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I am ab fab delish! (except for my back which was owie)


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I haven't been to a chiropractor in a long time and haven't been to a good chiropractor since High School. Our sports team had team chiropractors - I went to a nice school! I went to one about 5 years ago and they used one of those adjuster tools and that didn't do much. It gave me a bit of disdain for chiropractors. It made me not want to go back until a friend said she was going to one and found her to be very good. It drew my interest as my back had been getting more and more tight from prolonged exercise, little rest, bad posture and thoratic scoliosis.


She was right. The chiropractor was very good. She was hands on and worked on my lumbar region heavily. She used an ultrasound machine to loosen the muscles of my hips and lower back then allowed me to lay in a particular position to allow my body to relax in a way which alleviated a lot of the pressure and tension on the joints, muscles and 100% grassfed beef that I contain.


It was quite remarkable. I generally have to stretch my back several times a day, my quads, my hips, all of that several times a day. I am fairly flexible for as big as I am, and I am pretty strong, too. But, today I have been able to get more motion and sustain better posture without any problems. I am not a psychosomatic little whinny girl; this isn't a mental thing. When I went to the gym I went through my normal warm up for leg day and the flexibility range which normally takes a second or two to reach I was able to get to immediately.


A lot of this new age stuff I am not a big believer in but I will try most anything once. She also does acupuncture, maybe I will try that next. She does massaging and acupuncture to horses, as well - which is pretty cool.


So, does anyone here visit a chiropractor? Anyone here have experiences with it before?

Edited by jboyst62
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In early April tweaked my back in the gym. Did what I normally do with injuries, totally ignored it, worked out every day, etc. etc. until one morning it took me 1/2 an hour to get out of bed. Used a walker that day, went to the chiro the next. Within a day I traded the walker in for a cane, two days later was walking without aid. Went to see him 4 more times over the next two weeks. Within 3 weeks was back playing ball and working out.

So yeah, I'm a big believer in them, though like you and others have pointed out, some are good, some not so much.

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You sure like to post how big and strong you are. Maybe you should quit the show off stuff,stop lifting tractor engines to empress the girls and just let your back heal.

honestly, i pride myself on being strong and fit but find myself being stupid by over working myself and not resting enough.


I plan on taking two weeks off in a week, just like I planned last week and the week before. And the week before.


It is amazing how many changes my body has been thru getting old. I just can't believe 45 min with chiropractor made a difference like it did when before it would have been just an hour or two of rest.


Chiropractors are doctors like line cooks are chefs. Witch doctors.


And Boyst isn't that big. He's about Flutie's (Beerball's idol) size.

:censored: this isn't about me. Seriously, its about chiropractors and the quack like stuff. I am curious who has experience here and what they had for experience!!!


Take this seriously, c'mon!

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I prefer to go to a DO, who are real doctors that also have chiropractic training. My lifelong doctor in Buffalo is a DO and is Very good (he also one of my oldest and best friends) as is my doctor in St Augustine.


As some have mentioned Chiropractors can be a crapshoot (as can doctors for that matter). I'd avoid any Chrio who believes all diseases can be cured with manipulations.


When I worked in SF, a guy in the sales dept had a very bad back (like me),. He swore by his Chiropractor---the BEST! Seems he'd been going to him, once a week, for over three years. Yikes! That's not the kind of Chiropractor I was looking for.

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I haven't been to a chiropractor in a long time and haven't been to a good chiropractor since High School. Our sports team had team chiropractors - I went to a nice school! I went to one about 5 years ago and they used one of those adjuster tools and that didn't do much. It gave me a bit of disdain for chiropractors. It made me not want to go back until a friend said she was going to one and found her to be very good. It drew my interest as my back had been getting more and more tight from prolonged exercise, little rest, bad posture and thoratic scoliosis.


She was right. The chiropractor was very good. She was hands on and worked on my lumbar region heavily. She used an ultrasound machine to loosen the muscles of my hips and lower back then allowed me to lay in a particular position to allow my body to relax in a way which alleviated a lot of the pressure and tension on the joints, muscles and 100% grassfed beef that I contain.


It was quite remarkable. I generally have to stretch my back several times a day, my quads, my hips, all of that several times a day. I am fairly flexible for as big as I am, and I am pretty strong, too. But, today I have been able to get more motion and sustain better posture without any problems. I am not a psychosomatic little whinny girl; this isn't a mental thing. When I went to the gym I went through my normal warm up for leg day and the flexibility range which normally takes a second or two to reach I was able to get to immediately.


A lot of this new age stuff I am not a big believer in but I will try most anything once. She also does acupuncture, maybe I will try that next. She does massaging and acupuncture to horses, as well - which is pretty cool.


So, does anyone here visit a chiropractor? Anyone here have experiences with it before?


Get yourself one of these. I picked one up at a yard sale for $75. When I get stiff or sore I spend a little time in it and I feel better in no time.



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Never worked for me .At 31 ..now 55. Had to stop lifting weights ,which I loved to do. I think it works for muscle injuries ,tendons. Not Disc problems .I have 5 discs in my back that the fluid left and 2 bone spurs in my neck. Been working everyday with pain,and chiro never gave any relief. 2nd tore acl left knee with art and mcl tore in rt knee.Doing auto -collision work. Chiro is for minor pain in my book.Muscle strains and such,which heal sooner or later.

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Chiropractic is a joke. It feels good to crack your back, but it's not healing anything. I'd try aromatherapy before going to one of these quacks.


And psychosomatic does not mean whiny. It's a very real thing.


A very narrow-minded and misguided position, to be sure.


A good chiropractor (or DO) does more than "crack your back" and it is now fairly common for MDs to refer patients to them for certain conditions. Of course, manipulations aren't right for every sort of pain, of course. But I recently had a major sciatic attack (I have some L4 damage) that lingered for months. I do a series of back stretches and exercises, but that wasn't enough to relieve the issue, and might have been exacerbating it. The nerve pain radiated down my leg and settled in on my right calf. I was barely able to work, as the only way I could relieve the pain was through narcotics, which dull the mind a bit.


Anyway, despite the pain, I traveled to Buffalo for my yearly vacation and to see my DO there. I explained that I didn't feel I was walking naturally anymore, and might have been making the situation worse, by compensating in some way, for the pain. He asked me to stand up straight and looked at me from behind (nice ass!). He noticed my right shoulder was positioned significantly lower than my left. Several manipulations later and I was straightened up. I had him take photos to show me the difference. It didn't cure it all, but I have managed to cut way down on the medication and resume the back exercises,. You might argue the pain is psychosomatic (though I doubt you really understand that based on the poor quality of your post) but you can't argue the straightening of my back was physical and, almost two months later, not temporary.

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Yeah well I went to 3 different quacks.The burning in both legs ,did not leave . My chiro also said the same thing about my shoulders ,leg length. Spasms will cause one side to tighten up more than the other. If it works for you fine. But I have found no good in it. You can actually get worse if he jams the disc that is injured.This could cause more nerve damage.

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