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Goodwin's tweet about fans booing


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Depends what you are trying to solve. Was goodwins tweet something that truly needs to be fixed? What problem did it cause the team, besides fans on here posting?


It's funny how this board wants attitude and players that'll speak their minds but are beating Goodwin up for saying that it sucks that the fans aren't in their corner right now. It's a preseason game in August. It was ugly, but it's got to feel pretty rough in the locker room when the fans are already heckling you before the first game of the season. I get the frustration but putting 14 years on guys that have been here 2-3 years, or 2-3 months is a tough spot for the players.


Hopefully it lights a positive fire instead of fueling disfunction


Let me correct something right now.


The Bills weren't boo-ed yesterday because of FOURTEEN YEARS of frustration. That's just piling on for effect.


They were boo-ed because their much-vaunted-as-improved starting offense with it's coddled, unchallenged, tentative starting QB had played 6+ quarters of football this preaseason without scoring a single touchdown.


This on top of a highly publicized GARBAGE week of practice which was going to put them under scrutiny.


I sit with people who have been season ticket holders for decades and I didn't hear anyone complaining about 14 years when they were boo-ing.


They have EARNED boo's just for what they have done since this current regime was started.


You are giving the Bills way too much credit to think that the fanbase is at the end of their rope with this team. That's not an issue.


It may be discussed here by tons of people who aren't able to exorcise the defeats from their memory by actually attending the games, experiencing the tailgate parties etc..


This team could EASILY lose for another decade and these people will still come and hope for a turnaround.


Season ticket numbers are UP for CHRISSAKE. How dumb would someone have to be to question the loyalty of this fanbase. It is utterly and completely irrational(as I told JR).

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He's been here for over a year now. Is it too much to ask him to change the pics on his site?


What he said was stuupid IMO.


Also stuupid to get all indignant about it.


When I pull up his twitter account it has him side by side with a Texas and a buffalo pic - are you really upset because he hasn't made his relationship with you facebook official? No one was questioning his loyalty yesterday and now because he said he didnt like getting booed that he's a traitor?

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It's his opinion and not at all irrational. I don't agree with it (the opinion), but I also don't question its rationality.


See my post to NoSaint.


Easy for people who aren't there to question those who are. But even if a complete lack of perspective wasn't at issue the numbers prove his line of thought irrational. People don't pay to be unsupportive.

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Let me correct something right now.


The Bills weren't boo-ed yesterday because of FOURTEEN YEARS of frustration. That's just piling on for effect.


They were boo-ed because their much-vaunted-as-improved starting offense with it's coddled, unchallenged, tentative starting QB had played 6+ quarters of football this preaseason without scoring a single touchdown.


This on top of a highly publicized GARBAGE week of practice which was going to put them under scrutiny.


I sit with people who have been season ticket holders for decades and I didn't hear anyone complaining about 14 years when they were boo-ing.


They have EARNED boo's just for what they have done since this current regime was started.


You are giving the Bills way too much credit to think that the fanbase is at the end of their rope with this team. That's not an issue.


It may be discussed here by tons of people who aren't able to exorcise the defeats from their memory by actually attending the games, experiencing the tailgate parties etc..


This team could EASILY lose for another decade and these people will still come and hope for a turnaround.


Season ticket numbers are UP for CHRISSAKE. How dumb would someone have to be to question the loyalty of this fanbase. It is utterly and completely irrational(as I told JR).


I'm not saying you are not a loyal fan but that being a team that hasn't lost a single game is probably a bit aggressive out of the gate. It sets a tone of "prove your worth our support" instead of "we've got your back until you prove you suck and don't care"


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The Bills' players are already turning on the coaches and fans and it's not even regular season yet!


My biggest concern going into last offseason was that the players had lost confidence in the coaching.


This is one of those things that makes it hard to break out of a losing culture.


Until Tuel threw that pic-6 at the goal line vs. KC last year this team had been playing out of their heads for these coaches.


After that........the efforts became variable.


We've seen this over and over.


When players start to think that their coaches can't get them to the next level they start making a lot more business decisions on the field.


This is why it is so important to get off to a good start with a group of unproven coaches like this one. They blew that first chance with a terrible first offseason.


Their best chance this season was to try to put the most talented team possible on the field and just overwhelm opponents with talent.


They did not do that. Whether it was letting an All Pro player walk or simply not adding any talent or competition to the most important position on the field to just signing some role players in FA.


The guy who should be sweating his job right now is Whaley. Marrone might get another chance if he fails here. If Whaley gets fired he will never seen a GM job again.

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When I pull up his twitter account it has him side by side with a Texas and a buffalo pic - are you really upset because he hasn't made his relationship with you facebook official? No one was questioning his loyalty yesterday and now because he said he didnt like getting booed that he's a traitor?

Jeebus, read too much into a single comment? When I use the link in the initial post I see longhorns, no Bills.


Yes, I want him drawn and quartered.

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And don't forget that they make season ticket holders buy preseason tickets, and they'll blackout the games if they don't sell out. So put an entertaining, competent product on the f'ing field or suffer the consequences. I can't believe that folks are standing up for this clown. Fans have a right to boo. I hated Ralph Wilson but even he would've acknowledged that (indeed, he fired Tom Donahoe out of a similar conflict).

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Jeebus, read too much into a single comment? When I use the link in the initial post I see longhorns, no Bills.


Yes, I want him drawn and quartered.


The traitor comment wasn't solely directed at you - there have been several comments on the guy liking Texas more than buff. Never seen it questioned before last night, so it rings petty.


The guys tweet was silly but all I think he's trying to say us that it's tough to be getting booed before starting the season. It's got to feel like it's going to be an uphill battle for the team at home.

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He should be cut. Maybe he can help Branch pack, as long as he's not afraid of getting puked on.


Immature, average players who alienate the fanbase of a team lucky enough to be filling seats after a 14 year drought shouldn't be taking roster spots, IMO.


Go cry in your Texas Longhorn towel, widdew baby.

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I'm not saying you are not a loyal fan but that being a team that hasn't lost a single game is probably a bit aggressive out of the gate. It sets a tone of "prove your worth our support" instead of "we've got your back until you prove you suck and don't care"


Did I say you were questioning MY loyalty? Half of the stadium was booing and 40% of the rest were kids paying no attention to the boring excuse for a team that was on the field. I heard not a one complaint from anyone about the boo-ing. This team proved it sucked last year but the boo'ing was only for the offense yesterday. The burden of proof is DECIDEDLY on them. Whaley and Marrone assured that by making very few changes to the offense(both personnel and scheme-wise) and entrusting the returning players to perform better. They do need to prove they are worthy of support. Not sure why that would even be in question. We have been hearing all camp about their struggles and then seeing it in games. Let it be known that we expect better or you will be rightfully boo'ed. Football isn't about faith it is about competition. What we saw out there yesterday looked like a bunch of players sick and tired of the preaseason giving an uncompetitive performance on offense. Evidenced by the confusion and the penalties. End of story.

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The traitor comment wasn't solely directed at you - there have been several comments on the guy liking Texas more than buff. Never seen it questioned before last night, so it rings petty.


The guys tweet was silly but all I think he's trying to say us that it's tough to be getting booed before starting the season. It's got to feel like it's going to be an uphill battle for the team at home.


What do you want the paying customers in the stands to do? Cheer bad performances? I watched the game on TV. Fan or not it is a tough to watch such low quallity of play. Players who play for mediocre teams should not be spending much time bellyaching about how they are unfairly being treated. It demonstrates a weak-mindedness. It is a lame response to a fan's right to react.


There is an understandable restlessness in the stands. They see what is obvious to everyone. The level of play from the most important position is inadequate. I'm far from being categorized as an EJ basher. But unless there is a dramatic upgrade in his play then the ability to be a competitive team is miniscule. (I'm not talking playoffs this year because I believe it is out of reach.) If Manuel doesn't develop then what happens next year?


In general I like Whaley. But there is no plan B at the qb position. In my opinion he has put this franchise in a very vulnerable situation without an adquate backup plan.

Edited by JohnC
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Respect and loyalty must be earned. It is not like parental love, unconditional. This offense and the offensive coaching has done almost nothing to earn our loyalty and respect. This team is lucky all they get is a little well deserved booing by the fans. The team is lucky they are just booing instead of voting with their pocket books and just being ignored.

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Buffalo appears to be gifting Pettine with some serious job security. He has to be having very pleasant dreams of getting that great piece of the puzzle toward building a SB bound team with that very high Buffalo #1 pick next year, regardless of how his own team plays this year.

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You can tell by the mostly hostile responses fans are not in the mood to hear no sht.

14 yes and even the most diehards are sick of losing. Now that being said Hackett and his ridiculous vanilla preseason game plan is why the O looks pathetic. I think at half time the front office must of got in Marrones ear because they opened up the offense a bit. The two touchdown drives are more indicative of the normal offense.IMHO we should let ej get into a rythym.Ij think the boos let Whaley know"look I know its preseason but this is just awful" and as far as Flash's comments here's an idea stop sucking!

Edited by LVBillsBackr
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