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The first four lines



There was a time not so long ago when Americans, regardless of their political stripes, rallied round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a republican or democrat, but the President of the United States. The oath of office was taken, the wagons were circled around the country’s borders and it was America versus the rest of the world with the president of all the people at the helm.


Suddenly President Barack Obama, with the potential to become an exceptional president has become the glaring exception to that unwritten, patriotic rule.




There's no need for anyone to read past that dishonest, disgraceful opening.


It's a lie that is repeated only by the ones who cannot face up the reality of President Obama's inability to be any type of leader.








The first four lines







There's no need for anyone to read past that dishonest, disgraceful opening.



Yeah, those first four lines conveniently forget all of Bush's presidency and the second term of Clinton's.


Yeah, those first four lines conveniently forget all of Bush's presidency and the second term of Clinton's.


Or anything after five minutes into Washington's first term.


It's become a win/ lose, black/ white, winner take all political environment. No party has a lock on all the good ideas... The truly great leaders are the ones that recognize when his opposition has a better proposal, and boost his own accomplishments by using them.


I try not to demean any politician, rather try to weigh them based on merit and accomplishments...


It's become a win/ lose, black/ white, winner take all political environment. No party has a lock on all the good ideas... The truly great leaders are the ones that recognize when his opposition has a better proposal, and boost his own accomplishments by using them.


I try not to demean any politician, rather try to weigh them based on merit and accomplishments...


It's a product of the mass marketing driven media age we live in. Politicians are no longer statesmen or leaders. They're not even really people anymore. They're a brand spokesperson




It's a product of the mass marketing driven media age we live in. Politicians are no longer statesmen or leaders. They're not even really people anymore. They're a brand spokesperson


100 percent agree- entertainment to me. It makes me sad, I love this stinking country.


So, let me get this straight. I should not disrespect Obama for:




Failing to support the Constitution

Failing to protect U.S. Citizens

Being vindictive


Use of government for political purposes

Inappropriate spying



Those are just off the top of my head.


Die Fuehrerprinzip. We must respect and not question leadership.


So, let me get this straight. I should not disrespect Obama for:




Failing to support the Constitution

Failing to protect U.S. Citizens

Being vindictive


Use of government for political purposes

Inappropriate spying



Those are just off the top of my head.


Every Politician in Washington:



Being vindictive


Use of government for political purposes



Confusing With a Single Person Who Actually Has the Power to Do These Things:

Failing to support the Constitution

Failing to protect U.S. Citizens


B word, Please:

Inappropriate spying


Every Politician in Washington:



Being vindictive


Use of government for political purposes



Confusing With a Single Person Who Actually Has the Power to Do These Things:

Failing to support the Constitution

Failing to protect U.S. Citizens


B word, Please:

Inappropriate spying


I thought you were smarter than this. Make an actual argument. A post like this down here is the equivalent of a dog's shout in the Clownbox.


I thought you were smarter than this. Make an actual argument. A post like this down here is the equivalent of a dog's shout in the Clownbox.

I thought the same about you when I read your list. I know you're smarter. You threw out a list that basically covers every politician who is either Democrat or Republican. You know it as well as I do.


How the phuck is the President of the United States of America possibly NOT support the Constitution? And how is he/she (it's happening; believe it) going to "protect U.S. citizens?" The POSITION (not the person) is not a dictatorship and does not have the power to do/not do either of those things.


And I beg you to actually admit that you think there is ONE politician who doesn't lie or steal, who isn't vindictive, who isn't petty or use the government for political purposes ... and who isn't lazy. No way in hell will you do that, because you know they all have every one of those things in common; regardless of where they lie on the spectrum.


I thought the same about you when I read your list. I know you're smarter. You threw out a list that basically covers every politician who is either Democrat or Republican. You know it as well as I do.


How the phuck is the President of the United States of America possibly NOT support the Constitution? And how is he/she (it's happening; believe it) going to "protect U.S. citizens?" The POSITION (not the person) is not a dictatorship and does not have the power to do/not do either of those things.


And I beg you to actually admit that you think there is ONE politician who doesn't lie or steal, who isn't vindictive, who isn't petty or use the government for political purposes ... and who isn't lazy. No way in hell will you do that, because you know they all have every one of those things in common; regardless of where they lie on the spectrum.


I'd wager most aren't lazy - their work may not be worthwhile, but they work hard. And I wouldn't necessarily call Obama "lazy," though I do believe what's been stated before: he's more interested with the trappings of the Presidency than he is the responsibilities of it.


And the government bureaucracy is designed to be apolitical. There's pretty significant restrictions and regulations to what can go on in government offices (for example: I can't have a picture of the President in my cubicle at the client site - that's considered campaigning.) It's pretty damned difficult to purposely warp the purpose of a federal department or organization for political purposes (


And presidents suborn the Constitution all the time. Obama's the worst recent example, what with his legislating from the podium...but in all honesty, he's just building on the activities of his predecessors (Bush's "I'm ignoring this part of the law" signing statements, for example.) And Congress has been steadily enabling that behavior from the executive over that time.

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