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Turmoil brewing between Marrone and Whaley?

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Who doesn't think heated arguments happen in pressure filled business endeavors football or otherwise? Not really an uncommon scenario.


They do, and usually accompany a major screw up by somebody.

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So you are just going to ignore the fact this has now happened twice in less than a week? Once during the Bucs game and once on the sidelines at camp. With all the other questions about an already questionable staff, there seems to be a lot of smoke.


Why am I proving to you what the conversation wasn't about? Why don't you provide what evidence you have to prove what the conversation was about?

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Rodak has more than adequately shown himself to have proclivities for mountainizing anything which even resembles a negative-leaning molehill.


So they did it just for show, or is some frustration starting to bubble up?

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It's been reported EJ was Buddy's pick, his sort of swan song in that he wanted to get the BILLS a QB before he stepped down...I'm wondering now if Whaley truly feels saddled with this guy and essentially went all in on EJ hoping to manufacture confidence in the kid so he would perform better and now, feeling like the house of cards is falling down, he's panicking a bit and knows that EJ will make or break this season for the entire team...just a thought


Nix stayed through that draft, precisely so they COULD blame it all on Nix if the pick failed. The dumb move on their part was doubling down on him by trading next year's 1 to get Watkins. That effectively nullified all the rudimentary smoke and mirrors they tried using last year by showing Whaley thinks we can win with EJ.

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Why am I proving to you what the conversation wasn't about? Why don't you provide what evidence you have to prove what the conversation was about?


They were agitated. No matter what the specific topic is, Marrone clearly was not happy. I guess if your head coach is upset it could be a hundred different things. But most of them are bad.

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Mike Rodak@mikerodak 1h

Marrone was clearly upset about something. Had some choice language reporters could hear from sideline. Whaley threw up arms in response.


Mike Rodak@mikerodak 1h

Marrone, Whaley, and Brandon having an animated conversation as Palmer, Manuel, Tuel warm up.



I'm wondering why these two are very upset at each other?


Its called EJ sucks and he knows it. His entire QB corp sucks and he knows it and Whaley hasn't done **** about it but bring in ANOTHER Loser


If Whaley didn't agree with the pick or at least have confidence EJ was the guy he would have done something about it this off season. Like draft one, sign one.


Not buying it was Nix's pick alone. No way. Whaley had to agree.


Bull **** he had to

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Who doesn't think heated arguments happen in pressure filled business endeavors football or otherwise? Not really an uncommon scenario.

Not only that, heated confrontation can be good in that it gets everything out in the open. These guys want to win, and win now. I'm down with that philosophy! Do whatever it takes to win.
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Guys, this is fun and all, but you do realize we're never going to learn a damn thing about what's going on here, right? Either the team is going to play well and everyone will get along, or they won't and heads will roll.

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Why am I proving to you what the conversation wasn't about? Why don't you provide what evidence you have to prove what the conversation was about?


We have no idea what it was about thats the problem, but it happened and there was evidence it did. The fact is Whaley, Brandon and Marrone have now had 2 highly animated discussions in the last week. Players are speaking out against Marrones practice schedule. They are talking back to the head coach. He made them run wind sprints to teach them a lesson like kids. Call it nothing if you want, but something does not seem right.

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Could also easily be strongly expressed differences of opinion on matters of importance.


How often is that directed at two of your immediate bosses?


(As an aside, there was one camera shot of Marrone on the sideline in the Lions game, with Schwartz in the background. I know it was just the angle, and has nothing to do with this, but Schwartz subtly turned his head towards Marrone in the shot and smirked a bit. A cinematographer couldn't have choreographed a better shot if he were trying to paint palace intrigue)

Edited by GG
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If Whaley didn't agree with the pick or at least have confidence EJ was the guy he would have done something about it this off season. Like draft one, sign one.


Not buying it was Nix's pick alone. No way. Whaley had to agree.


If EJ was Buddy's pick I think Whaley would have looked to get his own QB.


I used to think that EJ was a last gift from Buddy when it happened but this off-season proved that not only was EJ Whaley's choice I think he was also Brandon's choice as well.


You don't go all in on your QB (trading 2015's 1st rounder for Watkins) if he wasn't your guy.

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They do, and usually accompany a major screw up by somebody.


May be there's a leak in the pipes that run through his new office following the renovation?


May be there's issues with the field.


May be there's a rat infestation.


May be they forgot to reserve the coach a parking space.


May be they only have three footballs for practice.


May be the training staff wasn't told there was practice today.


May be all the sideline gear the ordered for Marrone is two-sizes too big.


May be they put the player with the peanut allergy at the locker adjacent to the player who ritually eats a pb&j before every practice/game.


May be Marrone wanted Carson Palmer and Whaley misheard him.

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How often is that directed at two of your immediate bosses?


Depends what the environment is like. Some executives encourage vibrant discussion when there are differences of opinion. Some prefer group think and yes men/women I've see some of the best ideas come to light as a result of open discussion.

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I don't believe EJ was Buddy's pick. At all. It was pretty clear during HC interviews in late 2012/early 2013 that Nix was being pushed aside and the transition had began given Nix's comments about Marrone. No way would any pro organization allow the outgoing GM to pick the player who would most affect the future GM's performance.


So a GM can't !@#$ up on the way out the door huh? Not as a FU to the organization who is pushing him out the door? I'd go back and look at John Butler's first round pick in 2000 before I went down that path.

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Depends what the environment is like. Some executives encourage vibrant discussion when there are differences of opinion. Some prefer group think and yes men/women I've see some of the best ideas come to light as a result of open discussion.


Open discussion, or one member ranting?



May be ...


Maybe you can think of a better response.


Or maybe you can't, because no matter how you look at it, a coach blowing up at the GM and President in front of reporters, isn't really a good picture to try to caption.

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