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1) 2009 - Turk Schonert attempts to bring back the K-gun and is fired before the season starts.

2) 2013 - No-huddle makes another appearance in Buffalo with a Rookie QB and backups that cannot even play in the CFL. We also bring in the read-option but it is one year late to the party and the QB never takes the option..

3) 2014) - Zero TD's against first string defenses in 4 preseason games, TERRIBLE QB play across the board, OL in shambles, etc. Yeah it is preason but see number 1 above and it looks pretty similar to that situation..



What do they all have in common? Nate Hackett. Offensive Quality Control Coordinator from 2008-2009 that spent a lot of time learning the no-huddle for Turk. I do not need to explain last year and this year....


In fairness Hackett grew up around a father who coached NFL offenses for something like 25 seasons. He didn't just have Schonert as a mentor on how to coordinate a WCO.

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