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I've been missing for 7 + weeks


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I haven't been on this site for over seven plus weeks. I wasn't PO'd at anyone or anything


I had a stroke on July 8.


I went to picnic on July 5 and several people said I didn't look well. I had slowed down physically and had lost weight in the last month. I learned later that a friend was crying after the picnic that I looked really sick. She called a former semi girlfriend of mine that I hadn't seen in 4 years and had her call me on 7/6 for over 2 hours to convince me to go ton the hospital to get checked. I went in the late afternoon on 7/7 to the local emergency room about a mile away.I got vitals taken and my bp was up to 246. They immediately put me in he hospital.THe next day, 7/ 8, I was getting a MRI and I heard over the PA "Code Stroke", I asked thee person giving me the MRI who that was and he said "you". I either said or thought "holy sh*t" and remembered puking.Next thing I clearly remembered was someone visiting me 3 days later. I had two strokes at the "best" place for them, the hospital.They sent me home around the 14th but I freaked out and woke 2 hours after I had been woken up to take my pills on the first day home. The doctor at the local clinic and a visiting nurse both said I should not have been released and I should be back in. My friends took me back in and I was in the hospital until the 19th or so. I was then put in a rehab facility for about a week. Meanwhile, with no relatives in California, my Mom, sis, bro and bro-in-law decided I should be in WNY. on the 17th, my brother and b-i-l came out to get me and my stuff. I am now in Cheektowaga. It is getting late and I will continue tomorrow morning abut how I am recovering and about some fantastic people. I just got internet here today, so I posted this late this evening.

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Dennis gave me a call and gave me the heads-up on what had happened to you. I informed Boomer and that was all.


Very sorry about what happened, but I'm glad that you are doing well and with your loved ones.


We'll miss you out here, and we wish you the very best. Take care of yourself, pal.

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Wow! All our prayers sent your way Wacka! Glad you are home and with loved ones... Here's to a speedy recovery!


I was getting worried since you weren't posting... Knew you were close to the quake area and was praying that you didn't sustain any damage... Again, here's to a speedy recovery!


246 for BP is huge! Did you ever have high BP? Not shocking, but I have had high blood pressure since I was in my teens, yes teens. I have been on medication for almost 30 years... Dosage never changed and it controls it. Crazy, I was 160 pounds soaking wet and had high blood pressure as a teen... I would get it check even in high school! Now that you think of it, were there any warning signs like eye trouble, or eye doctor noticing anything @ check up time? A guy @ work went in for an eye check and glasses (safety glasses covered by work) and the doctor there immediately sent him to the hosiptal! He was put on BP meds, his was through the roof too! My grandfather (mother's side) died of a heart attack @ 59. He never was on blood pressure meds... But looking back, you could tell something wasn't right. Old photos showed him with very bulgy eyes. The co-worker that went to get an eye check, that's what the eye doctor noticed immediately! The eye doctor took his pressure right then and there and ordered him to the ER.


Get well!

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I haven't been on this site for over seven plus weeks. I wasn't PO'd at anyone or anything


Glad you are back! Since I don't have any practical knowledge about strokes all I can offer are well wishes on your recovery. I look forward to finding out more about your ordeal when you have time to fill us in. (oh yeah...you owe your friends a big thank you which I'm sure you've already delivered)


I have been on medication for almost 30 years...

Only 30? Shocking! ;)
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Part 2

My brother and bil rented a truck and packed my stuff from storage in a day.On Tuesday 7/29, My brother and i flew to Buffalo while my bil (he's a truck driver for 30 years) drove my stuff east.He made to back in about 62 hours.(6AM Tuesday- 8 PM Thursday)

I'm 57. I have no problem speaking but have a problem remembering words.I don't use that often. Had a problem remembering the word rehab until I used it enough. I drool a little bit while laying in bed. I keep hitting the wrong keys while typing. My long term memory is great I forget a celebrities' mame ( but I have done that for years).My vision is out of focus and I need a magnifying glass to read my iPhone. That has been getting netter slowly but surely. I need to use a walker outside because of balance problems. I can get around in the house without it.My day now includes (while warm) going outside. I can negotiate the 3 stairs outside by myself and walking the 100 feet or so down the driveway to the mailbox. I then sit out in the sun for a while. This can tire me out and often I will come inside to nap for the rest of the afternoon.

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Good sign- when I got shoes for the first time in 3 weeks after the stroke i tied the laces without even thinking about it. Didn't realize I had done it until after I had done it.

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Wow - what a crazy story that people knew you were sick before you did............So glad you're doing better and glad you're in WNY.


I was working at a restaurant 12 plus hours a day 6 days a week and stressed beyond belief. My wife brought a friend in for dinner who later said I didn't look good. That was the first time she had ever met me. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.


BTW to all the regular posters. Seeing many of us are getting older than dirt make sure you have someone to jump I'm and let is all know if something tragic happens. My wife knows this. Oh......and please remember the shirt.

Edited by Chef Jim
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