up "Saint Doug?"


or maybe a disgruntled ex player told him that to make Marrone look bad?


That someone who understood the context took offense. As far as you know, the person who told the reporter didn't convey the context, or didn't know about it. The extent to which you, and some other posters, will go to take shots at someone knows no bounds. This is completely inconsequential, even if it wasn't a joke. If the guy wins, nobody will care, even if he were serious. If he loses it won't matter if it was a joke. Lighten up man. This means exactly nothing.

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Why did someone tell a national media member about it? Do you have an answer for that?

Because Marrone made a joke about that someone's car, and they are sensitive about it, and hapen to like their Honda FIT.


Don't like that answer? Prove it's wrong. I can come up with "answers" like that all night(ask around). I can be as absurd or as reasoned as I want with my "answers for that", and NONE of them will any more or less plausible than the one above.


You've asked an unaswerable question. Thus this is non-sequitor. Anybody can tell a member of the national media literally ANYTHING, for any reason.


It's the responsibility of said national media member to cofirm the story.....if the goal is journalism. IF the goal is click-rate? F that!

Obviously if it was friends kidding around nobody would have heard about it.


All kinds of thing are said and done in locker rooms every week, and we never hear about it. So who is airing dirty laundry trying to make Marrone look like a jerk?

You've sorta answered your own question: somebody with an agenda.


Yelling/arguments go on all the time, in every organization. The fact that this...can we call it trivial yet, or is the butthurt still too achy?...matter made it as far as it has?


What's the most likely reason: agenda. Whose agenda? Did they succeed, or has the story now gone the wrong way, and are they trying to control it?


Who. The. F. Knows?

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Because Marrone made a joke about that someone's car, and they are sensitive about it, and hapen to like their Honda FIT.


Don't like that answer? Prove it's wrong. I can come up with "answers" like that all night(ask around). I can be as absurd or as reasoned as I want with my "answers for that", and NONE of them will any more or less plausible than the one above.


You've asked an unaswerable question. Thus this is non-sequitor. Anybody can tell a member of the national media literally ANYTHING, for any reason.


It's the responsibility of said national media member to cofirm the story.....if the goal is journalism. IF the goal is click-rate? F that!


You've sorta answered your own question: somebody with an agenda.


Yelling/arguments go on all the time, in every organization. The fact that this...can we call it trivial yet, or is the butthurt still too achy?...matter made it as far as it has?


What's the most likely reason: agenda. Whose agenda? Did they succeed, or has the story now gone the wrong way, and are they trying to control it?


Who. The. F. Knows?


The thing is, the St Doug thing didn't just happen today. The story was written today to help bolster a story speculating about Marrone's outrage. This is the kind of thing you expect from ET and other celebrity reporting. Are some Bills fans so entirely clueless to think this means anything? It's fodder to increase readership. It's useless scandal. Try to be above garbage like this.

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The thing is, the St Doug thing didn't just happen today. The story was written today to help bolster a story speculating about Marrone's outrage. This is the kind of thing you expect from ET and other celebrity reporting. Are some Bills fans so entirely clueless to think this means anything? It's fodder to increase readership. It's useless scandal. Try to be above garbage like this.

joe buscaglia, Paul Hamilton, schopp and Bulldog treated it like it was gospel on Bills Roundtable. They went places with it that made me want to give up on everything. So doomed.
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The thing is, the St Doug thing didn't just happen today. The story was written today to help bolster a story speculating about Marrone's outrage. This is the kind of thing you expect from ET and other celebrity reporting. Are some Bills fans so entirely clueless to think this means anything? It's fodder to increase readership. It's useless scandal. Try to be above garbage like this.

Um speaking of having a sense of humor, and I will add, poor TSW reference recognition....


I thought the Honda FIT....thing would be a tip to the longer-in-the-tooth posters here such as yourself....not to take that too seriously. Christ, if you had seen what my first "answer" was, you'd really be pissed! (I almost posted it, just for you, but, since you've only recently returned to active TSW service....I decided to hold off)


The point here is click-whoring. We are seeing a transition in media, but especially in sports media, from journalism to click-whoring....or....in the mobile context, push-whoring.


This entire thing has been about click-whoring. Period. Some of us are aware of media/internet change, some of us even help(ed) to bring it about....some of us have no idea what is happening, have been wholly owned by it, and feel like they are getting trucked every time they pick up their phone.


Alls i'm trying to do, is do what I always do: bring the logic, educate the ignorant, and eradicate the FUD.

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This is an interesting point, and certainly true. Maybe you don't truly get the best out of some people unless you can challenge them in a way that makes them either a) fearful or B) pissed off enough to prove to you what they can really do. Coughlin has proven to be a master at this kind of tough love.


There is a lot of truth to this in Olympic sport. I can't speak on behalf of all or professional sports, but indeed many great coaches are great, because athletes don't feel comfortbable around them. Although that is different than fear and angst.

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There is a lot of truth to this in Olympic sport. I can't speak on behalf of all or professional sports, but indeed many great coaches are great, because athletes don't feel comfortbable around them. Although that is different than fear and angst.


The best leaders recognize their own personal attributes and trust those attributes. Patton, Lombardi, Wooden, coach K, Tony LaRussa. All personality types can work. You get into trouble when a guy with a soft underbelly like Greggo or Marrone try to lookalike Patton. Maybe they could be good coaches but they do themselves in with false bravado.


Marrone has no more business trying to be mister tough guy than bobby Knight would have trying to coach like Joe Maddon.

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