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I won't go far far as to call him a POS as others have, but I certainly don't think he's worthy of compassion, either.



I'll say it for you - he's a piece of sh--.


Wanna kill yourself? Buy a gun. Eat a bottle of Excedrin. Take a nice bath and drop the toaster in. Or speking of baths, take a warm one and slit your wrists (vertically). Jump out of a high building.


If you're so useless that you can't even kill yourself properly..... wow..


And ya know what else sucks? Suppose one of those people that died on the train had done something sinful that morning. Something awful. They died without getting a chance to repent. But suicide-boy gets his chance, since he lived. So, he gets to go to heaven, while those people who didn't get the chance to repent won't.


Why do I, someone who doesn't believe in that crap, bring that up? Because a co-worker said exactly that when a bunch of us were dicussing this.


She said "Yes, if he truly repents, he should be able to go to heaven"


My friend Drew said "well, what about the people who died on the train and didn't have a chance to repent? Do they go to hell?" she said "according to the bible, one needs to repent".


It's a wonder to me that some ultra-religious don't even see how crazy they are.

"Understanding the results" does not equal "intent".  That's why there's charges such as "criminally negligent homocide" or "manslaughter"...charges that carry the implication that, whereas you didn't intend anyone to die, you were criminally reckless in creating a situation that caused an inordinate amount of danger to others and ultimately killed someone, and you should have known better. 


This guy did not intend to kill anyone, it seems.  He WAS, however, clearly negligent and irresponsible in causing the accident.



Please STOP your incorrect spelling of "homicide", or get rid of your "I'm smarter than you" sig. :lol:


And by his jumping out, tell me how the defense will argue that he did not want to see others die. If so, he would have moved the vehicle, and not stuck around to watch what happened.


Seems like an easy case for the prosecution.


i think he should have to visit those he put in the hospital and spend a day each with the family members of those who died.


then be flown to afghanistan or iraq, given 2 weeks worth of rations, and have a bomb strapped to his chest. tell him if he really wants to leave this world and take others with him, that he should get caught by terrorists/insurgents and do the rest of us a favor

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