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Please name any Bills player that has defended EJ's play this seas

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I'm quickly getting driven from this board. How many of these can there be? I came here because I've been an out of town bills fan all my life, I have no ties to WNY, I got Erie, PA networks as well as Cleveland networks where I grew up, and sided with the bills as a child despite my entire family being Browns fans, and most of my friends being bandwagon fans of whoever was good at the time. I've spent my life completely isolated. I came here to finally talk BB football with anyone else who gave a crap about who the 5th WR was. I've gotten some of that, but now 95% is nothing but EJ bashing. I root for him just like i do the bills, mostly because of the underdog angle for both. I just can't take it, its beyond my comprehension why so many people can be so fiitself on the negative before the season starts. The one thing I can say for sure from living in the Cleveland area is that running coaches and QB's out of town the first time they don't live up to your expectations WILL NEVER WORK! Please do not continue on this carousel, because it only denies you what you should crave most, which is a functional franchise that competes for championships not high draft picks. Negativity breeds itself, and its gotten like the population of China around here.


Go EJ! Go Bills!


I am with you brother. I have been around for a really long time, and I have almost never found this place so unbearable as it has been these past few weeks. You can't just keep running any player who isn't HOF within 18 months. You don't have to be a blind homer to see that. I really believe sometimes that Bills fans don't deserve nice things, based on how they carry themselves at times.

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The coaches & management are scrambling to get new QB's in house but I'd like to hear the EJ support from his teammates. Has any team members spoke up and said EJ is our QB or even mentioned leader ? The guy has been a hot mess this off-season, so are the players supporting him & his play ??

Fred Jackson, Mike Williams, Eric Wood........

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I'm quickly getting driven from this board. How many of these can there be? I came here because I've been an out of town bills fan all my life, I have no ties to WNY, I got Erie, PA networks as well as Cleveland networks where I grew up, and sided with the bills as a child despite my entire family being Browns fans, and most of my friends being bandwagon fans of whoever was good at the time. I've spent my life completely isolated. I came here to finally talk BB football with anyone else who gave a crap about who the 5th WR was. I've gotten some of that, but now 95% is nothing but EJ bashing. I root for him just like i do the bills, mostly because of the underdog angle for both. I just can't take it, its beyond my comprehension why so many people can be so fiitself on the negative before the season starts. The one thing I can say for sure from living in the Cleveland area is that running coaches and QB's out of town the first time they don't live up to your expectations WILL NEVER WORK! Please do not continue on this carousel, because it only denies you what you should crave most, which is a functional franchise that competes for championships not high draft picks. Negativity breeds itself, and its gotten like the population of China around here.


Go EJ! Go Bills!


I added the bold typeface. But I, too, seem to find the negativity alarming. For years, we have wanted Buffalo to draft a QB. Now, after ten games . . . TEN GAMES!!!! . . . many of you want to run EJ out of town. Does it matter that, as has been brought up numerous times, Kelly didn't look great his first season? I can remember when the NFL wisdom was that it took about four years to develop a quarterback. They rode the bench, watched and learned, and slowly got mixed in through injury, then, eventually, they became starters. This has been brought up before, too. But some just won't let it go. The process is faster now; more college teams run pro offenses, I know. But ten games in? Be real. Bashing a young NFL QB for being a little nervous is not being a fan. a fan would encourage him. That doesn't mean that after another season people shouldn't be expecting better play, but ten games, and a preseason spent testing OL personnel at various positions, etc. Wow, just wow.

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i think it's "tow" the company line. But maybe you missed when he told the media he didn't approve of having joint practices in Pitt.

Haven't read all the posts yet so I'm pretty sure someone else has corrected this, but in case they haven't, it's "toe" the company line.
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First off I never said he wasn't allowed his opinion. Show me were I said anything like that. I'll save you some time, you can't. He wanted people to get quotes about support for EJ. I, in return, would like to hear all the quotes from teammates that don't support EJ. Never did I try to squash his opinion I even gave him an opportunity to show teammates felt the same.


It seems as tho the OP was asking a question and reaching out to fellow TBD'ers for info or quotes from other team members showing their support for the teams chosen QB. The OP didn't ask about which teammates didn't publicly Support EJ, But rather the ones who did. Why try to "call the OP out" about something that he wasn't looking for to begin with?

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It seems as tho the OP was asking a question and reaching out to fellow TBD'ers for info or quotes from other team members showing their support for the teams chosen QB. The OP didn't ask about which teammates didn't publicly Support EJ, But rather the ones who did. Why try to "call the OP out" about something that he wasn't looking for to begin with?

Cool story bro



We should start a thread which is simply a list of different titles that could be given to the same EJ bashing thread

INteresting topic, surprised it has never been covered before :doh:

Well the OP hates EJ very much and must tell the world

lol, the OP thinks his weak attacks at EJ warrant a defense

As you can see I wasn't the only one. Your new around here you'll understand soon. By the way I'm still waiting to hear one.
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It seems as tho the OP was asking a question and reaching out to fellow TBD'ers for info or quotes from other team members showing their support for the teams chosen QB. The OP didn't ask about which teammates didn't publicly Support EJ, But rather the ones who did. Why try to "call the OP out" about something that he wasn't looking for to begin with?


There's no point in asking for that side of the equation as well, there's been a huge turnover at the QB position & the remaining QB wasn't given a captains badge. That speaks volumes to me, especially considering a majority of NFL team's QBs are captains.

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There's no point in asking for that side of the equation as well, there's been a huge turnover at the QB position & the remaining QB wasn't given a captains badge. That speaks volumes to me, especially considering a majority of NFL team's QBs are captains.

I'm sure they were afraid EJ was going to eff up the coin toss, and I imagine that they will have Eric Wood telling them what play to run, because EJ is such a girly man undeserving of the all-important captaincy.

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For serious, why would anyone "defend" his play? Their job is to practice plays and get better at them. If asked this question by a reporter, their job is to be a good teammate, however they want to interpret that.


My first guess is that every guy in the locker room knows they have things to improve on, and my hope is that they are too singularly focused on that to volunteer "defenses" to placate fans who are in search of a new problem to B word about.

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