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Resurrection Mary: Chicago's Most Famous Ghost

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Urban myth

which one or both?


I know The White Lady is an urban legend. but when you drive the park at night after partying and a mist crosses the road some people will believe anything


in one place someone painted a tree trunk white at a bend in the road, other dumbasses would think hey lets run the white lady down and end up crashed

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which one or both?


I know The White Lady is an urban legend. but when you drive the park at night after partying and a mist crosses the road some people will believe anything


in one place someone painted a tree trunk white at a bend in the road, other dumbasses would think hey lets run the white lady down and end up crashed



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No. It's pretty easily dismissed too.

Err you don't find it odd a video that'd been up for years is taken down due to copyright right after I post it? :)


Here's the wiki article on her, hopefully this won't get taken down too





Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Check out these clowns. I posted their vid below. This cemetery is about 150' from the corner of my backyard. Supposedly it is haunted. Many graves date back to the 1800's in the old part.


The funny thing is... One time we were walking through it, just my daughter and I. Sunday morning. We got a call from my wife's friend. She said they were driving through the cemetery checking out the old graves... Got stuck in the grass below the hill near the pond when they wandered slightly off the road. Since we live right there, she called us to hopefully bring a board so as to get traction and get unstuck. So, my daughter and I walked to meet them... Sunday morning, bright sunshine... In the old part of the cemetery and a good 1/4 klick away from where I knew they were stuck, my 12 year old daughter turns to me and says: "There's Katharine." I said: "What? We are not in sight and at the bottom of the hill by the road, where is she?" My daughter says: "Over there, but she's gone now." I say: "What?" My daughter: "She was wearing a long gown and running." Huh! Freaked me out... It was by this girl Lena's grave too (after discovering this video)! And my daughter knew nothing of this legend... I didn't know about it either until I stumbled upon this video that these characters made.




I don't know... Could it have been a ghost or just sun flare playing tricks? But to make a vivid account of what she saw... Gown, necklace, etc... She drew a sketch of what she saw... She knew nothing of ghost stories prior to claiming what she saw. She's 11 (12 now)... I know she wasn't playing me.


I really don't believe in ghosts, but it was really freaky and honest what she said... I swayed her in no way and just kept quiet and let her tell me what she saw. I have a buddy (Marine) that was @ the Battle of Fallujah Cemetery in Iraq... He doesn't believe in ghosts either... The whole time he was there, he was more worried of getting shot by a sniper than ghosts... Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary even in the dark... Same thing with my son... I offered to bet him that he couldn't camp the whole night in the cemetery next to our house... Right next to an old above ground vault... Even better if he could go inside... Ala the movie Fantasm (sp)... He hasn't taken my bet yet! ;-) He'd only be 150' feet away from our back door! ;-)


How does anybody explain what my daughter saw? Sun flare? But to have such a candid and vivid imagination of the girls description (running, gown, necklace)... Huh? The cemetery by our house has never been a topic of discussion, we don't really even know it exists... It is just "there."



Oh... The town I live in used to make pianos @ the turn of the century (1900's)... Big Italian community with a lot of craftsman coming over from Italy... There were also a lot of mob connections being close to where Capone would spend time near Chicago Heights and on the Indiana border (about a few miles to the east)... Do Italians haunt more? LoL... ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I have to admit I'm hooked on shows like "Dead Files" and "Ghost Adventures". Some of the stuff that Amy women knows is hard to dismiss for me. Also I would love to go to some of those southwestern mining towns that Ghost Adventures find themselves in. I love the history behind all that stuff.

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I have to admit I'm hooked on shows like "Dead Files" and "Ghost Adventures". Some of the stuff that Amy women knows is hard to dismiss for me. Also I would love to go to some of those southwestern mining towns that Ghost Adventures find themselves in. I love the history behind all that stuff.


You know what drives me crazy about those shows. They ask them questions like what is your name or other stupid questions. I would be asking, what is it like to be dead? Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Is Jesus waiting for us on the other side? Do you feel pain? etc.,

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You know what drives me crazy about those shows. They ask them questions like what is your name or other stupid questions. I would be asking, what is it like to be dead? Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Is Jesus waiting for us on the other side? Do you feel pain? etc.,


You know what drives me crazy?


They're fake.

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You know what drives me crazy about those shows. They ask them questions like what is your name or other stupid questions. I would be asking, what is it like to be dead? Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Is Jesus waiting for us on the other side? Do you feel pain? etc.,

or when they are in Europe and for example expect Hungarian Ghosts to speak American English.
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