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NFL Europe? More like NFL Germany

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There's no question where "American" football has caught on in Europe. With the Scottish Claymores moving to Hamburg, NFL Europe now has 5 franchises in Germany. (Hamburg Sea Devils, Berlin Thunder, Cologne Centurions, Rhein {Dusseldorf} Fire, and Frankfurt Galaxy) Only the Amsterdam Admirals are the exception.


Obviously the Germans "get it." While I never expected it to catch on in Barcelona, or Moscow, or Paris, I am shocked that the teams in London and Glasgow failed. What does that say about the rest of the candy-ass Europeans?



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Obviously the Germans "get it."  While I never expected it to catch on in Barcelona, or Moscow, or Paris, I am shocked that the teams in London and Glasgow failed.  What does that say about the rest of the candy-ass Europeans?



It means they like their version of football better then american football.


I think also the NFL had some say in consolidating the league mostly into germany to save on travel cost.

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What does that say about the rest of the candy-ass Europeans?



Thats funny...thats probably what they are saying about us when they decide to take in a NFL-E game over a Rugby match.


"What the fook are all these fookin pads and helmets for??"


But I do agree in principle that more people should enjoy American Football.

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