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9-Year Old in Arizona Shoots Gun Instructor

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why the hell do you care what kind of guns anyone decides to learn to use, this is a free country and.......oh crap, wait, I've been reading too many political threads lately....i agree with you completely......


What dumb@ss gives a 9 year old an automatic weapon?

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The same dumb@sses who let their children have no limits, letting them do whatever they please, because they want the children to think of them as being "cool".


Parent or the instructor?

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Kid in Massachusetts did the same exact thing only he killed himself.


When I read this story, I vaguely remember some other story... When was the MA thing again?


Well... Yeah stupidity! Job security for a shrink out there. Like the poor girl won't need psych help for a very long time. She should probably move out of the state of AZ to find that psych help.

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The first step an instructor should take in instructing a 9-year old to shoot an Uzi is "You are not strong enough to handle an Uzi" and take it away.


Because safety first. Any firearms instructor that gives anyone a firearm they cannot handle should not be a firearms instructor.

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Any firearms instructor that gives anyone a firearm they cannot handle should not be a firearms instructor.


Blows my mind that any instructor would be stupid enough to let a nine-year-old shoot that gun, let a lone instruct her as he did with the safety off. Such a tragic event that could have easily been avoided if at least one person with common sense was involved.

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Because safety first. Any firearms instructor that gives anyone a firearm they cannot handle should not be a firearms instructor.



I was a few younger than this kid the first time my Dad took me to shoot. But he didn't just hand me the gun, put a hand on my back to brace me, and let me pull the trigger. He grabbed me, positionioned me, braced my body with his, put the gun in my hands, positioned my hands, then put his hands over mine, . He kept full control of the gun even pulled the trigger the first few rounds. After a few rounds he let me pull the trigger and would gradually ease off and let me start taking control. But he was always behind me and kept his hands out so if the gun kicked too much he could stop it.


Granted that was during the 80s and the instructor was my Dad. Today a grown man in such physical proximity to a child would probably be sued and labeled a predator

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Granted that was during the 80s and the instructor was my Dad. Today a grown man in such physical proximity to a child would probably be sued and labeled a predator


Long before I took my son to the range, we spent hours in the backyard with his BB gun. Without even loading the gun or pulling the trigger, we practiced how to approach the gun, how to hold it, how to align your trigger finger outside the trigger at all times until you're ready to shoot, how to see past your target, how to put the gun down and signal if the gun had a misfire.


Over and over and over.


I feel desperately sorry for everyone involved in this, but if that instructor was doing things right, he'd be alive.

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